DIY LEDs - The write-up

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I have fixtures that were made for my 270 gallon tank. two of them are to long to be used on the new set up. I used the arctic epoxy to attach. How hard is it to get them off the heat sinks and attach them to the new 24" heat sinks? I hate to order more LEDS when I have a bunch right here.

Hey Mike; I wouldnt be too concerned about getting them off the old, the thing I would be more concerned with would be proper heat transfer through essentially double the previous thickness of epoxy.. maybe you could hit the backs of them with the wire brush on a dremel?
OK got 12 royal blues all soldered to heat sink into meanwell eln 60 48d...hooked up 9v battery to dimming circuit, plug it in...nothing...unplug it..a few seconds later BAM all the lights come on for a second super bright then go out...any ideas?
Will this multimeter work in adjusting the meanwell output? Do I need to go buy a new one, if so does it just need a 10A setting?


When adjusting the output, I'm guessing you have to unplug the power each time or can it be adjusted hot?

Lastly (I hope). This power unit came with the fan kit from Rapidled, can I cut the wire open and use it for the 2 dimming pots in conjunction with the fans or should I just get another wall wart for those

(sorry imageshack decided it wanted to rotate image)
I'm looking at what washers to use on my LED build. I have a bunch of the PC Motherboard washers that are used to insulate the motherboard from the screws attaching it to the case and was wondering if they would be okay. I can't see them heating up too much to be safe.

I'm in Canada and nylon washers have been really tough to big box stores carry them.
Shizno, your meter can only measure current up to 250mA, more current will blow the fuse in it. You need a meter with a larger current measuring capability.
mseepman; Those washers will be fine. Have at it.

Shizno; You could use that meter to measure the current if you desire. However you will need to buy a resistor and do some very, very, simple math.

Purchase a 0.1 ohm 1 Watt resistor and insert it in whatever place you have to open your chain anyway if you were going to use a meter with a higher current reading ability.

That's all you do is insert in series the aforementioned resistor.

When you're done the string will light back up just like normal when you re-apply the power.

Set your meter to VDC 2.5

Measure the voltage across the resistor while the string is ON.

Multiply the voltage reading you get by 10. (that's the math)

The resulting number is the amps running thru the resistor and, since the current in a series circuit runs thru all members of the circuit, it's also the current everywhere else in the circuit.

If you would rather work with mA (milliamps) then take the meter number and multiply it by 10000. The resulting number will be the mA coursing thru your string.

The nice part is that you can leave the resistor there and measure the current any time you want without breaking the string.

You can put one in every chain and hence measure all the currents whenever you want.
So trying to get a power supply for powering 6 leds at 3.9 forward voltage each. That puts it at 23.4V plus the 2 volts which makes it 25.4. I cannot find a power supply of 26v do you guys think a 28V might be too much or will I be fine?
Eltonka, what are your desires for an LED. Either would work (and don't forget XP-Gs), but we need to know what you want (color, angle, etc.) to make a suggestion. A common requirement is efficiency i which case the XP-Gs win.

Hmm did I just read this somewhere else :)
Eltonka, what are your desires for an LED. Either would work (and don't forget XP-Gs), but we need to know what you want (color, angle, etc.) to make a suggestion. A common requirement is efficiency i which case the XP-Gs win.

Hmm did I just read this somewhere else :)

They are for adding shimmer to a tank that will have 4 T5HO(54W).
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