Don't be shy, please introduce yourself!

Hello everybody!

My name is Donna, I am a 21y/o single mom of a gorgeous 1 y/o baby boy. I have done FW for years, some fish but mostly turtles,crabs, lobsters ect. I always drooled over the pretty saltwater critters while getting supplys for my FW tanks, but saltwater care confused the c**p out of me. Finally, a few weeks ago I found this fourum and started reading. And reading and reading. I'm looking at starting a 75 gal, but after some reaserch, I realized it is going to cost me a fourtune! (just the live rock and sand alone, its crazy!) I had been looking at a 28 gal setup, the person wanted $300 for it, and after some advice here I decided no to get it. Shortly there after, the lady called me and offered it for $200, I couldnt pass it up. So now I have a 28 gal bowfront, with a live sand and rock (about 20 lbs of sand, mabey 30 of rock) an coral beauty angel, a large hermit crab and a lawnmower blenny. I dont plan on putting much money into this tank, as I still have big plans for that 75 gal. I figure this way, I can still have a aquarium, and save up for the bigger one. (I was dying for a tank, I almost bought a freshwater to hold me off untill I could get the 75) After I get the 75 gal ready for critters, I will move everything from the 28 to the 75, and use the 28 for a refugium, quarantine tank, or something like that. Maybe a breeding tank, after I get much more expierence.

So anyway, thats my intro. I'm looking forward to placing group orders(great idea, by the way) and joining in on some activities(if I can bring my son).

Hi Donna,
Welcome to the club, and congrats on the new tank. i hope it will be a smooth experience for you, finding RC already puts you off to a great start. i'm almost willing to bet that you'll be wanting a 90g before you finish saving up for that 75. :D

please join us on the group order thing, i think the more participation we get, the more we'll benefit in terms of saving $. as for our group activities, we'll try to make sure that everyone of all ages will be welcome.
Donna, hi and welcome! I'll bring my 2 year old daughter along and they can play together.

Also, I just so happen to have a 75 gallon glass tank, never used, sitting in my garage. Bought it about 1.5 months ago and upgraded before i ever set it up. I'm about to list it in the newspaper but make me an offer and its yours! No pressure though, you said you were on a budget now, just thought i'd throw that out there to tempt you.

PS. I'd take $150 for it, has glass tops, striplight, no built in overflow. Very nice quality tank actually.

BTW, when ARE we having a meeting, anything planned in the near future? Perhaps just a get together to meet each other in person and an excuse to drink *cough* refreshing beverages? :D
Meeting, what for? ;)

Actually, Amy and I have talked briefly about throwing an informal meeting together. she's out of town this weekend at IMAC (lucky her). i'll mention it again when she gets back, and you'll probably see a post about it next week.

Hi Donna welcome to the club! To bad you didn't join here earlier, I could of given you a 29 w/ stand and glass top for FREE :). Offer still stands to any las vegans who may want it!
Nevermind about the fish tank someone already got dibbs.
Also Matt, I'm reading between the lines here, but did you just volunteered to buy everyone drinks?;)
Whoa, thats some imagination you have there Ron! :lol:

Tell you what though, i'll get the first round, how's that.
hey everyone! my name is bobby. I was born in maryland, and moved to vegas when i was 5. I'll be 21 next month, and look forward to getting ID'ed for no reason at all.

My dad used to be in the military and has a 20 gallon fish tank from the phillipines that is encased in bamboo, when i was younger this was our freshwater tank until my little brother decided that the fish needed stronger bones and poured a glass of milk in the tank. My saltwater craving came last summer when I was taking Nevada History @ ccsn, and a requirement was that we visit some sort of museum and write a short essay on it. I went to the Las Vegas Natural History museum and fell in love with a green spotted moray eel named "goofy". After that i started visiting all the LFS's in town and was astonished at the cost. My first visit was F.I.S.H. on bruce, which didnt impress me too much, then some how i ended up at GVA. I was very impressed at how clean the place was compared to other fish stores, and met one of the employees who started to explain to me the processes of keeping a saltwater tank. Shortly thereafter i found reefcentral and started reading like a madman. I re-built the 20 gallon bamboo aquarium with new glass and resealed it all up (the bottom was broken). It took a while but i got the cycle all done (after losing 4 damsels, should of found reefcentral sooner!) and everything is running great in it. In that tank i currently have 2 false percula's and a bi-color blenny. Most of the hermits and snails have died off, so i hope to restocking that tank soon.

