drummereef's 180g in-wall build

crvz, psteeble, chromedogg, bret, etc.....

Those that are having the algae or various issues did you use base rock at all? I wonder if that is part of the issue?

The majority of my Rock was the Pukani Dry rock and is VERY light & porous.
I was probably like:
55% Pukani,
15% Shelf
15% Tonga
10% Fiji
5% Established LR.
Dry sand

The only rock that got any of the HA was the flat shelf or maybe a piece or two of the Tonga. Bothg of which are very dense. Maybe the DENSE rocks, shelf, tonga, base, etc are the culprits?

I believe all set up's (100% live, base or mixed) will go through the cycles but to different degrees depending on the initial state of the live biodiversity contained in the rocks as a total population and balance of the biodiversity. In other words the cycles will happen as the system strives for its own unique equilibrium; and as a general rule the more gaps there are up front in the biodiversity the larger and more pronounced the cycles will be.

As for the density I think you are on to something, looking back it seems that 90% if not all of my experience with hair algae, bryoposis and other stringy types seem to come off the denser rock (including lace lava in my system). I don't think it is a material composition issue with the dense rock but rather the algae's may prefer a more stable or dense material to adhere to. Or, it could be that the more porous the rock the more chance of having pods and other critters local that mow down these algae's before they get established.
Thanks for the info Drummer. YOU NEED MORE FISHIES AND CORALS!!!

Ha! Working on it. ;)

I second that motion

:lol: Some Anthias should be in the works soon. :)

Brett! This is amazing, Im going to be working on a 180g in wall soon so it looks like i have ALOOOOOOOOOOT more posts to read through. I wish i lived closer i would take a drive over and check out everything.

Keep up the good work bud!

Thank you lolgranny! :)
brett this is a long thread so i might of missed it but....are you moving over your 40 gallon into the 180?

No worries jfourn, thanks for your interest. The switch happened many moons ago. Actually the day I moved the Yellow Tang into the 180g was the last day the 40g was running. I quickly tore it down and since have been focusing on the 180g. ;)

Hey guys, just trying to keep everyone up to speed here. Picked up a couple corals over the weekend. Gave them a 10-15 minute dip in Revive and in they went. Tank is coming along nicely. Corals seem to be getting their color back slowly but surely and I see a little growth too. Nutrient levels are still in check. I did my first water change in a couple months over the weekend. Just staying my course at this point, still dosing kalk which is going well. You can see in the FTS pic how much coralline is starting to come in on the overflows. :fish1:

Pink Birdsnest


Green Candycanes


FTS 7-5-2011

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Glad to see the turnaround! Strange how that snail has antennae! :)

Brett, I wish I had followed suit with you and stopped dosing the MB7 earlier. I'm fighting a crazy daily algae or bacteria bloom; the dosing may or may not be the cause, I suppose...

Very nice new corals and coralline growth!
WOW! Drumer, I am loving the candycane! Awesome corals!

Any reason why you chose Revive, over say, CoralRx or another dipping treatment?
Hey awesome tank, read from page 99. So in case i skimmed over it have you put bio pellets back on? If not what are you using besides skimmer and wc? Congrats on getting control of the dinos!
looking good Brett - looking darn good

so pristene and yet you asked why I called mine dirty water?

:lol: Yeah, but your so called "dirty water" is a coral growing magnet! Hehe. Thanks for the kind words Pete.

Glad to see the turnaround! Strange how that snail has antennae! :)

Brett, I wish I had followed suit with you and stopped dosing the MB7 earlier. I'm fighting a crazy daily algae or bacteria bloom; the dosing may or may not be the cause, I suppose...

Very nice new corals and coralline growth!

Thanks bro! :) Could be the bacteria but you never know. I know a lot of the problems I've had for the last few months were definitely Dinos. I probably misdiagnosed it so the problem prolonged itself but it's definitely getting better. I find it a little strange I never had a GHA outbreak or any of the "normal" blooms. Hmmm....

Looking good man.

Thanks Joe. ;) Long time no see btw! How's the tank coming along?

Getting better & better - really like the pink birds nest

Appreciate the kindness Michael B. Thank you. :)

Great update. The tank is coming along nicely.

Thanks Chris! It's getting there slowly but surely. ;)

Very nice...How are the chromis.....still have the same number

Thanks Steve. Chromis are doing great! Still have all 9. I've been feeding them fairly heavy with a combination of Cyclopeeze, Rods, and some flake as well. They seem fat and happy and best of all they don't pick on each other. :)
WOW! Drumer, I am loving the candycane! Awesome corals!

Any reason why you chose Revive, over say, CoralRx or another dipping treatment?

Thanks fishmonkey. :) Candycanes are my guilty pleasure. I'm still looking for a frag of the same variety that were in my 40g. They are one of my favorite corals. I just used Revive simply because that's what my LFS had at the time and they thought it was effective. I plan on picking some CoralRx up as well, maybe when I get some more corals for the tank I'll try it out.

Hey awesome tank, read from page 99. So in case i skimmed over it have you put bio pellets back on? If not what are you using besides skimmer and wc? Congrats on getting control of the dinos!

Thank you 93dxeg. ;) The pellets are still off-line. If I start to see a dramatic increase in PO4 or NO3 I'll put them back online but for now nutrient levels are still staying in check.

This tank is simply amazing...

Thanks Benson, much appreciated. :)

Looking good Brett. I cant believe this thread is 130 pages already.

Ha! I'm glad you guys aren't too bored with the progress. I appreciate the help and are flattered you have stuck it out through it all. Thanks for the kind words. :)