DIY "Stream" Style Pump

WOW!! Can't believe I missed this thread the first time around. Might have to make rocks to hide these too!!
Well I actually made three of them. I've only got one in the tank right now - it's a 40 gallon, and one is enough for the entire tank. It's been running flawlessly for like a month or so.

On with the pics. The first one is one showing the completed impeller. You can see the wire axel showing through the tubing, the hot glue I used to attach the tubing to the impeller, and the (remaining) bottom bearing.


This is a the end cap that fits over the top of the impeller. It's been trimmed somwhat. Usually there's a fixture sticking out the side where the water flows out. And the water input (which is usually like 2" long), has been cut down. The cup where the bearing sat has been enlarged and lengthened so it's a hole just large enough for the tubing to fix through.


This is the assembled powerhead ready for the propeller.

I just did this to my Maxi Jet 1200 and it works if i help it start in the water... I guess maybe Maxi Jets just arnt strong enough? Anyone have ideas?
niko, how are you covering the little prop so it doesn't chop anything up that touches it?
1 1/2" PVC Pipe over the prop with slots cut in it toward the powerhead side for water intake. Will post picture shortly if i can get it all working :)
Well here are the pictures.. Still havent tested... my superglue is still drying on the 3/16" tube to impeller maginet joining :) My first test was with hotmelt and it failed. Also does anyone know if Hotmelt is safe? if not I need to change some stuff :)

Here is the impeller assembly with prop on it and guard to Prop.JPG
Here is looking into the prop The Prop.JPG
And all assembled Assembled.JPG
I don't think you'll need that output tube any longer on the side of the impellar housing.
At the base of your modification, there is the regular outlet of the MaxiJet. At this point, what can/will it do? Nothing.
oh yea im alittle slow hehe Yea im gonna cut it off just havent gone that far yet :) Im not sure the powerhead is strong enough to spin the prop :(
Well... It keeps wanting to spin backward.. any ideas on how to make it spin foward?

It trys to spin backward then the shaft slides out then pops back in then it does it again except this happense really fast... when it does go the right way its pretty sweet
Put a plastic tab so it's on the tip of the prop. Place it so it will stop the prop if it starts to go backwards and just nip it when it's running forwards.
