Team RC
crvz, psteeble, chromedogg, bret, etc.....
Those that are having the algae or various issues did you use base rock at all? I wonder if that is part of the issue?
The majority of my Rock was the Pukani Dry rock and is VERY light & porous.
I was probably like:
55% Pukani,
15% Shelf
15% Tonga
10% Fiji
5% Established LR.
Dry sand
The only rock that got any of the HA was the flat shelf or maybe a piece or two of the Tonga. Bothg of which are very dense. Maybe the DENSE rocks, shelf, tonga, base, etc are the culprits?
I believe all set up's (100% live, base or mixed) will go through the cycles but to different degrees depending on the initial state of the live biodiversity contained in the rocks as a total population and balance of the biodiversity. In other words the cycles will happen as the system strives for its own unique equilibrium; and as a general rule the more gaps there are up front in the biodiversity the larger and more pronounced the cycles will be.
As for the density I think you are on to something, looking back it seems that 90% if not all of my experience with hair algae, bryoposis and other stringy types seem to come off the denser rock (including lace lava in my system). I don't think it is a material composition issue with the dense rock but rather the algae's may prefer a more stable or dense material to adhere to. Or, it could be that the more porous the rock the more chance of having pods and other critters local that mow down these algae's before they get established.