Premium Member
Need a little help. I've been using buckpucks and just hooking up a meanwell eln60-48D. I have a 10K pot and regulated 9V wall wart. When I hook the multimeter to the POT it reads the 9.2v reading to the 10K Pot. All the connections on the LED's are nice a clean. I have the external pot turned on the meanwell turn all the way down ( clockwise ) and the 10K pot turned all the way up.
When I hook everything up the LED's will on flash every 30-40 seconds.
Can anyone help?
How many LEDs in series and what type?
I tried 3 of the XR-E 6 LED strips in parallel. They worked fine with the meanwell LPC35-700. I then swaped out the driver for the ELN 60-48D and got blinking christmas lights. I rewired two strips into 12 in series and everything worked fine.