How easy it is to mount the Solaris LEDS to starboards once I get them off?
Impossible without the right approach (reflow soldering here, not something you can poke at with an iron). There's a thermal ground pad under the LED that's very important. I suppose you could glue it down with conductive epoxy. Or, you could try one of the many DIY reflow techniques - toaster oven, electric skillet, etc. I have one of those flat ceramic electric stoves and I've played with doing reflow soldering on that. It's not something I'd want to risk doing to 100 LEDs for a big build, but it's fun to play with "junk" LEDs like this.
ok, so what cfm should I look to move over my heatsinks?
Really impossible to give a specific value, since it'll depend on environmental conditions and design of the sink, etc. My suggestion would be to use the largest size fan you can stomach (i.e. a 120mm "case fan") since they tend to generally produce more flow for a given level of noise.
Will this be able to easily be integrated with the meanwell 48P drivers?
third one down:
Maybe this is my skeptical nature, but that unit makes me nervous. The datasheet is embarrassingly sparse. As fishman commented, that's a LED driver itself, not something you'd use to control other LED drivers. But there really aren't any meaningful specs, it's essentially a "black box."
Hey I want to place my order with Anna at etgtech but I want to make sure I'm getting the best bang for my buck. I was going to order 24 XPG R5 cool whites and 24 XPE royal blues 28 60degree and 20 40degree optics in clear white. How does this sound? Also does anyone know off hand the bin for the colors on the royal blues.
Repeating what fishman said again, but that strikes me as a fairly white ratio - might want to go to more 60:40 royal blue:white.
If you're feeling picky on RB colors, look at the binning and labeling datasheet:
Look at the dominant wavelength chart on page 8. Royal blue has three color bins, from 450 - 465nm. The differences aren't going to be THAT big, but if you want more of a purple-y actinic glow, you might want a lower wavelength. Be warned that many vendors either don't know the bins they have, or will only have one bin available if they do know, so you might just be "stuck" with whatever they have anyways.
As far as the cool white XPG's go I think the R5's are the brightest ones, although please correct me. As far as the royal blues I think some are more towards the 420 nm and some are more 460 nm or more blue
Correct, R5 is the current best brightness bin for the XP-G, but the datasheet shows brighter bins that apparently don't exist in real life (yet?). It's important to not confuse brightness bin and color bin - all HP LEDs are assigned both, though we don't typically pay attention to both.
hey guys i am planning on doing a diy led setup for my 260 gal. i plan on ordering from since they got the best price but i'm not sure on what led's to get should i go with the XRE or XPG? how big is the difference?
I think the practical difference for most of us is if you can get the optics you want for the XP-Gs. The XP-Gs are more efficient, but I don't feel it is a night and day difference (maybe if you are pushing them harder at 1.5A).
Especially on a larger build, IMHO, it IS a very significant difference. We're talking about 30 - 40% improvements in efficiency! It doesn't just impact your power bill, it impacts EVERY other aspect of these builds - 30% less heat, which means your thermal management needs are reduced. Or, you can choose to still use an overwhelming thermal management system, and get longer life, and greater efficiency from the entire array - lower temps mean another small improvement in efficiency. And so on. Even small-percentage improvements in LED efficiency can translate into a host of other advantages that tend to build off each other. IMHO, unless someone has special needs, the XP-G should be the default choice at this point in time.
I was concerned about optics until the last week or two, when people like Stu started finding new sources for a wider choice in optics - it's not quite as big a concern any more, IMHO.