I do not want to highjack this at all just have a question that you LED experts could help me with.
I went a different route. I am using the smaller 10MM leds and they work great but they dim and burn out after about 3 months. my corals love them and the lack of algee on the glass and low electric bill has me loving these leds.
quick rundown
running 252 whites
running 252 blues
I am running these 3 in series with a 39 Ohm resister.
I have cooling fans running in the hood with them to keep them cool
LED specs
.5 V fowarding voltage
3.4 running voltage
I was just running a 12 volt power supply.
It was variable and I had it tunned way down even down to 11 volts for the blues and they still dimmed
the more I have been reading I may need an LED driver
any help and suggestions on what I should use would be great.
thank you
Lance L