DIY garlic extract?


In Memoriam

I've been thinking of trying to use garlic extract, but it costs about US$60 for a small bottle of Kent Garlic here (Taiwan). Outrageous!

Is it possible to make your own from fresh cloves? Should I just chop/smash it finely and use the juice to soak the food?

Any ideas appreciated!
Thanks, I'll PM you my address. ;)

What fluid could be added to the mashed garlic to get a liquid with a high concentration of garlic? Any ideas?

Go to your favourite grocery store and find the garlic extract or garlic juice there. A lot cheaper than buying that crap from Kent.

By the way, why do you want to use garlic? There is no prrof that it does anything at all. I've used it before in my tanks and it didn't do anything but makes everything smell like garlic.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6505748#post6505748 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by michindi
I think garlic has been proven to boost the immune system.

Yes in human. All scientific tests to date for the use of garlic in a marine environment have been inconclusive.

They add it to (freshwater) Discus food and it's been proven to reduce parasites in the fish that eat it, and reduce hole in the head disease.
Well here's the thing. Garlic is an appetite inducer which supposedly will induce a feeding instinct. A fish that eats obviously is a fish that will have a stronger immune system to fight off parasites and infections. There is checmically nothing within garlic that will fight parasites and infections directly.

Anyone have a link that proves garlic does something for marine fish? Even one that proves it stimulates their appetite?
Thanks for the information.

I'll pick some up at the supermarket.

Yes, there is still no conclusive proof, as far as I know, that proves any benefits of garlic use. However, there is a lot of anecdotal observation as to its benefits, and that's why I'd like to give it a try.

Thanks again,
There is no proof that it will fight off any infection, but the theroy is that the parasites does not like the taste of garlic so they will not latch onto the fish.
In the course of fighting off ich I took a jar of crushed garlic and poured off some of the juice into my tank. I think it seemed to help my fish's immune system. I can't imagine buying some bottled aquarium product for $$$, when it might be snake oil. My garlic from the supermarket cost 1.50$, and i get to eat the rest of it later. For 1.50$ the price is right.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6513070#post6513070 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by perpetual98
There's also some anecdotal eveidence that it thwarts vampires as well as some other undead. :)

Also have been known to work for thwarting romantic advances :lol:
I cant provide any scientific proof that garlic works but when my blue throat trigger got ich i figured what harm was there in trying. I immediatly starting adding garlic to his food within days the ich began to dissappear and within a week no traces were left i carried the garlic treatment on for an additional few days and there has been no reoccurence of ich at all.

Is it possible that there are diffrent strains of ich and that some may be affected by the garlic treatment and some may not kinda like how some human viruses have become immune to antibiotics ?
I read on the ich forum that garlic MIGHT prevent the trophonts from finding the fish by inhibiiting thier smell... it makes them smell like the Sopranos and scares them away...