Interesting artikels about Sulpur
Interesting artikels about Sulpur
Those who are not satisfied with a simple explanation can start here. But I think this wood be better handled as a topic in the chemics chapter. If it was not already.
Nitrate reduction through sulfur reduction through sulfur&f=false
From the forum:
Sulfate/sulfide transformations
Submitted by wetman on Mon, 03/21/2011 - 07:17
Sulfur is another element required for animal life. After carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, the next most common element found in organic molecules is sulfur. Sulfur is a component of some essential amino acids that are part of proteins and of humic substances. You won't be surprised to find a limited arc of the planetary "sulfur cycle," even in the aquarium's limited ecosystem, because all the elements essential to life must be recycled, or else biological processes would have exhausted the planet's supply, after a couple of billion years.
Sulfate and sulfide. In the sulfate ion (SO4), a sulfur atom is surrounded by four oxygen atoms: oxidized, in other words. Sulfates are harmless to fish, odorless and quite stable. By contrast, in sulfides, such as hydrogen sulfide (H2S), the sulfur atom is reduced, stripped of its oxygen and joined to another atom. Sulfides are reactive, and they can be quite toxic.
As with phosphate, inorganic sulfur is unavailable to animals; it must be assimilated by bacteria to form organic sulfur compounds before animals can use it in assembling essential proteins and co-enzymes and other necessary biochemicals.
So, like other elemental cycles represented in the aquarium, sulfur transformations are driven by bacterial processes. Some bacterial metabolisms can reduce sulfate, stripping it of its oxygen atoms, while others oxidize the sulfide that's produced. The various sulfur-metabolizing bacteria aren't all genetically related. They form a co-dependent community, passing sulfur back and forth between sulfate and sulfide states, even sometimes excreting a little elemental sulfur. In undisturbed regions of mature biofilm and the substrate, the aerobic sulfur bacteria help use up the last of diminishing supplies of oxygen, so they keep their anaerobic neighbors safe from the dangerous, reactive O2.
Where is the aquarium's sulfur? At any given moment, most of the sulfur in the aquarium is in the form of sulfates (SO4). Though most of the organic sulfur is in the form of sulfates, not all sulfates are built into organic compounds: sulfates can also be mineralized. Gypsum, for one example, is calcium sulfate, CaSO4: when ground fine it makes plaster-of-Paris, the major component of sheetrock and those weekend "feeder blocks" embedding food flakes. Sodium sulfate, the salt of sulfuric acid, is another widely distributed mineral sulfate. Potassium sulfate is only moderately soluble, but you might be adding it as a plant fertilizer. Magnesium sulfate is Epsom salts. Aluminum sulfate is the alum you might occasionally use to clarify water.
Sulfate is the form of sulfur plants can use, and like phosphate it can only re-enter the food web through algae and plants. They take it up and convert it into their characteristic proteins, which may be consumed by animals, who can't use sulfates directly; instead they convert these plant-produced amino acids into their own animal proteins.
The death of plants or animals begins the process of decomposition, communal processes that involve cooperating fungi and bacteria. The decomposers break down animal and plant proteins, releasing amino acids that animals can use or "mineralizing" the amino acids, that is, breaking them down all the way to release the sulfates, which plants take up once more. Within the aquarium there are sulfur transformations rather than a true cycle, as with phosphate.
Sulfide (SO), stripped of oxygen, is the other form of sulfur normally involved in biological processes. (Thiosulfates"” SO3"” are a less common form of sulfur. You know them most likely from sodium thiosulfate, the active ingredient in de-chlorinator. Thiosulfates don't last in the aquarium, because bacterial communities metabolize them.)
Sulfur bacteria in the substrate. Sulfur is much less common in freshwater sediments than it is in marine environments. Typical habitats for sulfur bacteria are freshwater lake sediments and intertidal mudflats. In such sediments sulfur bacteria communities form densely-populated mats (denser than cyanobacterial mats) that are confined to the narrow layers where the oxygen and sulfide gradients overlap. In the undisturbed substrate there are communities of sulfur bacteria, playing various metabolic roles. Their combined effect is to oxidize sulfides to sulfate.
