drummereef's 180g in-wall build

How did you mount the rubble to your rockscape or is it just sitting there?

With the exception of one frag, currently they are just wedged into the Marco Rock. I'll definitely need to come up with a more permanent solution, probably epoxy which is what I used to hold the tabling frag into position. I don't know exactly where I want everything as I'm trying to buy time while they (crossed fingers) grow out. I'm just monitoring how they are responding to their new lighting and flow conditions and see what they end up looking like over time. I guess I could "lightly" epoxy them in, as to be able to remove them without too much effort if I decide they need to be repositioned. The Turbos are ticking time bomb, I can see them destroying a couple of the new additions. Drummer will have to put the smack down if that happens. :fun2:

With the exception of one frag, currently they are just wedged into the Marco Rock. I'll definitely need to come up with a more permanent solution, probably epoxy which is what I used to hold the tabling frag into position. I don't know exactly where I want everything as I'm trying to buy time while they (crossed fingers) grow out. I'm just monitoring how they are responding to their new lighting and flow conditions and see what they end up looking like over time. I guess I could "lightly" epoxy them in, as to be able to remove them without too much effort if I decide they need to be repositioned. The Turbos are ticking time bomb, I can see them destroying a couple of the new additions. Drummer will have to put the smack down if that happens. :fun2:


I peg my rubble that the frag is mounted to and drilled lots of holes all over my main live rock to allow for easy removal and repositioning

if you don't want to drill & peg, I'd use the epoxy putty (aqua mend) as it usually breaks off pretty easy
I peg my rubble that the frag is mounted to and drilled lots of holes all over my main live rock to allow for easy removal and repositioning

if you don't want to drill & peg, I'd use the epoxy putty (aqua mend) as it usually breaks off pretty easy

Great, I think this is what I'm going to do at least for a couple of the risky frags. I'm just so indecisive where I want them at this point that I just want the option to move them relatively easy. Thanks Pete!

Looking better and better everytime I come back to this thread

Thank you ReefyReef. :)
Great, I think this is what I'm going to do at least for a couple of the risky frags. I'm just so indecisive where I want them at this point that I just want the option to move them relatively easy. Thanks Pete!

I use a 5/16" masonary bit to drill the holes then super glue rigid air line tubing to the rubble rock with the frag piece

if the rubble is large enough I will try to drill in a couple directions allowing for the frag to be mounted on top or on the side etc

as for the chunks of live rock I just drill holes all over it. I highly suggest this method as I'll move things around as they grow and I'll also pull all the acropora every once and a while for a ReVive dip, they love it.

I'll see if I have any pictures
I use a 5/16" masonary bit to drill the holes then super glue rigid air line tubing to the rubble rock with the frag piece

if the rubble is large enough I will try to drill in a couple directions allowing for the frag to be mounted on top or on the side etc

as for the chunks of live rock I just drill holes all over it. I highly suggest this method as I'll move things around as they grow and I'll also pull all the acropora every once and a while for a ReVive dip, they love it.

I'll see if I have any pictures

Good thoughts. I didn't think about having to remove them for dipping etc... A little more challenging if they are epoxied. Dang... too many options. :lol:

Full Tank Shot, 1-21-2010. :)

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Wow I see color... lots of color... I know I won't get the opportunity to come across that many frags all at once... If I were you I would plan to take pictures of each coral once a month so I could have documented growth... what would be really cool is if you could take a picture every day from exactly the same spot. Then you put it into a 30 or 60 FPS movie clip and you could watch your 2-3 years growth in 30-90 seconds. But probably just a FTS for that one to work.
Greenmaster, I may have to steal that idea. ;)

Brett, how long did that algae cycle last for you? I'm starting to see a little of that brown algae that you had on my marco rock. I did have mine curing for 8 months in a non-lit container, so I don't know if I'll have the same experience, but I've got some of it sprouting. You said mexican turbos worked, right?
Bret, The tank looks awesome! I cannot express how impressed with how great your whole system is coming out :)

I look forward to seeing the future progression shots.
Full tank photo is a real big leap forward from the last one great job. If you follow greenmaster's idea, good idea, change the date on your last FT photo from '10 to '11 less confusing when you look back LOL. Mike
Greenmaster, I may have to steal that idea. ;)

Me too! :)

There's so much potential for your tank, Brett. It's going to be incredible!

