DIY "Stream" Style Pump

Maxijets are real workhorses. With all the beliefs that frequent on/off cycles would shorten powerhead/pump life, I have 2 MJ1200's on 1/2 hour on/off cycles for 2 years now.
MadTownMax said:
I thought the issue was that the motors were not designed to handle the extra torque from the propeller and therefore burned out early ??

It's a magnet spinning on a stationary rod inside a transformer - what's there to "burn out"? The impellor is being mashed against the back of the casing harder than the design guys want - (shrug) It's disposable as far as I'm concerned. If I can get like two / three years out of it, I'll be very happy.

I think dunking them in Lime Away - or some other acid - every year is a pretty good idea to clean them up. I took out my oldest one (for some reason that I can't remember) and was surprised how much it needed it.
DonJasper said:
It's a magnet spinning on a stationary rod inside a transformer - what's there to "burn out"?

too much torque on the magnet (or misaligning the magnetic field) can cause the coils to overheat and short-circuit in your tank.

MadTownMax said:
Are these new designs lasting very long ??(more than a few months)

I thought the issue was that the motors were not designed to handle the extra torque from the propeller and therefore burned out early ??

It was an issue with the little giant direct drive pumps I would think witht he maxijets it would be fine.
what do you think of the 316 type stainless steel? will they rust? or should i taping the magnet to 1/8th and go titainium?
spykes- 316 SS is perfectectly fine. Read my post above.

What do you mean by "should i taping the magnet to 1/8th and go titainium?"

The magnet assembly spins free around the shaft.
It's not connected.

If you use 1/8 you'll have to drill out the mag assembly. These break easily, I wouldn't advise that.
I dont think they can burn out and to address the force the mag is pushing back into the maxi jet I have a small nylon washer to make it spin smoother I would guess it also works as a wear plate.

I still have to give mine alittle help to start sometimes (use a turkey baster and blow air into the housing) im sure if i ground down the props more it would start up but i would loose flow. Mine have been going for quiet a while now and still work great.

I did find a place to get 3/32 titanium rod but its $1 per inch. maybe if enough of us want some i can get it cheeper... let me know.
Hey Nick, about that nylon washer. I've been using teflon for mine. Pump starts on it's own everytime now. if you want I'll send you a few to try, no charge.

How are the gaurds working out?

spykes said:
what do you think of the 316 type stainless steel? will they rust? or should i taping the magnet to 1/8th and go titainium?

I got some stainless from a hobby shop. Works fine. You could let it soak in a bowl of saltwater until you're convinced.
When i looked at reefwerks pics the top of the impeller was notched out and so was the rigid tubing. Why? Could u just slip the tubing over the tip of the impeller?

sandman12 said:
When i looked at reefwerks pics the top of the impeller was notched out and so was the rigid tubing. Why? Could u just slip the tubing over the tip of the impeller?


At the time, I felt this would prevent any slippage.

So, yes, you should be able to just use the tubing without notching.

ok, so has anyone made a recent parts list with links to get the stuff? That would be great if some one could (iam so lazy :) ) but i can find the stuff w/o it.

Okay, sorry about my extremely stupid question, but I saw this asked a while back, and never saw an answer to it.
Aren't these propellers,etc going on the intake side of the pump? If so, how is it that you are reversing the direction of the flow in order to run it how you are?
AC motors will run in either direction just fine. Then trick is to always get them to go the right direction.

From what I understand, when it starts the wrong way the prop pulls the magnent out and reseats itself untill it spins the right way.
thanks baja...I was thinking it was something like that, because of everybody talking about it starting off going the wrong direction and how to fix that,, just wasnt sure.
Ok , should the rod be glued through the magnet or free? , because erm heh my prob is just shaking around scaring the bejejsususus out of my foooshies