correction on last post
I calculated for my Meanwell ELN 60-48:
14 XP-G at 1,3 A / 3,4 Vf / 61,9 Watt / 5838 lumen
15 XM-T6 at 1,3 A / 3,05 Vf / 59,5 Watt / 7350 Lumen (note, 1 led more!)
Your comments made me realize I hadn't set my goals proparly.
The lighting for my 48"x 24"x 24" tank is now a 6 x T5 39 Watt and a DIY LED with 32 CREE XR-E (505/505 cw/rb) at 700 mA, 60 degree lenses.
First: I want to adjust my T5 fixture so I don't need the extra DIY LED fixture. It is to crowded on top of my tank now.
This means I need a lot of light (PAR) extra with replacing T5 for LED's.
So I want ot upgrade the LED's and I need optics. This puts the XP-G in favor, because I can get good optics for those, and I haven't seen any for the XM-L yet.
Second: I don't want to spend to much money on the adjustments (otherwise I would buy 4 Maxspect Mazzara units

This means I use what I have in stock; 2 x meanwell ELN 60-48 P and 10 XP-G and start form there.
Question now is; will 14 XP-G cw and 14 XP-E rb at 1000 mA with 80 degree optics replace 32 XR-E and 2 39 watt T5.
When I calculate with the specs from Cree (only have those for the cw at hand);
16 XR-E cw at 700 mA would give a total of 2996 lumen
14 XP-G cw at 1000 mA would give a total of 4865 lumen
I don't know what the T5 puts out, but I think I will be fine with the XP-G/E at 1000 mA. I don't need the XM-L.
About the colour. I Think I'll go for the 50/50 cw/rb mix XP-G/XP-E.
I have the 4 T5 to play with the total spectrum, but I wan't to be close to a good light colour with the LED's alone. Because I want them to be able to burn them independent without looking at a strange lit tank.
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