Don't be shy, please introduce yourself!

Glad to have you with us Jeff! :) If you would like, please PM me with your name and email address. We hope to have a news letter soon to send out, and I can also give you a reminder for events and meetings.

Hope to meet you soon.
hi all!

this is my second attempt to make this post....the first seems to have ended in a reefcentral breakdown.

anyway, i have had aquariums for most of my life. i have written a pretty detailed personal history on the site here. the pics are from about 8 months ago...i have added a few additions since then!

i am excited by the activity on this forum and hopefully this carries over to the club as well. i am striving to attend the meeting this weekend and hope that through both local clubs, the needs of the local reefers can be met.

thanks again,

Hi My name is Dusty, my husband who doesnt post things to message boards because he has me to do it is John.

I was born in CO and moved to Vegas when I was 6, I will be 32 this month, yep old lady I know it. Nope I dont like vegas but where am I going to live that doesnt have local/state tax's and low bug population? I am a house wife and also make/sell necklaces for small dogs on the net. We have 2 small dogs and no human children. I am also a pic addict, I love to take them and to see them so if you want pics I can do and if you have any I wana see em I dont care what they are of either! Oh and I have a sad excuse for a digi cam right now.

John was born in Vietnam and moved here when he was 5, he is now 33. He works as a machine operator for a paper product making company. We dont really know what he would be called so we just describe what he does that way.

I have loved sea life for as long as I can remember, but my parents didnt like any kind of pets. When I was 16 I got my first 10g fresh tank and after having 5 tanks of different sizes I realized I was bored with fresh and wanted salt but didnt know how to change over since I was told over and over how very hard it was to keep SW fish. After sending half of my tanks off with my X, I went to just one tank. Then after getting engaged to my current hubby we decided to stop the fresh and get a sw because he really loved the sw fish and corals. I introduced him to the life of keeping fish! muhahaha

We picked out a seaclear system 2 becuase we liked that everything was hidden and all set up for us. Yes we got advice from various LFS and LPS, bad idea but I didnt know anyone who kept SW. Then things got worse, we didnt do very well at picking out fish to keep or inverts, because after 3 1/2 years we had one killer butterfly and one killer red hermit.( I got marine fish book but too late in the game.) The fish and crab would work together to kill other fish, even turning over decorations so the fish couldnt hide from them. So we stopped getting fish till these had passed on, the crab was eaten by the fish and the fish died just a few months ago after a large water change. So here we are changing to reef. I have the corals book by Bonerman(sp?). I have ordered a few more and am just waiting for them to arrive.
Currently we have in our 26 show tank: 30LR 20LS, aqua c remora with maxijet1200, a maxijet 1200 and a seasweep in main part of tank, 2 fire fish, many snails and 3 emerald crabs and maybe a porcelain crabs since we havent seen him in a long time, some Zoa's and ric's, and hairy shrooms (we think) and some unidentified possilbe ric or shroom, and a gorgonian fan of some kind. we also are in process of makeing our wet/dry area of the back tank into a refuge with some mixed macro and LR.

I guess the only other things you should know about me is that I dont check my spelling or grammer, and I use shortened spellings of words frequently, so just sound em out and you will get it ;)
Our only other obsessions are computers/electronics, Chihuahuas, and games, we even met playing EQ ( a game).
Also we change from days to nights every other month so we will come to meetings if John is off that day and we are awake lol. We missed the last one because we over slept.
Hey Dusty,
Glad you decided to introduce yourself. please try to come to our next meeting. you'll find that we're all a pretty laid back group of people who just like hanging out and relating to each other's addition to the hobby :)

have a great weekend,
Hi Dusty. :)

Thank you for the intro. I'm glad you are into photography, it's a big love of mine. Just as Jeff said I too hope you can make it to a meeting soon and hang out. We are a relaxed fun group.

hello my name is Ryan
im am 22 years old and i moved to vegas in 96 i came from san diego where i was born

Ive had fw tanks as long as i could rember probably 9 years old i had a 100 gal filled with just anything i liked, angle fish oscars tigerbarbs frogs fresh water puffers and fire belly newts all the usual stuff but every thing that your not supposed to mix but amazingly every thing worked out ever since i was about 15 i wanted a salt water tank and never had the currage until recently . but with much research i jumped into it ive had a 20 gal reef tank running for 5 months and i also have a 60 tank with a banded cat shark that i didnt want but couldnt pass up because of the price and a fw chichlid tank

I am a tile and marble contractor my other interests are cars and bikes
hey ryan nice to have ya!

oh and dusty, i never read that post, i played eq for like 3 years! (now im hooked on the eq2 beta) haha thats crazy!
Hi all, my name is Adam and I have posted here a few times recently. I Was directed to the Las Vegas portion of this site by Amy after i noticed she was from vegas so I pmed her to say hello.

Anyway, my wife and I moved here from NY about 6 years ago so we could buy a house. Since them most of our families have followed along. We have a 2 year old daughter who loves the tank and now another one on the way. I am a pharmaceutical rep selling injectables for OA of the knee and my wife is a teacher.

Buy the way her elementary school just put in a 400 gallon tank that is supposedly going to be a reef. My wife has been put in charge of making an aquarium club as she is the one person with a salt tank at home. This way the daily chores get done by the kids and the tank isnt neglected. Needless to say her only involvment with ours is looking and I have only 8 months or so experience so we will lean on you guys for both the tanks. Ours is a 142 gallon which is built inbetween two walls where a bar used to be. It has running water but no RO unit yet so auto fill not hooked up yet.

We had a 55 gallon fresh water set up and wondered into ATM2 and they saw sucker on our faces told us how easy salt was and been hooked ever since. Imagine that, ATM was our first experience and we are still into the hobby. As I stated before my salt experience is about 10 months but with all the bad advice and wasted dollars we got from ATM its really about 5 months.

Looking forward to being an active member.

By the way Matt I think I met you in Jackies store(lfs) about two weeks ago and you told me about reef central. I was there with my daughter.

hey adam! welcome to the club~ it's a pleasure to have you. I'd be interested in seeing some of those pics of your 142gal in wall setup!
Thanks Undone guy. rigth now the tank is kinda in a state of flux because the canopy is off as we try to find the best way to ventilate our lighting but I will post to see what you and others might think.

Adam, as I said before I am so glad to see you posting here. I hope when you have the chance you can make it to our meetings. If not this coming Sunday than next month. We are having Anthony Calfo speaking in Oct. He is a well respected leader in our hobby. That and a big ol beer drinker like the rest of us so it will be a blast I'm sure. :beer: Also some frags will be there for all to take part in.

Ryan, welcome to RC and to our forum. Very glad to have you with us and hope to see you post here often. As well as make our meetings. :D
Hi Sin City folk.

My name is Kip and I hail from Colorado, although business takes me to Vegas quite often. I own a number of properties out there and planning to open an office there too. Does that count?

I know Amy, who is a gem, still drool over Mike's tank and agree that you have no good lfs. Tell me if you all want anything brought over from here. We do have a good number of those rare white acropora here.

Personally, I love your restaurants (food is a major hobby of mine) and the cabs that have womens butts on them. Try explaining that one to your kids..........

My love in our hobby is acros, clams and reefs. Setting up a pair of 500's and looking for all kinds of ideas on what not to do.

Welcome Kip!
Amy's said good things about you, i hope we'll be able to meet sometime.