One visit to ATM on rainbow and rampart made me fall in love with the Zebra Moray Eel which then became my desired pet. I knew the 20 gallon was too small for it, so i went on my search for a larger tank. Well with my luck, a 55gallon hex fell right into my lap with a built in overflow. I had no idea what the overflow was for or what to do with it, nor did i have a stand. So again i began to read like a madman and I almost have the tank ready to go Live. Shortly after aquiring the tank Adam from GVA called me and told me that my Zebra Eel was in. I went and checked him out, and he was perfect. The only problem was that he wasn't i left him at the LFS for 2 weeks, then decided to bring him home before someone else snatched him up. I brought him home and introduced him to his new 10 gallon quarantine tank =/ This was in late february I believe, and now the bioblock is growing a beautiful purple corraline algae on it. Although my eel isnt too happy in my quarantine, he's eating well, even from my hand~. So 3 months later and too much money, the stand was completed. The entire stand and sump is custom built and tiled (pictures comming soon!). I recently just started ordering all of the components for the system after the plumbing was complete. The system will be running a RemoraC Urchin protein skimmer, a Mag7 return pump, and a Maxijet 1200 powerhead. I ran into some extra money and decided that i might as well go all out and get decent lighting so i could keep small corals and the such, so i just received my 4x55w PC's in the mail, and i'm finishing up the canopy as we speak.

I am the Tech Supervisor @ Best Buy on maryland parkway, so any computer problems i'll be happy to help =) I also build i hear word of a LVVR website?

Im currently going to college full time (im one science credit away from my Associates of Science, which i'm taking currently in summerschool) to persue my bachelors in Physics, and hopefully one day move on to a degree in Astrophysics....yes, i did say astrophysics=)

Its nice to see we have some sort of Reef Organazation going on here in vegas, just in time too it seems=)

i think thats it...
Nice intro! You'll fit right in with the broad base personalities we already have. Also when your 21 let us know, and the older fellas and I will take care of you! ;) (this includes any ladies that might want to join in also:D)
Hi Bobby,
Welcome to the club. :)

sorry you didn't find us in time for our first meeting, hope to see you at our second. we're going to try to meet every 3rd sunday of each month.

thanks for the offer helping to build the website. we're still a ways from getting a site up, but i'll keep you in mind when it comes time for development.

Aye what's going on! Looks like I'm the only Vegas native here aye? Well I'm Jeff, I've lived in vegas all but 2 years of my 24 years here! My wife got me into fish with a 10g fresh water tank and has regretted it since. Maybe that's why we're seperated now? Ah well! I have 2 wonderful boys, 18 months and 4 weeks now, which is killing me not being able to see them! I set up a tank for my father-in-law a year and a half ago and have yet to set up my own! I buy tanks and upgrade them before I set them up. Which by the way I have an 85g, drilled w/corner overflow and a 50 non drilled, for a sump, that i'm looking to get rid of if anyone is interested! hint..hint.. Anyways I work 2 jobs, 70 hours a week, to try to support my saltwater habit but doesn't leave too much time for setting them up! I work in pharmacy so if you need some drugs, go get a script and then we can talk! Let me know about any meeting times and places and if i'm not working I'll drop by.

Ahh, a second Jeff, glad you stoped by.
Are you a technician or a pharmacist? I also work in a pharmacy, Medco. We need to have this second meeting to meet all the new people!
Hi Jeff,
Glad you decided to join us. we're trying to have regular meetings on the 3rd Sunday of each month, which would be July 18th.

I hope your personal life straightens itself out soon.
