Do you have a Profilux 3 question


New member
In the run up to the release of the ProfiLux 3 we would like to give everyone the opportunity to ask any questions they may have about the ProfiLux 3controller.

Please feel free to post this thread link openly on RC as in the past we have seen members asking valid questions about the ProfiLux in general and not getting valid or even close to correct answers, instead hijaked threads.

It is important people now get the correct answers and i hope this thread will go a long way to help with this.

Comparison questions are also valid!

So the first question to profiLux:fish2: ??
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ok, someone has to start.

1. any web cam interface planned for the future
2. any fish feeder interface for the P3, a dedicated fish feeder made by GHL for seamless integration would be cool.
just throwing out some ideas........:spin2:
1. The ProfiLux 3 has probably the most advanced web server capabilities even to the extent you can up load your own webpage to it, so anything is possible. Put it another way if the webserver is missing any features required on mass by ProfiLux users its server capabilities can be expanded.

2. GHL are concentrating for the first part of the P3 release on the unit itself, further third party options and add ons will follow next year for sure. I am aware a fish feeder has been asked for many times but can not say how far on the priority list it is right now.

Keep em coming ;)
Flow sensors would be awesome. And have them tied into the sms system to let you know if a pump has died or there is a blockage. Another one would be electronic ball valves. You could do waves on closed looped systems :spin1: Though in that instance there might be too much wear on the vales.
Good questions and suggestions as always from everyone :)

Flow sensors are already an option and covered under the analogue digital input card. Luisago has been working on this for some time and has even sourced all the components.

GHL are working on a number of options for LED control, for PWM this would require an expanded module.

Any P3 specific questions?? :)
If only quality development costs were that cheap ;)

Also based on how many would want the feature, a company spending many thousands on tooling for just a few sales is not commercially viable.

Please dont get me wrong and think it is not viable I have no clue at all, just shooting the breeze really in regards to what tooling and quality "really" costs.

I will however talk to GHL about your good suggestion :)
GHL Profilux III

GHL Profilux III

When can I buy one?

How is it different from version II?

How much will it generally cost?

How does it compair to other controllers such as the Neptune Aquacontroller?

as the questions deserve lengthy answers i have provided also links that cover much of what you have asked

When can I buy one?

November, or you can buy the Plus II now and get the advantage of getting the discount on the P3 upgrade kit and save over $100, all Plus II owners qualify prior to the release of the P3 controller.

How is it different from version II?

The biggest feature is massive expandability and webserver capabilities with huge advances such as loading your own web pages to the controller

More I think is covered here

Please look at this in detail especially the feature list, this will give you a great idea.

How much will it generally cost?
Depends on if you own a Plus II prior to the P3 launch but the basic controller is $599

How does it compair to other controllers such as the Neptune Aquacontroller?

I can only speak of the Profilux here. I think the above thread link covers this question well. One thing will stand out and that is the amount of different third party equipment that can be controlled by the Profilux, no other controller can match this.

If you any specific comparisons you are interested in I can asnswer better and more direct. i.e the neptune can doo xxx can the ProfiLux do XXX.

Oh one other thing that really stands out the P3 is capable of complete home automation NOT just aquatic automation! It is that powerful!
November, or you can buy the Plus II now and get the advantage of getting the discount on the P3 upgrade kit and save over $100, all Plus II owners qualify prior to the release of the P3 controller.

are you saying it a $100 cheaper to buy a PII plus now and then the upgrade kit rather then waiting for the P3?
No, if you buy a Plus II now you qualify for a massive saving off the P3 upgrade kit

ALL plus II owners are eligible up until the end of October to obtain the p3 upgrade kit for $198USD instead of $346.00USD!!

But you have to own a plus II to get the discount and also order the P3 kit before the end of October.
Q1) Can you share offical details about the high end touchscreen interface i have heard about.

Q2) I have already ordered the upgrade from and was wondering if the PIII kit will have instructions on how to install the components for the lay user.

Q3) Please discuss any wifi functionality with the PIII.
Q1) Can you share offical details about the high end touchscreen interface i have heard about.

A1) Official details are that it will be touch screen, GHL are waiting for a suitable sized screen they wish to use to become available at present it is only avilable in 4.5" they wish it to be bigger. It will be touch screen, and it will be remote (put it anywhere) and it will be very powerful. And no it will not be $80! ;)

Q2) I have already ordered the upgrade from and was wondering if the PIII kit will have instructions on how to install the components for the lay user.

A2) I will be doing either a photo gallery of assembly OR a video. I am also offering a free upgrade service, the client just pays shipping both ways. For this you also get the software upgrade done.

Q3) Please discuss any wifi functionality with the PIII.

A3) If a wireless bridge is used, a wireless connection is possible.
I have the WLAN module for the PII also and want to know if I can use it when my PIII upgrade gets here or if I will have to scrap it for an external wireless adapter hooked up to the PIII's new LAN module.

I had a couple of question concerning the Profilux III

1 - What is the new PAB and how does it actually works ? What the big difference between the normal digital bar and the new PAB one ?

2 - Once we upgrade the card to PIII, what could we do with the old card and panel ? Will there be a way to convert the old screen to a remote display panel, I think this will be interesting if it was possible :P

Thank you for you time to answers all our question

Alex B
Hi Alex here are the answers

The PAB Power bar will monitor currents being drawn from each plug socket it will also network to infinate further power bars, these are the two main differences. Anyone who has the original power bar will naturally still be able to use them on the P3 plugged in as usual to the S1S4 socket.

The parts that are discarded - recycle please, for the sake of the environment :)
Oh one other thing that really stands out the P3 is capable of complete home automation NOT just aquatic automation! It is that powerful!

Can you provide some more information about this? What accessories are available for home automation? Does it control light switches and outlets? If so which ones? I have already started on some home automation in my new house. I am using INSTEON products (outlets, dimmers, switches, remote controls). Can the profilux controller work with INSTEON?
GHL next year will be developing the software to interface with house hold automation systems, at present as this is a totally new concept in aquatic control they are not releasing more details. At this time I can not release what companies they are working with sorry :(

Once I have the details I can assure they will be here very fast :)