Dinoflagellates: Causes & Cures

how.. old thread.. yes, many people have found that dosing nitrates can curb and ultimately push dinos off the edge.
how.. old thread.. yes, many people have found that dosing nitrates can curb and ultimately push dinos off the edge.

I'm trying to read about dino, and a lot of information seems contradictory. I've read that elevated NO3 levels can promote dino, but your saying that many have killed it by keeping NO3 can keep it under control. To what level do people dose, the mentioned 10 ppm, or some other value?

Also, wouldn't an easier way to raise NO3 be to remove some macro algae or skim less often?
fundamentally, my experience is that the dinos take over when the natural competition (algae) is decimated - usually chemically.

So - algae is your friend.

Skimming less does help, but it's not enough.

What you want to do is return back to the natural state where nitrates and phospates are being consumed by algae. that natural competition pushes the dinos back into recession. They never go away - they're like viruses... always there.

But if your algae is healthy, they keep them under control.

That's my experience anyway.