After the first day of 1/2 dose, there was a die off of Red Planarian flat worms (which I did not even know I had) and what looked like AEFW floating around the water column. Today I added the full dose and on exam this evening, corals, fish, and larger starfish look just fine. Even the micro and coco tube worms seem fine. There are several bristle worms being eaten by the acans and still more floating in the water column. Clearly it kills some of these. It is about 12 hours post dosing, and some bristle worms seem alive but withering in the sand.
Oddly, a few hundred brittle stars have come out and gathered in 2 groups. They do not look well. They seem to be on their death beds. The congregation of micro stars is pretty odd though. In the morning I will remove all dead inverts to avoid NO3 spike.
So far, all findings are consistent with other reports.
Be gone evil AEFW!