DIY Natureef Style Denitrator Build and Data thread...


New member
As the title says this thread will be a build and data thread for the building of a DIY Natureef Style Denitrator and the data that will be produced from its use on a system totaling around 700+ gal with a high bio load. Dave (Dr. T) and myself will be documenting a form of denitrafication using a DIY Natureeef Style Denitrator with a slight change. This DIY setup will be using methanol as a food source for the bacteria instead of the a product called Nitragone.

Background ....

This style of a denitrator is basically a setup that has a chamber containing bacteria and water from your system. This chamber of bacteria fills with water from your system on a timed cycle and is then feed a food source called Nitragone by a drip system controlled by a timer or controller. It cycles over and over continuously.


We will not be using the media Nitragone, we will be using Methanol as the food source. Dr. T will be able to fill in the particulars on this side of things as I will be handling the build of the DIY unit and the data collection.

How we ended up here.......

I used to run one of these original system years ago on one of my old 300 systems and it worked like a charm so naturally when I built my new system this was my first choice for denitrification but the cost of using this system just didnt match up with the volume of my new system until now.

Lets step back a year or so here....I was speaking with a good friend Dr. Thompson about possible denitrification options for his system. So he took a chance on my recommendation of this style of a denitrator system and we built a DIY unit for his system. Up until the last month or so it has ran on Nitragone and as they say the rest was history.

Up to date......Well last month we were talking and discussing denitrification options for my new 700+ gal system as I wanted to lower nitrates with the change to a reef/fish setup instead of just a FOWLR. I wanted to go back to a Natureef style system but the cost of using the Nitragone was not an option as stated earlier on this volume of water. So we discussed coming up with a cheep alternative food source. Well that's were my chemist buddy hit a home run with the discovery that methanol would fit right into what we were looking for.

On to the build....My system as stated above is a little large so I went with a chamber that would hold 30 gal.....

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo IMAG1272_zps6ff9e5c2.jpg"/></a>

Media trays inside for bacteria to grow and multiply on.....

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo IMAG1279_zps74312f1c.jpg"/></a>

Constructed everything out of 1/2 material so it would be nice and sturdy. It does not need to have a sealed chamber but will need access for future adjustments. I did seal it on both ends to give it a euro brace effect and added stability.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo IMAG1277_zps1c4cf569.jpg"/></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo IMAG1276_zpsce4bf8db.jpg"/></a>

Nice flush fit in case I want to stack anything on top of it....

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo IMAG1275_zps276c55b8.jpg"/></a>

and the finished unit.....

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo IMAG1274_zps7f8e1d3e.jpg"/></a>

....tomorrow I will drill and tap the holes for the media input, water input, and water output and install the unit.....more updates to come.....
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Subscribed and looking forward to this one. I can already see those wrasses (that I love) swimming around some nice big SPS sticks in that 550 of yours... Can't wait... Nice construction as well...
On the original large unit it has two sheets that go all the way to the top of the unit and four that are just half sheets.....they do have a small say 1/2 spacer piece of acrylic that keeps them spaced apart enough so water flow does not start to become a problem as the bacteria grows....

I doubled up the large full sheets that go all the way to the top and then tripled up the smaller 1/2 sheets....
very interesting project question though since im new to this kind of equipment. how often does the water empty and refill and is it draining and refilling 30g every time?
The goal for this will be to have things cycle 4 times a day ....and yes it will flush the entire chamber it will not drain and then refill as you do not want the bacteria die off that would be caused each controller will turn on a pump for x amount of time pumping water into the chamber and allow the chamber to flush will drain back into the tank via gravity......
Drilled and installed the 3 uniseals tonight .....

Top ....larger is where water input will be plumbed and the smaller is where the drip will be installed





This is all great info. In your situation can define what "x" equals for the run duration time each time the pump turns on and how did you decide on how long the pump should run for?
I won't know what that time will be until everything is hooked up and I have timed it....I will be using a mag 3 to fill it....once everything is hooked up I will time it a few times and see how long it takes to fill it ...prolly will just time how long it takes to fill it the very first time and make adjustments
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Gotcha! Forgot this one isn't fully functional yet but from what it sounds like and what Dave has emailed me about the system, it's a lot of making minor adjustments, tests the results and then tweak from there.
A good friend if mine in nj has been running this on his tank for about 4 months now and he loves it! He's tried everything from zeo, to lanthanum chloride to the Red Sea program and he says this is system is hands down the best he's tried running. He already had an amazing tank but it's just gotten better. He has it set up where his levels are steady at no3 5 ppm and po4 at .03-.05. His Sps have taken off like rockets.
+1 imo this is the best system on the market to run as a denitrator and even for just works, no smoke and mirrors
what kind of material did you use to construct your chamber? is that acrylic? what are the dimensions?
I'm excited to see this built. I'm a noob when I comes to denitraters, would denitraters such as coil or this type work on other carbon sources such as vinegar? I think it would but I'm not 100%

Also, what size would you recommend for a 30 gallon DT? If it would be of any benefit on such a smaller scale.

Coil denitrators work with a similar principal, almost all denitrators work in a similar fashion. A food source is introduced to culture certain types of bacteria in order to combat unwanted nutrients. This one just seems to work out the best out of all the other ones I have had experience with. For a 30 gal system you would not need anything large at all. Any chamber in the size of 10x10x10 should work fine. A chamber 10x10x10 would be around 4 gallons actual water inside and if you get the cycle down to just 3 times a day that would be flushing out almost 50% of your system a day which would keep things at a very low nutrient. I would actually shoot for twice a day realistically as your system wouldn't have that large of a bio load.
Stand and plumbing complete.....ready to put online....



Drain installed...


Drip and 1/2 in quick connection for easy disconnect of input ....


Full shot....


