Many thanks to RocketEngineer and all the other great contributors on this thread. My stepdad and I recently finished a stand for my soon to arrive 55gal tank. I wanted a little more space underneath, so I basically widened it by a 2x4 all around. I too used a Kreg jig to put together everything. However, I didn't want to use any finishing nails, nor rely on just glue to attach the skin, so I built the skin seperately. What we did was assemble the frame, then assemble the whole skin using 1 inch pine. We then slid the skin over the frame, and attached it from the inside. A little weird but worked pretty well. We did have to plane the ends of the frame to get the skin to fit but otherwise went smoothly. Unfortunately I don't have pics of the two peices separately, but the finished product is attached. I plan to add a 1x2 trim once the tank is in place that would end up hiding the frame of the tank. Once that is in place I'll stain it and add some magnets to hold the door panels.