dmorel's 220 Round & Shallow reef build

Some actual updates, with pictures!

Some actual updates, with pictures!

OK, so a little bit actually done today:

The top of the stand is here.
It's in two pieces due to size and will have to be glued together.
It will be installed tomorrow and plumbing started.

Here is a fresh picture of the top:


Next, I mentioned that the racks were assembled in the sump room.
Well here they are with their tanks on them:


The right hand rack has the sump on the bottom, frag tank in the middle, and fuge on the top.

Display tank drains to the sump (obviously), which is then pumped to the fuge.

The fuge overflows into the frag tank.

The frag tank *usually* drains to the bottom tank on the left hand rack, which in turn returns to the sump.

Sump back to display tank of course.

The top tank on the left hand rack is the water change make up water vessel.

The bottom tank on the left hand rack can be isolated from the rest of the system causing the frag tank to drain directly to the sump instead of the bottom tank on the left hand side with the turn of a valve.
At that time I can empty 40 gallons of water into the sink next to the bottom left tank, again by turning a valve. After that tank empties, another valve will fill it from the tank above, and then I turn the knob again and the new water comes online in the system.
Sweet easy water changes.

This last picture shows a couple of our dogs checking out the doorway now that I've put the door back on, and you can also see the distance from the sump room to the display tank.

Skip is going to get started on some of the plumbing today. I can't wait to see it.
If I'm SUPER DUPER lucky, water this weekend... In all likelihood, the weekend after.
Well Skip had a busy day today.

I have to admit, I had nothing to do with any of the following work (except the RODI unit I hung up this weekend :) ) since I wasn't even home today until he was almost done. We've reviewed the basic design so many times I'm not at all worried about not being around when the plumbing gets done and now that he's working full time running one of the local shops I'm going to have to take what I can get in terms of his time.

I think Skip also has some photos he may post later of the build process, but let's not delay!

First The Top of the Stand I think it came out great!


Plumbing from the tank into the sump room. The door still needs to be cut, but since the plumbing is not glued in we didn't cut it yet...



Some of the support system tank plumbing:


The beginning of the water change magic area:


Skip hard at work:


Rodi "installed" by yours truly (this really is the height of my plumbing capability):


And perhaps the finest moment so far:


yes, that is in fact, Fat Tire... in a can.
In Other news....
Very little will happen between now and next Monday on the plumbing. The last of the original equipment list should be picked up by Skip before then, so we're talking about the Reeflo Orca 250 which is due tomorrow, and the chiller, and few miscellaneous other pieces.

I *might* mess around with the reefkeeper, though I've yet to do so at all other than to upgrade the firmware in all the units.

So, if we figure next Monday for completion of plumbing, a bit of fiddling after that. I'm targeting the following weekend for water in (think that's the 7th of March) --- So we're getting pretty close but not quite there.

Lastly... there is a package, currently making its way to me that will shake things up a bit. It is possible, even likely(!) that I may have a really exciting update before this weekend.
HAHA Giga, I was just posting on your thread!

I don't know for sure, but I'm guessing by now you're figuring out that I might be doing some major lighting changes. Now that the package is actually in the states and on its way to me I feel pretty good about saying I probably won't be using ALL of the won spots at any rate... And I've already listed the brand spanking new lumenarc 3 pendants for sale in my local club forum.

I'll send you an IM after my shipment arrives ;)
...What kind of suggestions can you make for me to help keep the reflections down?
I don't know that I have any good suggestions. What I can tell you is this: at one point I was considering skinning the 300 gallon tub that I'd been using for more than a year and turning it into a more presentable "display" tank. Despite initially being vehemently against having lighting fixtures positioned where they would block my view into the tank, I finally tumbled to the fact that I couldn't see through the area of the "instant headache" reflective glare anyway.

There are three ways to reduce the glare:
  1. Position the lights so they shine from nearly the same position as the viewer (really tough to do on a round tank)
  2. Raise the lights way up high
  3. Lower the lights to as close to the surface as possible.
    [/list=1] Keeping in mind "if we halve the distance between the lamp and the surface of the water, the intensity should quadruple", I eventually decided to light the tank using the smallest pendants I could find positioned in angled "overflow"-type boxes that would be strategically placed around the perimeter of the tub.

    Best I can suggest is that when you get a chance to fill the tank with water, sit in front of it for a few hours with the lights on. IME, any lights you have shining at you are going to get old eventually, even the spots you have in the picture above, particularly if you have surface agitation. I really didn't think it'd be an issue at first... I do now.

    You have one advantage in that you can see through the side of the tank. But, if there's a bright light shining at you, I'm not sure that'll be enough to outweigh the annoyance.

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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14467224#post14467224 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ed Reef
Love your shallow round reef tank - can't wait to see what you do with the aquascaping... :)

Thanks Ed, your build thread is amazing btw.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14467366#post14467366 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by puter

You have one advantage in that you can see through the side of the tank. But, if there's a bright light shining at you, I'm not sure that'll be enough to outweigh the annoyance.


Mark, I hear you.

Skip suggested I try moving the spots in closer from the edge, reducing the angle a bit and cutting down on the throw of the lights. Since we all know he's really the brains behind this operation anyway it won't come as a surprise to anyone that it helped a bunch.

Below is a new pic with the lights re-oriented. Moving them around more might help or simply replacing them with something else might help too :) (actually will probably be replacing only a few of them, but I dunno....)

One thing I can say for sure, the tank will be nice as a lookdown, but that is not THE key viewing angle. There will be plenty to enjoy looking in from the sides where the pleasant seating will be. Stopping the glare in your eyes is the key and I believe that will be accomplished.

Here's the lights with a slightly different orientation:


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14467016#post14467016 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by dmorel
yes, that is in fact, Fat Tire... in a can.
Besides the fact that I love your tank, ^^that^^ is the coolest thing I've seen in a very long time :beer:
Nothing like Fat Tire in a can Stunreefer, I assure you :)

However, I am hoping I've got something even cooler to show you guys tomorrow night.
Are you sure them shelves can handle the weight of the tank? I have 4 of those shelves. I would love to put couple tank on top of it but i worry about the weight....
The shelving we are using for the sump racks are rated to 800 pounds per shelf. They will be secured to the wall prior to any water going in to prevent any lateral stresses. I am pretty sure that the racks supporting the sumps is not going to be an issue, The largest of the tanks is approximately 44 gallons, so worst case scenario is we have about a 300 pound safety margin. :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14476701#post14476701 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jar*Head
Are you sure them shelves can handle the weight of the tank? I have 4 of those shelves. I would love to put couple tank on top of it but i worry about the weight....
never mind, skip was faster :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14476703#post14476703 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Giga
Ur making me jealous to get my spots done!

Just wait, it gets worse.