With a lot of sulfur in the reactor at low nitrate levels ,you can get hydrogen sufide more easily even with upward adjustments in the effluent rate. Using less for a lower nitrate level is prudent in my opinion.
Can somebody explain me why sulfite can be formed in a sulfur reactor due to verry low nitrate levels?
At my knowledge there is no connection between the amount of nitrate and sulfite . I use sulfur denitrators for years and could not find any reason to believe this statement. If somebody can prove this statement I am verry interrested to know more about it.
HS + 10 NO3- + 4,1 HCO3- + 0,5 CO2 + 1,71 NH4+ + 2,5 H2O Ã
0,92 C5H7NO2 + HSO4- + 5,4 N2 + 9,62 H+
Thiobacillus denitrificans bacteria can use the oxygen of the nitrate and bind it with the sulfur ( food source) to form sulfate, nitrogen and hydrogen. How Sulfite can be formed here due to not enough nitrate?
I can tell that when you disconnect your reactor and close it off completely so that no air can enter you can re-use it a week later without any problems at normal working rate. This has been tested. So, Thiobacillus denitrificans did not die? Why not?
Sulfite can be formed when there is not enough enfluent and water can not reach all the media ( cloged) and there is the possebility for oxygen to enter via the gas-outlet or the bacteria did die and usable oxygen stays available in the water. Most of the sulfite will be formed due to the decomposition of the dead bacteria ( protein source). In this case other bacteria ( Bacterium colli, Bacterium proteus and Bacteruim subtilis?) will form amino-accids who will be broken down by other bacteria who can bind sulfur with hydrogen to form sulfurhydrogen or sulfite. These bacteria do normally not survive in filters but live in all aquaria. In most cases only a little bit of sulfite will be formed and in a good system be driven out. There is no danger to be expected from sulfite formed in a sulfur reactor system. If you smell it, it means it is driven out and you have the possebility to correct the cause.
More dangerous are the toxines formed by the bacteria when they can not complete there cycle. This is mostly the case when nitrite can be measured. But that is another issue.
I am not a biologist but I try to understand.
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Belgian Anthias