Do you think this frag is worth $200?

Deadmeat or Tom

I partly agree with a lot you wrote. But there is lot that happened in the years you need to kee an eye on as besides what you listed.

Actualy going back to about 15 years when I had a brick and mrter store till about 10 years ago the industry made some big changes. Firt off hard goods started comming in from overseas and big box chain stores started thriving. The quality of hard goods actualy went down as did prices. The average store could not afford to stock a brand of skimmers in 5 sizes running from $200 to $1,000 a piece that were quality US products. The interent hit people and often the big "wholesalers" were selling hard goods for less than what the LFS could sell them at, since he could not afford to by cases of each size skimmer to get a big price break.

Then the hobbiest also changed. Instead of the average reefer having a 30 to 75 gallon reef he went to 120 gallon tanks with additional tanks to grow his own corals and frags. He was in it for the fun so if he sold a frag or small coral for $10.00 he was happy. Mean while the LFS was paying $15 for a coral and bought a box full of them with usualy half of them so drab that they would unsaleable. He had his overhead and needed to mak a proofit to suport his family so the corals had to sell at $45.00. But with the hobbiest also selling them at $5.00 the sales slowly dropped.

To give you some idea I regularly talk with a wholesaler of dry goods. In 1997 he had roughly 120 stores that he supplied within a 100 mile area from his shop. In 2002 he still had about a 100 in that same area but his total monthly sales were 1/3 of what they were 1997. As of 2010 he had only 17 stores left in that 100 mile radius and now expanded to a 300 mile radius with under 50 stores he supplies. Out of those 17 stores in his old area 11 were in business in 1997 while 6 are new stores that popped up within the last 3 years. So basicly in the last 13 years over 90 % of the smaller shops have had to shut down.

Sure there are hobbiest usualy operating out of the basements and garages usualy illegaly today. But those moving in Brick buildings with Neon signs are often finding that turnng a profit nearly imposible today, when you calculate all your true expenses that you did not realize when it was basement hobby..
Thank you a lot for another piece of the story. I see two sides to it and its a shame. I was not trying to pick on the brick and mortar because I understand they have a lot of competition and overhead. My biggest concern in most of it is the "mark up" at the level of the massive facilities built to warehouse most of the imported coral.
I know its great business sense for a group of investors to get together pool their money and expect a return from those facilities. But what makes it all difficult is understanding the markup from "isolated island farmer" to "massive import facility". That is where I was trying to compare all this to "cartel" initially, I just did not get off my soapbox at the correct time. I guess from now on I will call it the "Reefing Cartel" and possibly include "big chain stores" into that process for driving out smaller "brick and mortar" I so dearly remember in those early days. I'm always open to more information when it helps me understand the economics behind this hobby becoming a business.

i bought a single polyp rasta for 30 bucks cause i liked it and its awesome colors its grown to 15ish polyps im rich!!!!!! no serious tho im not chopping it im keeping it to grow like the rest of my frags and when theygrow off the disk then those polyps get cut and sold at way less than what i paid to club members locally
i bought a single polyp rasta for 30 bucks cause i liked it and its awesome colors its grown to 15ish polyps im rich!!!!!! no serious tho im not chopping it im keeping it to grow like the rest of my frags and when theygrow off the disk then those polyps get cut and sold at way less than what i paid to club members locally

There you go.
Good example!
I've heard that some club members donate/exchange their frags to other members also.

Not to flame the market, but attitude like that will help to keep the reality of the prices in check.
it's the rule of supply and demand... I think us reefers got ourselves in this price war. I don't believe (doesn't how rare it is) in $50.. $100 per polyp of zoa.
Interesting thread, pretty much anyone with corals or frags can put a price tag of whatever they want. Some frags are hard to find at times, I guess some use this as an advantage to jack the price up as well.
I know buddy I also agree with your post, a lot of people do it for the money instead of a passion for it. Just by telling you a local reefer found on CL someone selling a 1 foot clam for $1,800. Lol
Kinda high. If it was a store that has fixed costs hydro, rent, shipping costs, etc you can justify $200. I love that frag see if he cant go a little lower. But I wouldn't pass on this rare piece tho:)
Wow this thread is still going? lol...... right on......

To each his own. Product is only worth what the buyer is willing to pay.................................................................................................................................
HI EVERYONE....if you ask is worth 400 dollars....jk. If you have to ask it is probably overpriced.
Yes geography has a big effect on pricing. When you take a coral that initialy sold for $200.00 and people were begging for it three years ago then someone started fraging it they notice that the first frags may sell fast for $100. but after 3 years and every reefer in the are has that same coral your lucky to get $20.00 for a frag of it. But you can always travel 200 miles to another area and people might not have seen it and will be willing to pay big money again. Yes that is Supply and demand.

Localy I'm seeing that happen now with some Acans. About 5 years ago I know someone that was getting $200 for 3 or 4 polyps and had a waiting list. Today he is asking $100 for 6 to 10 polyps of the same strain and they are not moving for him. Thoers have gotten better looking strains and are selling them at a fraction of what he wants.
Kinda high. If it was a store that has fixed costs hydro, rent, shipping costs, etc you can justify $200. I love that frag see if he cant go a little lower. But I wouldn't pass on this rare piece tho:)

My LFS doesnt sell any polyp for more than $10 a polyp at most.....:wave:
Yes geography has a big effect on pricing

No it doesn't as you have internet and FORUMS where Vendors and Collectors can post these polyps and request for absurd amounts.This allows sellers to reach other people in other states, worldwide and their intended audience via the NET, Post pictures on every forum to gain hype on it. So Geography won't change things as folks can ship next day via fedex, UPS or other sources.

Geography only works as a hindrance if your waiting for something to get to your LFS and depending how many LFS are around your area.
Let's face it. The names are part of the hype, and pretty darn funny if you ask me. So here's the question who actually gets to officially tag the name "Utter Chaos" or "Gorilla Nipples" on a particular color variant, rare or not?
I know Blane Perrun may very well have started the whole thing years ago with the Purple People Eater. But who gets the privilege of establishing these names, ingenious as they are? Let's face it, the price is at least partially driven by the more off-the-wall name.
Someone who gets lucky to find a new piece, post's it and hypes it on every forum, names it something like SO and SO's (finder) supercalifragalistic polyp new rare on ID sites then you have every other must have polyp collectors and every other $$$ that would pay for it try to propagate it as fast before it devalues to sell as much or trade an arm and a leg for it..... I'm just talking to every new super hyped overpriced polyp out there. That's just an example of what I've seen for several years now.
Those are some sick polyps. but 200 for an unnamed unknown polyp is a sort of diceroll imo. if you think they are worth it, buy em, if not dont. =)
idk about $200 but if you go on to and look up under zoa's it looks like the darth maul zoa. just buy from them they have cool colors there and the darth is like 20 - 30 bucks
those zoos are cool i like them. at first look before reading all the comments i would have paid 200 dollars for that frag. but after reading all the comments it has opened my eyes to how dumb i can be sometimes and how by paying big money for a name brand coral just jacks up prices for everyone else.