Do those who have pulisng xenia regret putting it in their tank?


New member
In the 3 years ive been reefing ive had my fair share of learning the hard way. Its taken a year for my gf to finally take interest after i set a tank up just for her. Unfortunately she tends to like the corals that are like weeds. We were at coral corral yesterday and they had pulsing xenia in one of their displays and she really liked how they pulsated. I told her its probably a headache coral, especially in a biocube. Ive done my researching and ive found they can spawn and have new heads pop up in random spots of tanks, they can move around like an anemone and can reach plague proportions if let to get out of hand. Im sure there are quite a few people on here that have/had pulsing xenia in their tank. End of the day its her tank and if she wants it bad enough shell get it. But im the one that has to maintain it lol i just want to prepair myself, and or show her some solid proof it should be enjoyed from someone elses tank LOL
Got off the hook with the blue cloves after i showed her what people on here said. And she doesnt really like the sympodium. But now the pulsing xenia is on her mind haha
I have some. I keep it separated from everything. It's own little island for say.

Hey roger, what color do you have? Ive been able to find 3 colors so far. Nautrally she likes the blue pulsing xenia and pink second to the blue. Cant find the blue anywhere
Hey roger, what color do you have? Ive been able to find 3 colors so far. Nautrally she likes the blue pulsing xenia and pink second to the blue. Cant find the blue anywhere

Normal color. I have never seen blue. I don't know I guess it is tan.

Sorry no pics currently on them
Not the best pic but here is some blue pulsing xenia
I personally don't like them and can tell you that unless you have a large tank where you can keep this coral at least 2" from everything else and on its own rock, it will spread and grow like weeds. Good luck!
Ive been reading it can and will spread to anything it can touch. There is a big open area in the front left of her tank where we could try to place some on a small rock. Im sure if it starts to spread i can put some coral putty over the newely growing xenia and sell/trade the rock with the xenia on it
I like the fact she is trying to find stuff she likes so i really wanna try my best not to shoot her ideas down and discourage her. But she seen how much i spent setting it up so she is afraid to mix water and do basic maintenance on the tank in fear she will mess something up. No biggie to me tho, i enjoy cleaning the tanks
Xenia pretty much paid for my last tank. I traded frags of that stuff all the time. But like Roger said, keep it on it's own little island.
Not only will it grow on what it can touch, it will also grow in random places within the tank. I bought a tennis ball size piece about 8 months ago, and it is now a volleyball. There are also about 5 other areas in the tank that have Xenia on them, all larger than the original sized colony I purchased. I have a 150, so it's not the big of a deal, but I am running out of room for other corals due to this weed. However, my gf loves it (the things we do for women), so I keep it. Hell, some of it is even growing in my sump with a standard Home Depot bulb for my chaeto!
Xenia has a history for dropping pieces of its body off to spread which can be a real pain.

I would suggest not keeping it unless you want it all over your aquarium.
In a biocube I wouldn't worry about it too much. It'll end up everywhere, but if she likes it she will still enjoy the tank. I wouldn't put it in a bigger aquarium, though. Anthelia either.
If she wants it, get it..... There is nothing wrong with it... Other corals will compete and usually win, the only place you have to worry is where there is no other coral to compete, like a bares spot.... Blank real estate, yup, it will take it...
Had it in my 90g.... do not / will not have it in my 180g. Nice to start with, but over a couple of years it took over my tank.