Sediment banding. Distinct layers form in sandy sediments"” which are more like most aquarium substrates than mud sediments are. Bands in an undisturbed substrate form in reaction to four chemical gradients: light, oxygen, sulfate and sulfide. On the interface between water and substrate, diatoms coat most surfaces, mixing with cyanobacteria. The diatom layer protects the cyanobacteria beneath from the corrosive effects of oxygen. On a mud substrate this community might form a thin dense, somewhat slimy mat: a biofilm. Just below, purple bacteria (with bacterial chlorophyll a), lie in a layer just above green sulfur bacteria (with bacterial chlorophyll b). Purple and green bacteria are the phototrophic "non-sulfur" bacteria of freshwater sediments, especially in alkaline environments . In the layer where silica sand transmits some light, especially in the infrared range, "blind" but motile sulfur bacteria exist in permanent symbiotic relations with phototrophic green sulfur bacteria that cover them. Phototrophic sulfur bacteria require the simultaneous presence of reduced inorganic sulfur compounds"” diffusing upwards from anoxic layers"” and light coming from above. They get their carbon from CO2. Green sulfur bacteria have two distinguishing colors, bright grass green and chocolate-brown, arising from phototrophic pigments.
Link. I'm getting some of this information from Jörg Overmann's rather technical but perfectly readable document, "Diversity and ecology of phototrophic sulfur bacteria" in Microbiology Today, Aug 2001, archived at the Society for General Microbiology's site. If it might be more than you want to know, check the abstract.
In a nutrient-rich sediment, heterotrophic bacteria may overwhelm the slower-growing phototrophs.
Photosynthesizing sulfur bacteria. Anaerobic photosynthesizing sulfur bacteria sometimes form distinct dark layers in the substrate next to the tank glass, where daylight hits it. The bacteria involved are purple sulfur bacteria (with red, brown, purple and orange photosynthetic pigments) and, usually beneath them, the olive-green to brown green sulfur bacteria. In anoxic environments, these bacteria are able to metabolize sulfide or elemental sulfur, using a primitive and ancient kind of archaic photosynthesis that doesn't produce any oxygen. Very low levels of light will suffice for them.
On one of my tanks (and yet not on others), beginning a half-inch below the substrate surface, there's a clear-edged area that is black-green, perhaps dense with these sulfur bacteria probably mixed with cyanobacteria. My hunch is that these particular photosynthesizers are discouraged by the oxygen in the topmost gravel layer. What has been mysterious to me was, why does this photosynthesizing zone appear equally strongly in gravel that's not exposed to daylight from a window? Then RTR explained this phenomenon well in an AC post, 3 Dec 2002: "A significant part of this may well be only on those sand grains or the glass itself exposed to internally relected light. Light from the tank's lighting entering the glass at certain angles passes through the interior glass surface, but is reflected back from the exterior and comes back out within the tank just below the substrate surface"” the glass itself acts a light pipe for a short distance. In one small area, pull back or siphon up the sand. If the algae is still there in the glass with a bit on the sand removed, it is just internal reflection promoting growth, and it may be removed at will. If the patch extends into the tank away from the glass a completely different process is occuring."
Hydrogen sulfide. For generations hydrogen sulfide has been a bugaboo to aquarists, who have sniffed their tanks for the tell-tale whiff of rotten eggs that would confirm their dark fears. Hydrogen sulfide can be produced by two kinds of bacteria. Surprisingly, one kind are aerobic bacteria: H2S can be formed in the normal process of aerobic bacterial decomposing of plant and animal remains. Atoms of sulfur form part of the molecules in living tissues, notably in proteins. When tissues are broken down, the sulfur is first released as sulfides, contributing to the stink of putrefaction. In the decay process, where organic substances from cells are being decomposed, a group of "sulfur bacteria" scavenge oxygen from the organic sulfate and use it to oxidize carbon.
Minute quantities of sulfur are released throughout the aquarium, some of it as infinitesimal amounts of H2S. Other bacteria, however, are right at hand to oxidize the sulfides to sulfates; they are a wide-ranging group of aerobic bacteria, including thiobacilli. This sulfide/sulphate regeneration is a normal component of the mature community of the biofilm. But at points in the cycle where oxygen is locally scarce, such as microzones deep in a well-developed biofilm, sulfur-reducing bacteria can short-circuit the cycle by reducing free elemental sulfur or SO4 directly back to sulfides, by-passing plants and animals.
