drummereef's 180g in-wall build

SWEET! I love it man. I'm still hoping to get a school of chromis but my LFS hates green chromis so I have to wait until they come across something "better".
Good choice on the chromis Brett! I have 8 myself and will add 10 more (make it 18 total) in the up coming weeks. :)

Great video! I was serious considered getting 15 myself when I saw a YouTube video of 3 schooling nicely. I quickly abandoned this idea after seeing 5 in a LFS that do NOT school at all. I was so disappointed. It seems like you got them school nicely? How many did you got? Are they pretty active swimmer?
again sorry Brett but your thread seems to have become a chat room... :D

I got 20... but three managed to squeeze into my overflow at the back... and ya they are going to stay there for a while, but at least no more can get in there now. I would have to say that if they are in a tank by them selves or with few smaller fish they probably won't school that well. Or if in a smaller tank they might not school... they seem to have a max 6" rule like they can be 6" away from another fish but no further and generally like to be within 3". Things that help all fish to school is "scary" fish. When I made my purchase I chose the 5 tangs as my "chaser" fish, the only problem is that the zebras are content at the top of the tank and the tangs rarely go up that high, so the fish in my tank could be more active but I think I will need some more active larger fish that like it near the surface of the water. Feeding time is always active, and they love to eat. Due to the 6" rule they can cover almost the entire water line of my tank and just kind of sit there, but when one gets out of position then they start darting into a school, then they will slowly float to the surface again and slowly spread out until it happens again or a tang comes to the tops of the rocks for a bite of algae.
I look at this thread the first opportunity I have every day! Thanks for the continuing saga. I can't wait to join the club!

Thanks Papa_Johnny! Let me know when you do and I'll check out your build thread. :)

SWEET! I love it man. I'm still hoping to get a school of chromis but my LFS hates green chromis so I have to wait until they come across something "better".

Most of my LFS's don't like getting them in either. I lucked out and the LFS that's literally 10 minutes from my house had these in. I normally don't shop there but it was just good timing I guess. I hope they do well, they were eating like pigs last night.

Good choice on the chromis Brett! I have 8 myself and will add 10 more (make it 18 total) in the up coming weeks. :)

Thanks dzhuo! :)

Sweet thread, everytime I check, makes me wish I made more money. Lol

Thanks Reefahholic. :) Yeah, every time I look at my pocket book it makes me wish I had more money. :lol:
Awesome, about time! Hopefully they last for you. seemed everytime I bought a small group of chromis they eneded up picking eachother off till I only had 1 or 2.

I have a small school of 5 now that have been with me for 4 months perfectly. You definitly can see the Hierarchy with them tho. I did get these from a local guy taking a tank down so there were already a happy group.

Also as for my BZA order, everything arrived fine, and sizes & colors were great. The 4 Lyrtail Anthias look sweet in their school, and they are together the mojority of the time! The melanurus wrasse, dies the first night. He didn't look so great when I got him and appeared to be swimming drunk when added to the tank. Well looks like I will have another small credit next order.

Hoever, the naso tang, serpent star, bloodfire shrimp, and 4 anthias are all doing great.

look into the Lyretails and bartlets for sure! Also keep and eye out for the leapord wrasses and some of the other various reef safe ones for variuos colors to add to the tank!

Glad to see you now can say "HEY I have 12 Fish" lol....bioload of like 4 in your 180!!
I have 9 green chromis. They school all day long. Had them for over a year now. No probs.
If your gonna get lyretails, get the ones from maldives. SWEET!! (I'm waiting on an order of 7 for myself.)
Love you setup.... Brett... FTS ...???...:)

Thanks syedjilani. :) Working on the FTS but still managing my way through the dinos. Getting better so I'll post one when the pic turns out OK.

Awesome, about time! Hopefully they last for you. seemed everytime I bought a small group of chromis they eneded up picking eachother off till I only had 1 or 2.

I have a small school of 5 now that have been with me for 4 months perfectly. You definitly can see the Hierarchy with them tho. I did get these from a local guy taking a tank down so there were already a happy group.

Also as for my BZA order, everything arrived fine, and sizes & colors were great. The 4 Lyrtail Anthias look sweet in their school, and they are together the mojority of the time! The melanurus wrasse, dies the first night. He didn't look so great when I got him and appeared to be swimming drunk when added to the tank. Well looks like I will have another small credit next order.

Hoever, the naso tang, serpent star, bloodfire shrimp, and 4 anthias are all doing great.

look into the Lyretails and bartlets for sure! Also keep and eye out for the leapord wrasses and some of the other various reef safe ones for variuos colors to add to the tank!

Glad to see you now can say "HEY I have 12 Fish" lol....bioload of like 4 in your 180!!

Haha - took me long enough right! I really am looking into getting a melanurus wrasse, sorry yours didn't make it. I need to make a net lid for my tank though before I buy one. Shouldn't be too difficult of a project but I'm sure it's necessary with those fish. Glad to hear you other fish are doing great! :)

I have 9 green chromis. They school all day long. Had them for over a year now. No probs.
If your gonna get lyretails, get the ones from maldives. SWEET!! (I'm waiting on an order of 7 for myself.)

Yeah, mine school really well even in the moderate size tank I have. Sometimes they will split apart and school in 2 smaller groups as well. They are eating like freakin' pigs so I hope they keep to themselves and don't bug each other too much. I've seen my cleaner wrasse kind of act like a sheep dog at times, getting them to school when one goes rogue. :lol:
Yeah, mine school really well even in the moderate size tank I have. Sometimes they will split apart and school in 2 smaller groups as well. They are eating like freakin' pigs so I hope they keep to themselves and don't bug each other too much. I've seen my cleaner wrasse kind of act like a sheep dog at times, getting them to school when one goes rogue. :lol:
ditto on my chromis, they will practically bit my fingers as i Dip the flakes into the tank, or will attack my pipette when i shoot frozen food into the tank.
They definitly are HUGE PIGS and very agressive eaters!:bounce3:
ditto on my chromis, they will practically bit my fingers as i Dip the flakes into the tank, or will attack my pipette when i shoot frozen food into the tank.
They definitly are HUGE PIGS and very agressive eaters!:bounce3:

Nice! I've got some new pics... uploading now. :)

The wait is over... :lol:


Brett, Congratulations on your new acquisitions! :D
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Get ready...


Get set...


GO!!! :D


In case you didn't see the intensity the first time. :lol:

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Quick question for you. I just purchased my tunze ozmo and amazing how they only send direction in german and spanish :D

Do you have a picture of how you set up your pump in your bucket?

Quick question for you. I just purchased my tunze ozmo and amazing how they only send direction in german and spanish :D

Do you have a picture of how you set up your pump in your bucket?

Sweet! Yeah, the directions are a bit to be desired. :D Click the link below and scroll halfway down the page. I drilled a hole in the lid so I could route the pump wire to the controller. The pump just sits in the bottom of the bucket. Hopefully the pics will describe a little better for you. :)
