So I have the ok from the wife:debi: and I am about ready to pull the trigger on my purchases, but I wanted one last overlook from the group. The fixture is for a standard 180g (72x24x24) LPS dominant. Plans are as follows.
U-channel aluminum for heat sink ~4" between rows and ~3" between leds (not countin over dividers)
Planning on mounting ~9"-12" above the water
-50 XP-E RB - 5 strings of 10 running on a HLG-150H-36B
-24 XP-G CW - 2 strings of 12 running on a LPF-90D-42
-12 XP-G NW - 1 string on a LPF-60D-42
I am still thinking about which optics, if any, I am going to use. I am not that worried about extremely high par being an LPS dominant tank. Would I need any, and if so what degree? I was thinking 80deg.
My layout plan looks like this...
Any thoughts or suggestions are greatly appreciated.