DIY "Stream" Style Pump

While I'm at it I figured I'd post pics of the hanger it's on and one of it hanging in the tank....


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not too sure about that but I know it moves a lot of water. all I need is one of each side of my 90 gallon and I've got great water movement throughout the entire tank
Is that reeftec place still selling the kits to turn the lil giant pumps into this?
nah- you don't need them either. I made the hangers myself and used the nylon based shaft of a writing pen for the prop shaft- very easy and cheap
I seem to have come to a halt on this project. I used large dia tube to go around the propellor as a guard. When this is in place, the propellor will not spin. I can only think the tube impedes the water flow and stops the prop from spinning. As soon as I take the guard off, it spins again.

I put the project down for a few weeks as I'd run out of ideas, but need to go back to it to try and complete the project.

Did you use a solid tube for your shaft or one with a hole in it. My hobby shop only had ones iwth holes in it and it seems to wobble when its running... and when i place it in water it stops. I even cut the leading edge of the prop.

YOu used a little giant pump right?
I got one off ebay and the shaft was rusting... so isent that bad?

Yes the shaft is solid. It feels like regular plexiglas in that it is a little flexible. It is just right for the prop to slide onto. I had to drill out the magnet so it would slide over the shaft. I think it does not wabble becasue the prop is square on the shaft.

For not running in the water. Does it run out of the water? If yes, while it is running out of the water can you put your fingers on the center of the prop to create some resistence and it still spins? If yes to that then cut more off of the prop. And hopefully you used the set screw in the prop to hold it to the shaft instead of glueing it so you can get a new prop if you mess up or it still doesn't work.

Cool, i think most of my problem is the rod i have is hollow and is pretty flexable so the prop wobbles as it spins faster and the wobbling slows it down so it just dont work :) Ill have to find me another hobby shop and hopefully they have solid rods.

Thanks for the help.
Niko- I got mine from Home Depot a year and a half ago and it hasn't rusted a bit...I don't know what gives there but mine has worked flawlessly the entire time I've had it....
if anyone wants measurements of the shaft let me know, and let me know exactly what you want a measurment of ill do it when i get home tongiht
Blast from the past - but I ran across a pretty easy solution for the shaft to drive the prop. 3/16" rigid airline tubing works great.

You take the impeller assembly from the powerhead and simply remove the top bushing. So all you have sticking out is the wire axle. Slide the rigid airline tubing over the axle - until it bumps into the impeller body. Glue in place. The axle will help align everything so it's straight. (As a variant of this I removed the axle and stuck in a drill bit for alignment but that's just me)

Now address the 'cup' where the bushing used to sit. Drill a hole in it so that rigid airline tubing will slide through. Reassemble the power head - now with a shaft of rigid airline tubing sticking out. If you can't figure out that rest - then I'd suggest you tackle some other project :)

Give you a hint - most holes in props are like 1/8" and the tubing is 3/16". It's a good thing that they make 3/16" drill bits isn't it?
I am a patent detective.

I think you all should put a stop to this copying product. I'll report this to the Tunze police. :D SIKE !!!

Aaahhh this idea has came up even the tunze came out with their product. I came up with an idea by accident, When I put my racing rc boat in the lake and hold on to it, I saw the prop put a powerful jet of water and push the weeds in the lake around really good. I have so many power heads laying around with an rc boat propeller attach to it. While I was working on it, a friend came out with a similar stuff and then I saw the tunze came out with their product. I did not have so much time working on it and keep putting it off. Didn't even have a chance to get it patent, actually I did some paper work but ran into a red tag. Base on the patent policy, you can use any pump but not similar design to one that already exist something like that. Anyway, I have seen many improvements. I probably use your idea and finish my. I even try the propeller that they use for rc submarine, less vibration. The rod that the giant pump has is made out of coated stainless steal, it will russ and break off.

The propeller that you use is not sufficient in high speed. You should use a prop that RC boater use for racing which is made of plastic not brass. For the rod, I use the fiberglas rod that rc car use for their shaft and modify it to size.