drummereef's 180g in-wall build

I have a Panasonic HDC-TM60 HD digital video camera...

Ah, gotcha... Kinda hard to switch lenses on a vid cam. ;) Psteeleb (Pete) gets some great shots with his HD camcorder though so what do I know. :D

may i know the height of your DT? ty

The overall dimension is 72x24x24, so the height is 24". :)

Holy Cow!!! I didn't even notice that Dave! :celeb1: You got first dibs on this page though. :D
Great pictures of happy fish! Anthias, next? And I love that blue coral in the third picture.

Still dosing MB7 once/week? Do you think there's any reason to do it that way, vs a few drops every day?
Great pictures of happy fish! Anthias, next? And I love that blue coral in the third picture.

After the tank finishes it's 2.5yr cycle, Brett will probably add a few tester fish! :uzi:

I just order a small school of lyretail anthias (4), they look so neat in schools! They would look awesome in your 180g!

Brett do we need to start posting FISH pics to motivate ya! I hope these look sweet with my small chromi school too!
I just got a school of Zebra darts... I will probably be getting a school of some kind of cromis and a school of bartlets... once I get some "okay" pics with my camcorder I'll post a couple here.
Great pictures of happy fish! Anthias, next? And I love that blue coral in the third picture.

Still dosing MB7 once/week? Do you think there's any reason to do it that way, vs a few drops every day?

Thanks! I actually haven't dosed MB7 for probably 3 months now. I have experimented with the Zeo product Bio Mate and had good results. But I'm currently trying the Special Blend, just once a week. I don't think it would make much of a difference dosing once weekly vs daily honestly. I think guys do it daily because it's more of a routine than anything. Could be reading into it but I'm guessing it just goes along with their other dosing schedule. ;)

After the tank finishes it's 2.5yr cycle, Brett will probably add a few tester fish! :uzi:

I just order a small school of lyretail anthias (4), they look so neat in schools! They would look awesome in your 180g!

Brett do we need to start posting FISH pics to motivate ya! I hope these look sweet with my small chromi school too!

:lol: Next time my LFS gets a harem of Lyretails I'm going to pick them up. Where did you order from this time?

I just got a school of Zebra darts... I will probably be getting a school of some kind of cromis and a school of bartlets... once I get some "okay" pics with my camcorder I'll post a couple here.

Those zebras look awesome Green. Can't wait to see what else you have in store for your tank! :)
Next time my LFS gets a harem of Lyretails I'm going to pick them up. Where did you order from this time?


I got got several Lyretails from Blue Zoo Aquatics, with free delivery at $99.00, and could not be happy with the health, size and color of the females. very good purchase and eating well.

Check out bartletts first Brett, I think they are a bit more active and the colors are crazy. I have some purple queens on order right now too.
Check out bartletts first Brett, I think they are a bit more active and the colors are crazy. I have some purple queens on order right now too.

The Purple Queens will most likely die in captivity. Few people can keep them alive long term, a fish better left in the ocean.

I got got several Lyretails from Blue Zoo Aquatics, with free delivery at $99.00, and could not be happy with the health, size and color of the females. very good purchase and eating well.


Cool, thanks for the heads up. That's a really good price considering the free shipping. I'll look into that tegee. :)

Check out bartletts first Brett, I think they are a bit more active and the colors are crazy. I have some purple queens on order right now too.

I really like the Bartletts too. Great Colors! :)

I'll be getting bartletts when my fish store can get a better price (they come cheaper at different times of the year)

Interesting info on the pricing. I'll keep an eye out. Both my LFS's are getting a shipment in either today or tomorrow so we'll see what it brings. :)

looking good :)
crystal clear and everything is healthy looking; can't ask for more then that

Thanks Pete. I'm still dealing with a little bit of dinos which you can probably see in the pics but I'm taking action. :D I'll keep you posted. ;)

The Purple Queens will most likely die in captivity. Few people can keep them alive long term, a fish better left in the ocean.

Interesting Nook, didn't know that. Are the Bartletts more hearty than the Purple Queens then or are they essentially the same fish? :confused:
:lol: Next time my LFS gets a harem of Lyretails I'm going to pick them up. Where did you order from this time?

I ordered from Blue Zoo Aquatics. I have ordered from them 2x's now. Overall been very pleased with fish & inverts. The sizes have always been more than generous. Never ordered corals form there.
I also ordered up a melanurus wrasse male. These are supposedly great fish for stuff like flatworms if you'd ever happen to get. Plus they are SWEET looking fish.

I have had a few things die on me, but they were very easy to get the required credit!

I will let you know how this order looks in a few hrs! I will probably add a Bartlet next time around and a leporard wrasse.

Have you seen reef bum's tak pics. Hes has some very awesome fish selctions & schools. Not to mention SWEET corals!
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I just got a school of Zebra darts... I will probably be getting a school of some kind of cromis and a school of bartlets... once I get some "okay" pics with my camcorder I'll post a couple here.

Yeah get us a pic of them schooled! I like these fish, but never seen them as a small school, just individually.

Bartlett's are pretty hardy.

OK thanks Dave. :)

I ordered from Blue Zoo Aquatics. I have ordered from them 2x's now. Overall been very pleased with fish & inverts. The sizes have always been more than generous. Never ordered corals form there.
I also ordered up a melanurus wrasse male. These are supposedly great fish for stuff like flatworms if you'd ever happen to get. Plus they are SWEET looking fish.

I have had a few things die on me, but they were very easy to get the required credit!

I will let you know how this order looks in a few hrs! I will probably add a Bartlet next time around and a leporard wrasse.

Have you seen reef bum's tak pics. Hes has some very awesome fish selctions & schools. Not to mention SWEET corals!

Good to know! I think I'm going to have to start mail ordering. My LFS's move so fast and the limited stock is forcing me in that direction. I researched Blue Zoo and I like their shipping options. Probably where I'll get my Anthias from. That melanurus wrasse is a beautiful fish!

In other news, I have a lead on 7 green Chromis I'm going to look at tonight. :)
Blue Zoo and LiveAquaria are awesome companies that you can not go wrong with.
I got a Video of my zebras doing some schooling. The darts tend to separate a bit because there isn't enough other fish in the tank... also because they have so many, so they can divide into smaller schools.

<iframe width="560" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/xi-4yN_Paio?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I posted elsewhere but I thought I should put it here because of request... so here it is.
P.S. if you want to Brett you can get a mod to remove the post.
Blue Zoo and LiveAquaria are awesome companies that you can not go wrong with.

Great Nook. I think I'm going to bite the bullet and order some fish online. It's just becoming too hard to nail down the LFS and get them to order what I want. And with my schedule it's also hard to catch their shipments before they sell out. I'll definitely be investigating purchasing the Anthias through either of the above. Thanks for the heads up. :)

I got a Video of my zebras doing some schooling. The darts tend to separate a bit because there isn't enough other fish in the tank... also because they have so many, so they can divide into smaller schools.

I posted elsewhere but I thought I should put it here because of request... so here it is.
P.S. if you want to Brett you can get a mod to remove the post.

Thanks for posting Green! Those fish look so cool in your tank. You have such a unique tank and these fish really add to to the uniqueness of what you've created. Great job. :)

The wait is over... :lol:




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I look at this thread the first opportunity I have every day! Thanks for the continuing saga. I can't wait to join the club!
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