I know it's quite early yet, but have you ever taken a turkey baster or powerhead to the Marco Rock to see if stuff is getting trapped deep inside all those nooks and crannies? That's my main concern for my upcoming 75g w/Marco Rock, particularly since I won't have Vortechs to blast stuff out of there.
Wow I see color... lots of color... I know I won't get the opportunity to come across that many frags all at once... If I were you I would plan to take pictures of each coral once a month so I could have documented growth... what would be really cool is if you could take a picture every day from exactly the same spot. Then you put it into a 30 or 60 FPS movie clip and you could watch your 2-3 years growth in 30-90 seconds. But probably just a FTS for that one to work.

Great idea Green! I'll at least take a FTS once a month to show growth progress, if not more often. I'd love to be able to be set up to take daily shots. I'll have to move the camera to take more shots so the monthly plan sounds doable. Thanks for the kind words as always! :)

Brett, how long did that algae cycle last for you? I'm starting to see a little of that brown algae that you had on my marco rock. I did have mine curing for 8 months in a non-lit container, so I don't know if I'll have the same experience, but I've got some of it sprouting. You said mexican turbos worked, right?

In total, roughly 4-5 months. But, I hadn't cured the rock nor was dosing bacteria at the beginning. I would assume the rock is just adjusting to new lighting and the algae cycle will be relatively limited. And yes, Mexican Turbos will mow that stuff down. Pick up a dozen of them and let them go to town. :)

Bret, The tank looks awesome! I cannot express how impressed with how great your whole system is coming out :)

I look forward to seeing the future progression shots.

Thanks so much scaryperson. Always too kind. :)

Full tank photo is a real big leap forward from the last one great job. If you follow greenmaster's idea, good idea, change the date on your last FT photo from '10 to '11 less confusing when you look back LOL. Mike

Good catch Mike! It was obviously late and always takes me a few months to catch up to the new year. :lol: I changed the photo file to 2011 for reference. I'll probably take another FTS this weekend and re-post with the correct date.

Me too! :)

There's so much potential for your tank, Brett. It's going to be incredible!

I know it's quite early yet, but have you ever taken a turkey baster or powerhead to the Marco Rock to see if stuff is getting trapped deep inside all those nooks and crannies? That's my main concern for my upcoming 75g w/Marco Rock, particularly since I won't have Vortechs to blast stuff out of there.

Thanks iwishtofish. :) Actually a couple weeks ago I did exactly that. I bought 2 filter socks, placed them on the drains, and took a powerhead mounted to a piece of 1/2" pvc and blew the heck out of the rock. I can't even describe what came out of there!! I'll probably do it again here sometime but wanted the frags to get acclimated before I tick them off again. :D

Great build thread. Makes you realize its half the fun :).

Indeed nattydread! Thanks for hanging in there with us. :)
Greenmaster, I may have to steal that idea. ;)

Brett, how long did that algae cycle last for you? I'm starting to see a little of that brown algae that you had on my marco rock. I did have mine curing for 8 months in a non-lit container, so I don't know if I'll have the same experience, but I've got some of it sprouting. You said mexican turbos worked, right?


I setup my DT w/ all BRS DRY rock, and in about 2-3 weeks I had a prety good field of HA on much of the flat surfaces & some of the other rock. I started dosing MB7 day 1 according to instructions for the first 4-6 weeks. I also picked up an Lawnmower blenny & tuxedo urchin & a few snails & they (mainly LM) cleaned the algae up in about 7-10 days. Straight from the shipping box to tank!

Since then rock has been perfect and is starting to get a bit of coraline growth now ~2months in....

Also water params have been near perfect since about week 6. Phos about .02 -.03 on hanna checker.

Another question: Do you seem to find a bit of fine particulate in your water column. The black background seems to show it well. I have been having a bit of an issue. I am running filter socks for now and they definitly help a lot. I just don't think I want to run them long term and I see/know you haven't ran them.

Also how often are you having to clean the glass or how often are you seeing a film develop?

Awesome looking frag again!!