***DG's 200**

Building cover for Elos overflow. Removable, smooth black acrylic ---for easy cleaning.
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let's try again... removeable cover for Elos overflow. Easy Cleaning:

<a href="http://s1298.photobucket.com/user/davidjgutkin/media/DA37E588-BAE5-42C6-8870-CCD061958065_zpsgjtbiwpl.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1298.photobucket.com/albums/ag49/davidjgutkin/DA37E588-BAE5-42C6-8870-CCD061958065_zpsgjtbiwpl.jpg~original" border="0" alt=" photo DA37E588-BAE5-42C6-8870-CCD061958065_zpsgjtbiwpl.jpg"/></a>
And some tank shots from today...

<a href="http://s1298.photobucket.com/user/davidjgutkin/media/D3BEAFCD-7492-4E5E-AE32-9E98A389F9E9_zpszywihhmo.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1298.photobucket.com/albums/ag49/davidjgutkin/D3BEAFCD-7492-4E5E-AE32-9E98A389F9E9_zpszywihhmo.jpg~original" border="0" alt=" photo D3BEAFCD-7492-4E5E-AE32-9E98A389F9E9_zpszywihhmo.jpg"/></a>

<a href="http://s1298.photobucket.com/user/davidjgutkin/media/FC53DAC4-84EC-497C-8FEB-FB7B962A59F2_zpsbkjq3fah.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1298.photobucket.com/albums/ag49/davidjgutkin/FC53DAC4-84EC-497C-8FEB-FB7B962A59F2_zpsbkjq3fah.jpg~original" border="0" alt=" photo FC53DAC4-84EC-497C-8FEB-FB7B962A59F2_zpsbkjq3fah.jpg"/></a>
Looking great there. Really like your scape; looks very natural.

How do you rate the fuge? What are your reasons for keeping one?
Looking great there. Really like your scape; looks very natural.

How do you rate the fuge? What are your reasons for keeping one?

The fuge is something I have always had in my tanks. I guess I have bought into the mythology of it: better ph balance with reverse light cycle, area for pods to grow and feed my mandarin goby (who seems to prefer pellets), and decrease Pho4.

Not sure if it helps or not, but my Pho4 is low ---the rest I have no idea about. I do not run GFO so I find some comfort in having fuge. But I have seen amazing tanks with pretty high Pho4 levels.

All in all, I think I just like the idea of a fuge adding more biodiversity.
Adding a new external pump today...MP60 Quiet Drive. Much more quiet than the old MP40's I ran on my last tank. Not silent...but it is very quiet at 50%. Will likely add an MP40 QD on the opposite side of the tank (or maybe keep the Gyre I run now).

<a href="http://s1298.photobucket.com/user/davidjgutkin/media/70140631-D058-4529-9630-30F74ABEF0D8_zpsq6upyjon.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1298.photobucket.com/albums/ag49/davidjgutkin/70140631-D058-4529-9630-30F74ABEF0D8_zpsq6upyjon.jpg~original" border="0" alt=" photo 70140631-D058-4529-9630-30F74ABEF0D8_zpsq6upyjon.jpg"/></a>
AEFW!!!!! My SPS corals started struggling 2 months ago. Dip in Coral Rx...and there they were, about 10 of them on one colony. I was semi-careful with the tank. All items dipped in Bayer and bases cut off. Clearly that wasn't enough.

About to start Levamisole In-Tank treatments (Prohibit). Thanks to fellow reefer, "rovster"....following these recommendations (thanks Danny!)

1 tsp of Levamisole in 500mL of fresh H2O.
Dosing 1.5ml/gallon = 150mL on week 1, then 350mL weeks 2-6.

Going for a longer dosing period then most. I want to be sure that I catch the entire life cycle.

Starting with a half dose on week one with the theory I will kill less bristle worms (and less AEFW) the first week and then have slightly less die-off-shock to the system.

Will post some before and after pics later this evening. I have enough corals I can do some test dipping over the next few months and report results.
AEFW!!!!! Corals started struggling 2 months ago. Dip in Coral Rx...and there they were about 10 of them on one colony. I was semi-careful with the tank. All items dipped in Bayer and bases cut off. Clearly that wasn't enough.

About to start Levamisole In-Tank treatments (Prohibit). Thanks to fellow reefer "rovster"....following these recommendations (thanks Danny!)

1 tsp of Levamisole in 500mL of fresh H2O.
Dosing 1.5ml/gallon = 150mL on week 1, then 350mL weeks 2-6.

Going for a longer dosing period then most. I want to be sure that I catch the entire life cycle.

