Dzhuo, do you have a build thread? Your vision for your tank sounds awesome to me, especially the part about the select few large SPS.
Brett, my opinion on fish load/fish stocking is that you don't want too much movement in the tank or it becomes distracting, yet you want enough fish to provide food for the rest of your organisms (miraculous fish poop is probably much cheaper then zeo products). In my tank I have reached this limit with my five large fish, especially since besides the pair of yellow tangs they don't really stay clustered together. The other type of tank i think looks amazing, however, is one to three "show fish" and then one or two large schools of smaller fish. In a tank your size I think your one yellow tang and 11-13 Anthias or 13-15 Chromis would look amazing. maybe even a slightly smaller number of Anthias AND Chromis to really mix up the colors. Even though thats a fair amount of fish, they are fairly small and your level of filtration would easily take care of their waste.
I agree...This is what I'm doing in my new 120g. Green chromis live forever..
lets not forget the blue eye cardinals. love those fish. (they aren't that active though)