Team RC
if seperating the whites & blues (as you mention below), & running each string at 700ma, you would need a 24v power supply that put out at least THIS one (so 2 of those) & then you'd need a 3rd one of those that would run the 50/50 string of white/blues & you could also run the fans for the heatsink on it as well.
If you're running 700mA on each string, you'll want to inflate these numbers to have a safe margin - most DC power supplies really start to heat up (read:shorten their lifespan!) above 70 - 80% of their rated output. So, add 20 - 30% for safety margin. In other words, if you're doing two 700mA strings on one power supply, you'll want more like 2A capacity, not 1.5A.
And since you mentioned heatsink fans, this is probably obvious, but consider the voltage. Most PC fans are 12v, and 99% of these LED builds are using 24v supplies. So if you want one fan, you'll need a voltage regulator to knock the 24v down to 12v. Or, if you use two fans, just wire them in series so that each sees 12v. Even better would be three fans, in series, such that each saw 8v. For most fans, this will result in vastly quieter operation without a huge airflow hit, so the the three fans run on 24v will probably be quieter and higher airflow than two.
if you decide to do as i stated above & do 2 buckpucks of whites & 2 or blues, then you just need a gang-pot like for the whites & one for the blues
a "gang pot" has multiple inputs & outputs depending on how many "gangs" it has. that one is a dual-gang, so it will control 2 inputs/outputs w/ just one knob, so if you had 1 for the whites, it would dim both buckpucks at once....same for the blues
There's no need to have a gang pot for controlling multiple buckpucks that you want dimmed the same - you can use a single pot wired to several of them. Just use one buckpuck's REF pin to supply +5v to the pot, and connect the other side of the pot to the CTRL pin of all the "similar" buckpucks (i.e. all the ones you want to control the same.) One buckpuck's REF pin can provide enough juice to control 4 buckpucks, plus or minus (5mA each, the REF pin can supply 20mA.) If you wanted to control more than 4 pucks off a single pot, you could just use an external 5V supply, as long as you grounded it to LED- as shown in the buckpuck datasheet. That way, you could control a virtually unlimited number of puckpucks on a single pot, limited only by the capacity of your external 5V supply.