Designer Fish

it realy seems like a lot of you guys aren't reading the other posts before posting

ALL sexual reproduction alters the gene pool. this is about whether the gene pool should be altered to produce healthier, more attractive, and quite possibly safer organisms or not.
Not reading seems to be epidemic. There are fundamental differences between artificial genetic manipulation, selective breeding, and natural genetic drift in wild populations. An example of the first might occur when a gene for luminosity, taken from a jellyfish, is added to the DNA structure of a Rasbora.

Selective breeding done in order to produce variations that would not appear in nature because these variants run counter to natural selection is commonly done with dogs and other domestic animals, and extensively done with ornamental freshwater fishes. It is now being done with clownfishes. The mixing of these selectively bred specimens with wild fish can result in genetic damage to wild populations.

The normal genetic mixing inherent in all sexual reproduction is an integral part of species adaptation and evolution.

"A little learning is a dangerous thing."