Diving with the Gentle Giants, Georgia Aquarium


New member
has anybody gotten to dive with the whale sharks at the Gerogia Aquarim yet.. im scheduled to dive with them on sat July 5... just wondering how the experience was if you have
were supposed to dive for about 45min but thats all the details i know right now this is actually going to be my first dive after being certified... what a way to start huh, with a once in a lifetime dive opportunity
I was there in Dec of 06, WONDERFUL! So many great things about it! Did not know you could dive with the whalesharks though, I am going to have to go back. Sure it will be a blast. Post about your experience when you get a chance please.
well im back from my trip... oh my GOD it was amazing, it was one of the best experiences of my entire life so far... i will try and post some pics later this week. Overall it was a great experience the staff was amazing everybody knew your name already, and it was like were treated as if we were royalty..
Very cool!

Can't wait to see the pics. :)

If you don't mind me asking, how much does it cost?

its 290 for the dive 190 for the swim and you can also do a behind the scenes tour that goes above the reef exhibit, beluga whale, and the ocean voyager exhibit, then it also goes down to where the vet clinic/lab is for 50.

i did the behind the scenes tour and thought i definatley got my money's worth..

290 sounds like a lot but when you consider the fact that you are gauranteed to swim w/ 3 whale sharks it is a cheap price to pay in my opinion
I think I would enjoy waving to the people as much as the whale sharks... :lol:

Thanks for sharing! I may do this come MACNA in a couple of months. We'll just have to see. :)

yeah the pics arent that great. waving at all the people was pretty fun, all the kids were going crazy. and i cant wait to go back and do it again