Team RC
interesting - looking forward to hearing about your thoughts on the results
what is the marine snow?
It's essentially a transport mechanism which makes SPS coral feeding more efficient. It also has some side benefits as well. I'll post the abbreviated description direct from the korallen-zucht website. It's translated from German so it reads kind of funny.

"Coral Snow is used as a carrier liquid messenger for elements such as B-Balance or potassium fluoride concentrate. It is compatible for all elements, even for Amino Acid and our Vitalizer. Coral Snow is among other things, a natural calcium-magnesium Karbonatgemisch. So it can get in SPS coral, at 2.5 μ, we offer an optimal size for recording."
"Coral Snow neutralizes acids and helps with many unwanted problems in the water, even with slime algae and cyanobacteria."
Here's the link to the KZ site. I can't get it to hyperlink to the Coral Snow page so go to Shop/Products/Elements and you'll see it in the list.

Anxiously awaiting the experiences and reviews of this particular dosing program. Been considering the exact products myself and feel my corals need a "boost".
Although on the fence with Bio-pellets, I do run a 0 phos and near 0 nitrates through a beast of a skimmer and 20% weekly water changes. To that end I do feel my corals are "staved and I have been wanting to dose ZeoVit products for a while, so your experience with their products will help immensely.
Great job Brett and many thanks for ALL your hard work and sharing with us........
Thanks so much for the kind words.

G'Day Brett
Have just started the Zeovit way as well. Day two now though just using the basic 3 for now....Bak, Food7 & Start 3....Have plumbed the Zeo rx and running carbon passively in the sump.......
Fingers crossed!
cheers :beer:

i hope you have great results!!! may i know where you bought your zeovits? ty
Thank you bagz.

awaiting results & long term detail! Also how often dose this slurry need be added? weekly?
Thanks 110g. The Magic Brew can be added as frequently as every 2 days if you have cyano problems, as it's known to reduce cyano at that rate. I would omit the AA's if dosing this frequently, and just dose AA's separately for routine feedings. For most users they just add it after water changes to neutralize acids and along side dosing AA's for feeding. I might try the 2 day cycle this week and see if it does anything to reduce the last of the strange brown algae that's still hanging on. Bob Fenner thought it was a cyanophyte so maybe it will have some sort of an effect on it.

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