Stupid #1 - I mistakenly got Arctic Silver thermal grease rather than thermal apoxy. Yes, I know the difference! ... I didn't realize until the next day when it wasn't drying
OK, I might as well go with screwing them all down so off to HomeDepot for a drill/tap set for the 8-32 screws and mail-order 200 5/16 8-32 screws (really bolts I guess) and washers.
Stupid #2 - Seems like the tap is tapered and you need to tap pretty far in to get the tap to its thickest which is the proper threading I assume. I break the fri#*&#$^ tap on the VERY FIRST TAP!!! Right down nearly flush with the heat-sink surface. I am manually using the tap in a hand bit. I can't even easy-out the bit. Zero down, 126 more to go.
God help me!
Anyone else having trouble breaking taps?