Well-known member
I want to be able to dim them with my Aquacontroller. I am looking at around 150 LEDS for my 240, so I would need more ELN 60-48D then is recomended to have one one household circuit. I will probably use several of the ELN 60-48Ds for my propagation system. The ELN 60-48Ds do not have Active Power Factor Correction.
I want to be able to dim them with my Aquacontroller. I am looking at around 150 LEDS for my 240, so I would need more ELN 60-48D then is recomended to have one one household circuit. I will probably use several of the ELN 60-48Ds for my propagation system. The ELN 60-48Ds do not have Active Power Factor Correction.
Have you looked into the CLG 150-48A at 3.2A you can run 4 parallel strings of twelve and have room for one open circuit. It's manually dimmable through an internal potential meter. The HLG should have the same option according to Mean Well.
Personally I like to run my LEDs between 70-80% rated current. I'm very happy with this driver on my 48 LED fixture.
Only down side is its manual.
I finally got around to testing the ELN 60-48D and found it perfect for two parallel strings of 12. At 1.3 amps (I measured 1.5) it is too powerful for a single string of 12 at 10Vdc. I did not fry my LEDs as it was full power for only a couple of seconds. Two of these should power a 48 LED fixture perfectly provided no open circuits.