Starting with a half dose on week one with the theory I will kill less bristle worms (and less AEFW) the first week and then have slightly less die-off-shock to the system.

Will post some before and after pics later this evening.

NOOOOOOOOOOO! Good luck man, those flatworms are the biggest bane!
Sorry buddy. I hate those things. I beat them last December. I've been free of them for around 6 months so far.

Good luck. :(
Vial creatures!!! :headwally::headwalls:

Many have lived through it including myself, and there are so many threads out there on the subject. For me I dipped all corals in double strength bayer every 6 days for like two months. That was last year and my tank has never looked better. GL, nice tank btw!
After the first day of 1/2 dose, there was a die off of Red Planarian flat worms (which I did not even know I had) and what looked like AEFW floating around the water column. Today I added the full dose and on exam this evening, corals, fish, and larger starfish look just fine. Even the micro and coco tube worms seem fine. There are several bristle worms being eaten by the acans and still more floating in the water column. Clearly it kills some of these. It is about 12 hours post dosing, and some bristle worms seem alive but withering in the sand.

Oddly, a few hundred brittle stars have come out and gathered in 2 groups. They do not look well. They seem to be on their death beds. The congregation of micro stars is pretty odd though. In the morning I will remove all dead inverts to avoid NO3 spike.

So far, all findings are consistent with other reports.

Be gone evil AEFW!
OK, that good news. I wonder what the success rate is against AEFW. Hope you get them for good.
so far, corals looking good. No ill affects. Oddly the micro brittle stars are just gathering in a clump yet still alive. The real test will be if the tank does not crash, then Coral Rx test dip in 1 and 3 months.

After a bit more research, I am Increasing the next 4 doses to 500 mL of solution (1 tsp of levamisole total) in 220 gallons total tank volume.
AEFW in-tank treatment progress report, now 1 week post higher dose 1 tsp of levamisole.

Tank is thriving. Brittle stars act weird for 1 week and then recover. Bristle worms all still alive. SPS seem to be thriving; though, I do not think AEFW status still indeterminate. Perhaps they just get stunned and fall behind on destructive capacity just like the bristle stars.

Not sure if these are new, or old eggs. I think I saw a large AEFW on one of my corals late at night yesterday chomping away. I moved a few of the test corals to the front of the tank for daily examination. Here is a pic of the eggs on two of the test corals...

<a href="http://s774.photobucket.com/user/david_gutkin/media/4877431A-9694-430F-B94E-C130477F28D9.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i774.photobucket.com/albums/yy22/david_gutkin/4877431A-9694-430F-B94E-C130477F28D9.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo 4877431A-9694-430F-B94E-C130477F28D9.jpg"/></a>

<a href="http://s774.photobucket.com/user/david_gutkin/media/D6E52F8E-577E-4747-AD74-416B35D58C5D.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i774.photobucket.com/albums/yy22/david_gutkin/D6E52F8E-577E-4747-AD74-416B35D58C5D.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo D6E52F8E-577E-4747-AD74-416B35D58C5D.jpg"/></a>

I think this is the flatworm I saw...but it was 6" from glass so hard to tell..

<a href="http://s774.photobucket.com/user/david_gutkin/media/024786a1-8440-4ec2-8be2-a253b9e08ca4.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i774.photobucket.com/albums/yy22/david_gutkin/024786a1-8440-4ec2-8be2-a253b9e08ca4.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo 024786a1-8440-4ec2-8be2-a253b9e08ca4.jpg"/></a>
Good to hear things are going well. After that 2nd or 3rd treatment the wierdness stops lol. Not sure if I mentioned this but I would baste all my acros during treatment to knock those Devils off, and run a filter pad to catch the byproduct. I would change it immediately after treatment. Hope you triumph! Definitely consider some serial dips after the in tank treatment. Good luck!
First, thank you everyone for your experience and advice. It was all an experiment and nobody's individual advice is more the an experimental n=1. Here is mine...

AEFW in tank treatment with levamisole has failed. After 4 weeks of treatment, I am experiencing RTN or bleaching on 1/2 of all the SPS. This happened after the 3rd dose. Every week I tested for adult flatworms and they have always been present and new eggs showed up.

Conclusion: At this dose, it is toxic to SPS and not to AEFW after 4 weeks of dosing.

This week I am going to move all living acroporia to a 20g QT, buy new ones online for the same QT and perform weekly Bayer dips for 5 weeks. Main DT will remain fallow of acroporia during this time.

A will perform weekly 25% water changes during this time to help remove the bulk of the chemical while it further degrades.