Team RC
Thanks Brett for the quick reply,and thanks Max for the web site they do indeed have what I have been searching for. This is truly an informative thread.
No problem. Let me know how it turns out!
Thanks Brett for the quick reply,and thanks Max for the web site they do indeed have what I have been searching for. This is truly an informative thread.
So I'm seriously considering swapping my sand bed with new sand. Doesn't matter how much siphoning, lights out, etc... it just never looks clean or white anymore. I really think it's the remnants of the Dinos that have stuck to the grains making it look brown. What's the likely hood of it ending up the same if I try on of these...?
1. Cook new sand in a rubbermaid container (with lid) for a couple months, seeding it with a cup of sand from the display. I would dose bacteria and feed a little food weekly to keep the bacteria happy.
2. Gradually siphon out the old sand bed over a few weeks while adding the new "cured" sand to replenish until all the new sand has been added.
1. Keep same step 1.
2. Siphon out ALL of the old sand at once and replenish with the new sand bed during one water change.
Do you think either of these methods would work or would I end up in the same place I am currently?
Personally, I would just leave it until whatever it is cycles itself out. If that isn't what you want, siphon it all out and put all new sand in with a water change. Removing the sand will probably drive the dinos to the rock and corals. Sand is not going to be perfect, folks with perfect sand are just replacing it at regular intervals to make their tank look nice.
Personally, I would just leave it until whatever it is cycles itself out. If that isn't what you want, siphon it all out and put all new sand in with a water change. Removing the sand will probably drive the dinos to the rock and corals. Sand is not going to be perfect, folks with perfect sand are just replacing it at regular intervals to make their tank look nice.
Why not simply use live sand from CaribSea or Nature's Ocean?
Could you consider going sand less until the dinos are all gone? I had a bad case of dinos in my old 180, which had a sand bed. I had to move, so I took the rock/coral/livestock from the 180 and added them, along with ~20 gallons of water from the "dino tank", to a smaller tank. There was no sand bed in the smaller tank, and I've had no dinos at all in the year since. Maybe taking the sand out for a while will help with the battle?
Why not pull the sand, do like Fish suggested, go w/o sand till dinos clear up. Then I'd just add straight dry sand. I love the Carib Sea special grade stuff. Nice & small yet doesn't get blown around easily. You will be fine. I have always used dry sand with great results. Also keep the sand bed at a minimum like 1/2-3/4". Just enuf to keep the bottom white and not enuf to trap crap! You will only need like 40#. I started with max of 60# in my 250g tank! And i am sure I have siphoned about 5# or so out this far and still have plenty if not too much. Plus this thin layer is very easy to siphon and or just stir up to feed corals & filter feeders.
I think your OVERTHINKING & complicating it with the cooking & bateria & slowing changing! You will have plenty of bacteria in your tank thus far and your load & stock is still very low.
Are you seeing the air pockets/bubbles on the dino algae? I'm battling it probably worse than you are right now. My only problem is it still does not resemble dino's to me. It's almost a cross between dino/cyano. It's not red, yet it's not snot brown. It grows a tad like cyano, but doesn't snot up like dino's should.
I'm really debating doing chemi-clean in my tank this weekend just to see if this is bacteria driven or not. My p04 isn't budging and I'm still running the pellets and dumping food in my tank. I've tried lowering feedings which kills corals, and upped feeding which helps this algae grow, which says to me it's feeding off excess nutrients.
Let me know if that helps you, because mine is all over my rocks and sandbed right now!!
I would remove it all at once if your gonna remove it.
I would just take it all out, let your tank go BB till the dino's/cyano clear up and then add 100% new DRY sand. I used Tropical Eden Reeflakes and I love them, they don't move with 2 MP40's and it's a nice grain size. Premium Aquatics has it in stock always.
On a separate note...I've gotten alot of PM's asking about my feeding habits to get "shaggy SPS". Brett if you don't mind I'd like to post my "recipe" on here, but I don't wanna hijack your thread. Let me know if you're cool with it and I shall share.
Personally, I would just leave it until whatever it is cycles itself out. If that isn't what you want, siphon it all out and put all new sand in with a water change. Removing the sand will probably drive the dinos to the rock and corals. Sand is not going to be perfect, folks with perfect sand are just replacing it at regular intervals to make their tank look nice.
I completely agree. I truly believe the more nonsense you go through now the stronger you will be in the future. Its just taking all the dry sand and rock time to catch up.
sage advice
then again I also force mine to grow in my sump/refugium by using lower kelvin lights then I use in the display. This way I can siphon them out pretty easy.
I did my chemi clean over the last 3 days and it did absolutely nothing to my tank, other than worrying about it constantly and rushing home after work to see if it killed anything just because of the horror stories you read on it.
I followed directions to the letter and had no loss or even remotely any stress. Your skimmer definately goes nuts, and running carbon seems to be the best way to remove the medication afterwards.
It did nothing to my algae I have, and my next shot is 3 days lights out.
So how is everything going Brett? Have you decided on wether or not to keep the BP's offline? I think after talking with a few people here and there with tanks I admire, they have a few things in common with bacteria/pellets and some additives.
Are you still dosing coral snow at all? I just put in an order today for a couple zeo additives/bacteria in hopes of knocking out some algae.
Hey Josh! Everything is doing OK, just maintaining at this point. All the fish are great and the corals are looking good. I've had to do some semi-regular lights out periods to battle the remaining dinos (or whatever it is), but it usually takes care of it for a few weeks in between. BP is still offline since I'm trying the Chaeto. Not much growth but the NO3 is holding around 15ppm. I haven't dosed much Zeo stuff in the last few months but had good luck with the products when I was dosing regularly. Good luck and let me know how the additives work for you!![]()
glade to hear from you Brett - I was about to put out a missing reefers all points bulletin on you.