Flyyyguy wrote, "I think the term "LE" if taken literally is silly"
So why do you think LFS use it? Why are sellers using it?
Flyyyguy posted "But that is the whole point of your post in the first place is it not??"
The real reason I ask is because nothing from the ocean is LE as long as it's growing and not man made. " LE " should be replaced with " LS ", ( Limited Supply ), meaning, if something arrived at a LFS and it's chopped up into 8 frags and posted on line as " LE ", what they should say is " LS ", Limited Supply. Why? Because that's all they have, "a limited supply". It's not a limited edition. There have been several limited edition cars produced in the past, and they always command a high dollar many years later as they become collectable investments. I collect art and many lithographs are limited edition prints. Collectable figurines are produced in limited edition. All of the above are man made items which will increase in value with age. Whether it's a Tyree or a Skyree, it's not Limited Edition, its Limited Supply.
Limited Edition, as I have always said and will continue to say, is nothing more than an excitable marketing ploy to get you to spend your money quickly. In the consumer's mind, he or she believes they have something that's extremely rare, as it was labeled, “Limited Edition ". I no longer use the word rare, and I truly thought at one point that I had some things that are truly rare. Then it hit me, who am I to think that I am the only one in the world who has it. Conversely, how can someone else feel that they are the only ones who have them also?
Gflat65 posted, "Are you asking for corals that were sold as XYZ LE, or those that are being called LE's because they have names and fetch higher prices?"
I would just like to see anything, anything at all labeled as LE from a store or a seller.
"So who are you to ask Mucho?"
I'm nobody, just a reefer curious to see what is being labeled as LE, nothing more.
Gflat65 wrote, “When I see LE, I usually see Tyree somewhere in the name. LE is in and of itself a new brand, IMO. About the only thing that is really a limited edition is a rarely collected item. I'd bet the LE thing started innocently enough..."
If LE is just a brand, then many people are being dooped into thinking they are really buying something that's rare, unique, limited edition etc, when really, all they are buying is a brand. Then what is the brand? Is that the selles name attached to the coral? The cycle is endless, and remember, we are talking about eraser head size polyps, which by the way, my blue zoas sprouted two babies overnight.
LE was created to make money, nothing more, and nothing less. Nothing in the ocean is limited unless it has been proven to be near extinction. LE has become popular over the past few years with the advent of naming. My tank was full of polyps that had covered my entire tank to the point that I had to completely break the tank down to start over from scratch. Every single polyp in the picture below is now gone.
Those polyps were very common and still are readily available. Yet, many told me back then that many of them were rare. My reply was always, “no they aren't, they are very common, just look around and you’ll find them. However, there are 2 polyps that I never see anywhere for sale. They don’t have names, I seldom see them, but I do see a ton of polyps not as colorful that everyone wants to have. They are most often labeled as LE or high end, High End, that’s another thread. Below are the two I’m speaking of. I had no room for them, so I sold them, but I never see them anywhere, so are they rare, LE, high end? No, they’re out there, but you don’t see them, cause they don't have a name yet and aren't labeled LE. Note the vibrant yellow oral disc and the blue/purple disc with the thread like white striations in it.
Nice polyps, great coloration, but you won't find them on anyones list of must have polpys. Now if someone attached LE to them and called them Lemon Puke and Purple Rain, they would blow up.
Still waiting to see what an LE polyp looks like.