Premium Member
Hey all....need some advice here.
I finished up the first of my 2 fixtures to go over my 46 bow last night. Of course I had to hold it over the tank to see what it would look like. Here is the weird part, it's providing blue and white disco ball like effect over the tank. I don't have heavy surface agitation, but enough that it shimmers. I'm at a loss here why it's doing this so bad. My fish will be trippin if I leave it over the tank. No video yet, and not sure it would even capture the effect.
I'm planning for 34 LED's total, 17 per half. 9 Blue, 8 White.
Any thoughts on what could be causing this? Is it too few LED's? Spacing too far apart? I'm looking for some direction if anyone has experienced this before.
10"x10" heatsink
what hight, and optics?[/QUOTE]
Your video looks like normal shimmer to me. I can tell the surface agitation is minimal because of the very high frequency way the shimmer is forming. If you put a powerhead up near the waterline to get some more rolling surface action, chances are the shimmer will be more "macro" and dramatic, and less like little balls dancing around eachother.... either way you will still get flashes of blue/yellow but that's pretty much a desirable effect to most of us.
Optics can actually make the shimmer less crisp, since they are increasing the size of the bright spot as seen from the water. With no optics you have a teeny tiny bright spot. With the Cree or Carclo optics you then have a bright spot that is almost an inch wide, so it does make the shimmer less sharp, but not by much.