So I wanted to get the pros opinions here...I'm looking to setup an LED setup soon and here is what i'm thinking for a 20x20x16 almost cube tank. Please excuse my lack of electrical knowledge in advance.
32 LEDs, 16 Cree XRe whites, 16 Cree XRe RBs.
8.5"x16" Heatsink
2-3 120mm PC fans
Having this many LEDs would mean I'd have to use 6 Buckpuck correct? I would like to use Buckpucks because of their ease of use and ability to just hook up a pot and go. My question is, using this many Buckpucks, what size power supply will I need to be looking for to run this setup?
each buckpuck can run up to 6 LEDs, so personally, i'd run 30 LEDs to keep it simple (5 buckpucks). what i had thought about doing on the tank i was planning was seperating the whites & blues (as you mention below) on 2 buckpucks for each white set of 6 & each blue set of 6 & doing a single buckpuck of 3 white & 3 blue (save a few bucks & make it non-dimmable) & put it on a seperate power supply. then you could time them seperately for a nice sunrise/sunset....all blues come on>>>>white/blue comes on also>>>>all whites come on also>>>reverse for sunset
if seperating the whites & blues (as you mention below), & running each string at 700ma, you would need a 24v power supply that put out at least
THIS one (so 2 of those) & then you'd need a 3rd one of those that would run the 50/50 string of white/blues & you could also run the fans for the heatsink on it as well.
if however, you want them to be an "all on/all off" w/out the sunrise/sunset effect, you'd need 24v & about 4amps for all the LEDs & the heatsink fans....
THIS one would fit the bill
it really comes down to how much the sunrise/sunset is worth to ya as far as the extra cost of seperate power supplies
Is it possible to run the buckpucks together, as in a single cord out of the fixture to the power supply? (Obiv you have a ground and a power wire so 2 technically).
you would need a multi-conductor wire cause you need (2) wires for each string of 6 LEDs back to it's respective buckpuck....positive input into the string & neg return back to the power supply
so if you were doing 5 buckpucks, that's 10 wires plus 2 more wires for the heatsink fans.....for a total of 12 conductors. i think home depot/lowes sells 4-conductor wire, so 3 of them would work fine
Is it possible to wire all of my white buckpuck drivers together and all my blues together so I can run just 2 Pots? Or would this not be as feasible since they come with pots already? I've heard i'd should maybe replace the pots with 5k pots from radio shack?
my experience w/ the buckpucks that come pre-wired w/ pots for the dimming is they are very easy to break & then have to be replaced w/ something from radio shack, so save a few bucks & order the ones that don't have the pot...just bare wires.
if you decide to do as i stated above & do 2 buckpucks of whites & 2 or blues, then you just need a gang-pot like for the whites & one for the blues
a "gang pot" has multiple inputs & outputs depending on how many "gangs" it has. that one is a dual-gang, so it will control 2 inputs/outputs w/ just one knob, so if you had 1 for the whites, it would dim both buckpucks at once....same for the blues
Is it the whole heatsink that gets hot or just inside the fins? I wanted to know how hot this fixture would be so I could find a good way to mount it.
the whole thing is basically a radiator, so it all gets hot & the heat radiates out the fins. most however are finding that these heatsinks are pretty much overkill unless you are filling it w/ LEDs & running them at high you should be fine w/ only 1 or 2 decent-sized pc fan(s) & it'd be barely warm to the touch