When I had my old aquarium going 10 years ago, I used play sand for my DSB. I know, I know, it is full of silica, shouldnt be used and so on, but I still did it, and it worked out more or less well for 3 years that I had tank up and running. I know I wasnt the only one, as I read from others back then that they used it as well with good results (depending how you classify good haha)
Since I am slowly planning a bigger build, I was looking around for possible different alternatives to aragonite sand for sea bed. This time I will definitely not use silica play sand, but it got me looking more into play sands in general. Stumbled on the company called Sandtastik that has white play sand, that contains no silica, no quartz, no asbestos and is certified as non toxic.
Main reason why play sand was frowned upon was because of silica, but if it is truly silica free, could this be good and cheaper alternative to aragonite? 100lb bag goes for $80 (from official site). 25lbs bag goes for a bit more than $16 (Walmart of all places)
Price for aragonite looks to be about $1 a lbs, so this is definitely cheaper.
Since I am slowly planning a bigger build, I was looking around for possible different alternatives to aragonite sand for sea bed. This time I will definitely not use silica play sand, but it got me looking more into play sands in general. Stumbled on the company called Sandtastik that has white play sand, that contains no silica, no quartz, no asbestos and is certified as non toxic.
Main reason why play sand was frowned upon was because of silica, but if it is truly silica free, could this be good and cheaper alternative to aragonite? 100lb bag goes for $80 (from official site). 25lbs bag goes for a bit more than $16 (Walmart of all places)
Price for aragonite looks to be about $1 a lbs, so this is definitely cheaper.