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a orange diamond goby and tiger tail cucumber and 2 sand sifting starfish in my tank keep my dino's gone from my sand bed.. looks crystal white just like when i put it into the tank..
Thanks Pete.Still battling these stupid Dinos though. Don't really know what else to try at this point. Not a big deal, since they aren't in epic proportions as the pics show, but there's just enough to make the sand bed look dirty. They also cling to the glass a bit as well. Do you think time will just take it's course and they will eventually just go away or is there something else I can try?
This is the same thing I'm going through Brett. Up until this point we had been taking a little bit different path, but I'm not convinced mine are dino's but wow this stuff takes over the sand bed REALLY quick.
a orange diamond goby and tiger tail cucumber and 2 sand sifting starfish in my tank keep my dino's gone from my sand bed.. looks crystal white just like when i put it into the tank..
they should go away as the sytem goes through all the cycles and matures, but can be a PITA untill then. Having a fuge (macro algea) should help but it still needs to run it's course. You could add a small fighting conch to eat the stuff but they pretty much only clean the sand bed.
Good info... Over the last couple days I've noticed more of the stuff in the sump, in the "fuge" section. I guess the shop light has really fueled them. Will the Chaeto be OK if I turn the fuge light off for a couple days? I'll see if I can find a Fighting Conch too.
mine is a dsb about 5-6" of oolitic sand..
also have a fuge with chaeto and GFO reactor.. i think a combo of things really keeps it at bay..
So after 6 months I went to change my filters in my RO/DI and actually orderd a few more DI canisters so that I'm running almost 8 in series. I think I found some of my algae problems oddly enough. My system is hooked up basically identical to you. I was amazed to see my TDS up around 25 ppm.
Are you noticing any TDS creep from having your RO unit hooked up directly to your reservoir? My RO unit stays on 24/7 and definately is suffering massively from TDS creep. Have you checked yours lately?
the cheato should be fine for a couple days without light but as long as the nutrients are there and the dinos are the primary consumer they will grow in the easiest place. IMO I'd just let them grow in the sump (rather then the tank) keep them in check until another cycle kicks in and helps consume the excess nutrients
I'm considering buying a couple more balls of Chaeto to throw in the sump too.
I would consider another type of macro. I don't believe your current nutrient level will be able to sustain healthy chaeto grow to outcompete the dino. Although adding more bio-mass (a few more chaeto balls) might increase its chance, the entire colony will also slow down. John (at has a great article which he categorizes different macro according to grow and nutrient requirement. Chaeto is what he considered "consistent macro" which basically means it needs a consistent high level of nutrient to thrive. It's extremely efficient at absorbing N & P but once level drop down, grow also slow down significantly. It's not uncommon to heard stories of people wondering why their chaeto colonies which have been doing fine for a few months and then all the sudden stop growing and cover in cyano. I would suggest you try a "pulse macro" or "middle of the road macro" described below. Once you have a colony established, it should quickly outcompete the dino.
Stocking the Sump/Refugium
Thanks Pete. I'm considering buying a couple more balls of Chaeto to throw in the sump too. I'm not seeing any appreciable difference in NO3 levels with the modest amount of Chaeto I'm currently growing, and it's growing slower than I had expected. It's only 3 bucks a ball at the LFS so I could get a few more if you'd think it would help.
I'm sure it would help but my experiance with macro algeas (although limited) is consistant with that article. Cheato just happens to be a very low maintenance macro algea but is not as good at excess nutrient removal as others. Regardless you may find you need to dose some chelated iron to help promote any macro growth, just a thought.
Chelated Iron... Care to expound?Would dosing Iodine (Lugols) do the same thing? I don't know anything about chelated iron dosing.
just an iron additive that makes it soluable in water
this stuff
the last time I bought some was a couple years ago and it was just the Iron without manganese. I oly used it to jump start the macro algea in the fuge, I don't normally dose it
OK gotcha. I saw Microbe-Lift also makes a product too. Do you think it had a direct impact on your macros, specifically Chaeto? Obviously you recommended it so I'm guessing you thought it made a difference...
I got substantial growth after using the product more so with caulerpa then the cheato, but still significant in both. That said the tank was young and there were a lot of other cahnges going on so the growth could very well have been influenced by something else.
Alright Brett, you're always tinkering with something! What's the latest?
Have you acquired any new corals or fish?
Sorry I've been away for awhile. Been crazy busy with work and other stuff... Nothing new to report as far as fish and coral go. This week I have been doing another lights-out period (again), since after adding the Chaeto I had another Dino bloom. Corals and fish are happy and staying feed, I've been turning the lights on for 30 minutes or so at night just to keep them feed. I'll try and get a FTS up later this weekend once I get the lights back on their normal schedule.![]()