Obligate anaerobes and the dreaded hydrogen sulfide. But, pretty rarely in most aquaria, pockets of hydrogen sulfide can also form in deep substrate layers that are never touched by oxygen. In entirely oxygen-free zones of the substrate, de-nitrating bacteria can thrive, stripping the oxygen from nitrate and nitrite. Their activities produce a nitrate gradient. In sufficiently deep substrates, nitrates may become entirely used up. Below the de-nitrating zone, where there is neither nitrate to work on, nor oxygen to interfere, sulfate (SO4) can become the next-best electron receptor for obligate anaerobes, those bacteria who can't handle oxygen at all. This metabolic process is much less efficient as a source of energy, but as long as they are utterly protected from the deadly oxygen, a range of anaerobic sulfate-reducing bacteria strip the oxygen from sulfate and use it to get carbon from carbon dioxide. Their waste products include H2S. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is deadly to all aerobic organisms, so the noxious gassy byproduct can help stabilize a safely anoxic environment for the sulfate-reducing bacteria that produce it, surrounding themselves with a "killing zone" called a sulfuretum.
Hydrogen sulfide is highly reactive, part of what makes it toxic at the nanomolar (µM) level, according to a 1997 California Academy of Sciences BioForum lecture "Living with toxic sulfide" given by Dr Alissa Arp, who has been exploring marine H2S metabolisms in deep oceanic thermal vents and methane seeps and the black mud of tidal estuaries. Now, of course they are getting a long way from the freshwater aquarium, but these are good places to study sulfur metabolisms. For instance, Dr. Arp relates, H2S reacts with iron to make black iron sulfide. In the substrate, iron in the ferric state, Fe(III), will oxidize H2S, turn it to thiosulfate.
This useful reaction of Fe(III) and H2S has been harnessed by a curious California mudflat worm, Urechis, which lives in an excavated burrow where water is stagnant at low tide. There is a lot of bacterial activity in the mud, which is highly enriched organically, so the oxygen gradient is very steep. The bacteria in anoxic mud produce sulfide, and if you walk on the mudflat at low tide, you smell the hydrogen sulfide. So the worm Urechis is faced with environmental challenges, which it meets by detoxifying the H2S in its coelomic fluid, which is rich in heme compounds, though not associated with a protein as in our hemoglobin. The iron in the heme group is in the ferric state. Its extra positive charge oxidizes the sulfide to non-toxic forms, principally thiosulfate.
These sulfate-reducing bacteria giving off H2S are "obligate anaerobes," the kind of primitive bacteria that are poisoned by a breath of oxygen. There is another group of specialized anaerobic sulfur bacteria that can also metabolize sulfate for energy, converting it to sulfide. These bacteria also require a strictly anoxic environment to work in. Oxygen doesn't kill them outright, but in the presence of oxygen these sulfate reducers can't grow and multiply. They need an organic substrate, such as acids generated by the fermentative activities of other anaerobic bacteria. Nitrate also retards their action. Only in deep, richly organic substrates that are disturbed at long intervals could they become a problem.
Sulfate-reducing bacteria tend to create a blackened layer in the substrate, because iron reacts with some of the the sulphide they produce to form dark-colored iron sulfide (FeS).
Sulfate reduction in biofilms. Though the sulfate reducers are obligate anaerobes, suitable oxygen-free microzone environments aren't necessarily buried in the deeper layers of the substrate. Sulfate-reducing bacteria tend to multiply in undisturbed matured biofilms as well. A sulfuretum doesn't get established there because neighboring bacteria are waiting to oxidize the hydrogen sulfide to harmless sulfate.
Sulfate-oxidizing bacteria. So, if H2S has formed in a deeper anoxic layer in substrate or a thick biofilm, various aerobic bacteria are waiting to scavenge any available hydrogen sulfide and oxidize it to harmless sulfate. In an undisturbed substrate, bacteria like these would tend to congregate in a thin layer at the limits of diffused oxygen, subsisting on any H2S that might diffuse up from a deeper anoxic layer. If you found that the roots of plants are blackened (they should be white) you might suspect hydrogen sulfide poisoning. But healthy active plant roots have a natural defense against H2S; they release some oxygen, which creates a protective microzone surrounding each rootlet, where these H2S-oxydizing bacteria can thrive. In an undisturbed substrate, as H2S rises up to the rootzone, it is increasingly unlikely to avoid getting oxidized to sulfate. Diana Walstad notes that H2S was found to be negligible in oxygenated swamp water, even when it was present in the underlying sediment.
