I don't even know if it is worth it for me right now.
I failed to mention that on my version of this, I sawed off the top plastic piece that holds the impeller in place. I then drilled out the plastic in the center of the magnet about halfway through. The whole inside of the magnet, once drilled out, is exactly 3/16" so the rigid airline tubing fits in perfectly. However, I did this to a couple Maxi-jets, and while drilling out the center plastic, I cracked the magnet. Twice.
Right now the magnet has been super-glued back together, but only one of them has held together. I may just go back to a regular Maxi-jet for now.
As for my proposed plan, I might give that a shot someday too. You can get a 1', Grade-5, 1/8" diameter titanium rod from
www.mcmaster.com for under $10. Also, the rod is only 1/8" thick, so I think that a 1/4" or 3/8" strip of acrylic over the front output of the gizmo to hold the rod in place should be enough. It shouldn't cut back on the flow too much, at least I hope.
EDIT: I'm not sure that the maxi-jet shaft is 1/8", could be closer to 1/16", might want to check that one.

Also, not sure if Grade-5 is the best choice. It says that its stronger, but says Grade-2 has a better chemical resistance, FWIW.