DIY Stands Template and Calculator

So apparently my post didn't make it through. Will try again hehe :-)

Above is 3 pictures for my upcoming 150g tank 160cm long. I am asking if I can get along with the build without the 2 rear "guides" as they are in the way of the predrilled holes in the tank (3 blue cirkles are where the holes are)

Do you have any concerns about this? Primary using 2x6, but front guides has to be 2x4" I'm not concerned about that though.

Would I need to stiffen the construction up ? Drawing is not done yet, there need some more 2x6" for the tank to sit on, and also a sheet of 3/4" plywood on top.

What do you think?
Hi I'm looking for some ideas for 4" horizontal beams over 7 foot spans please.

The rack is for 4 tiers of 2130mm 450mm x 330mm glass tanks & I really don't want vertical support beams right in the middle of each display tank so would like the beams only to be supported at the ends if possible?

Due to the height of the room etc the maximum beam height I can fit in is only about 4"! Initially thinking of using 4"x4" treated timber posts but I'm not sure if this will do?

The other things I've been looking at are Pallet racking beams which are rated to a couple of tonnes & can be bought quite cheaply second hand in the UK, although I have no info on how much they may flex etc.

Any thoughts appreciated :fun2:


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4x4 has a tendency to warp so it's frowned upon here.
Pallet racks would work but you will need to double check the sizes & than paint them very well.
My stand is made with plywood beams. Can you get them over there?
Yes I think I'm definately leaning towards the pallet racking beams, I've actually been running a similar design of racking system for about 7 years now which is 4 tiers of 6 foot 180 litre tanks where I used 50mm x 30mm steel box section for the front beams. Now that I look at the 50mm box section steel I think I maybe should have went with something more substantial but hey they only need to hold out until I get my new system u & running :lmao:

I did think of some sort of ply/laminated type beams as I've seen them on TV used in buildings, however they still seem to be a bit of new specialist type thing over here & as far as I can see you have to get them specially made to order so prices will probably be way out of my budget!

Cheers :)
I've managed to get a load of second hand pallet racking beams for £10 each for the front horizontals of my new stand build. They are generally in good condition but as you'd expect there is the odd spots where paint has chipped off etc which has a bit of light surface rust.

Dose anyone have any recommendations for what paint or treatment to use to protect the beam in future & do I need to treat the small spots of light rust first & if so again any recommendations for this?