My H2S conclusions. In sum, hydrogen sulfide could only be an issue in a substrate that was too deep (over 4 inches, say), one that was also entirely anoxic, was also depleted in nitrate and was enriched with decaying organics and sulfate, perhaps from fertilizer. Then, to get the H2S up into the water column, though, you'd have to get in there at long intervals and vigorously stir up the deepest layers of substrate with a gravel cleaner. My point is that several poor aquaristic practices would have to be combined.
I did once have an unpleasant brush with H2S. An Aponogeton bulb had died back but never renewed itself. After some months I went to root it out. It was reduced to a shell- the heart was rotten and softer than a French cheese. When I managed to get it to the surface in one piece, the notorious stink of H2S greeted my nose. I figure that the resistant rind of the bulb had protected the interior from the destructive powers of oxygen. Inside it, an isolated community of stinky anaerobic decomposers had uninhibited free play, and H2S could accumulate, safe from the substrate bacteria that would otherwise have oxidized it to harmless sulfate.
...Other fishkeepers have had similar experiences. Apparently the fleshy tubers of a Banana Lily (Nymphoides aquatica) can provide a similar oxygen-free haven for sulphur-reducing anaerobes. G.S. Mollin posted at Tom'sPlace 10 Jan 2002: "Actually it took a dead banana plant to get the anaerobic pocket started. It smelled pretty bad and was jet black wastewater when vacuumed." But on the whole, I think aquarists tend to mistake the funky odors of thiols for the legendary rotten-egg fumes of hydrogen sulfide.
Thiobacilli. Among the varied community known as colorless (i.e. non-photosynthesizing) sulfur bacteria are the small tribe of thiobacilli. Microbiologists have identified five or so species. Some thiobacilli are definitely exotic: two live in sulfurous hot springs, and a couple more live in waters so acid that nothing else can survive. In fact, one thiobacillus is the most acid-tolerant organism known. Most need oxygen, but at least one, Thiobacillus denitrificans, is a facultative anaerobe: provided some nitrate is available, it can reduce nitrate to dinitrogen gas, then oxidize sulfide to sulfate, using the freed oxygen.
Because of these few highly-specialized thiobacilli, it is misleadingly easy to associate thiobacilli only with extreme environments. In oxygen-rich water, thiobacilli utilize various forms of sulfur as a source of energy, just as we use various forms of carbon. They burn sulfur with oxygen"” oxidize it"” to obtain energy, forming stable sulfate. As the metabolizing of carbon produces carbon dioxide, metabolizing sulfur produces sulfur dioxide, which thiobacilli can further use to produce sulfuric acid. Many thiobacilli can also use hydrogen sulfide, which is much more common in healthy aquaria than we imagine, as I've suggested.
Thiobacilli multiply in narrow zones and gradients where some sulfide is diffusing upwards from anoxic zones below and where some oxygen is fitfully available, diffusing down from the interface between water and substrate or biofilm surface. Rivers and estuaries support vast natural populations of thiobacilli, a very desirable inhabitant of the deeper strata of the aquarium substrate. Thiobacilli and a few other bacteria oxidize H2S (and elemental sulfur if they can get it) to sulfate (SO4). In the presence of some oxygen, on the outer fringes of a sulfate-reduction zone, thiobacilli and various other aerobic bacteria congregate to feast on hydrogen sulfide, oxidizing it to harmless sulfate. Some specialized photosynthetic anaerobes can also metabolize H2S. The only place in your aquarium where they could operate is where a deep, anoxic substrate is exposed to sunlight against a glass pane.
Thiobacilli links you might be curious to work through, because these bacteria are distinctly underrated in the aquarium: Erik Wentzel's brief (and pretty technical) lecture outline treatment of Thiobacilli in the context of his soil microbiology course at Virginia Tech might help. A very technical chapter on Thiobacilli excerpted from A. Balows et al, The Prokaryotes 1992, chapter 139, vol. iii.