Devil's Advocate: 500g Tank Considerations

As many people here will tell you
You can't short cut something to have success with this hobby
If your in a budget don't do it because it will be 10x more
Ask Peter or Ching chai.
I had gotten some quotes from Envision Acrylics on an 84x33x28" 336g. I'm hoping to go with it sometime next spring/summer.

Would you be getting a steal on this 500g tank? if not, you might be better served going with your original 300g plan. a nicely filled 300g reef tank looks better than a 500g halfass'd done. see copps reef tank, its a 180g. Now there are guys in the Large Reef Section with very nice 500-1000g reef tanks, but I bet they spent easily 50K+ on their tank setup and livestock.