drummereef's 180g in-wall build

It took me a solid week to get through your thread. Your attention to detail is absolutely amazing. Thank you for such a detailed roadmap of how to build an absolutely excellent setup.
Hello to you all I am from the collinsville area and am in town regularly. I am currently living in Indi and will be moving that direction soon. I have all intentions to start a build of a 125 display with 75 gallon sump and an additional grow out tank soon so I appreciate this thread. You can imagine my suprise when I relized the large portion of you are from my hometown area. Does the St. Louis area have a group?
I have to agree with you here Premium is a great place. I live in Indi and they have been a great help. If you ever need something from them and dont want shipping let me know. I am in St. Louis often and have no problem picking it up for you if I will be in town.
Anyone know if Brett is alive and doing well? I know the St. Louis guys must know. I don't think he's even logged on in a couple months.

Nanook may know by chance?
I spoke with him via email a few mos ago (well after his last post) and he mentioned he had been very busy and yet to get on here. So last I knew like early Nov he was doing good. Just SUPER Busy. I sent him another to check in. He may see that and not be getting RC emails.

Hopefully all is well in his life still...family, tank and all!
Anyone know if Brett is alive and doing well? I know the St. Louis guys must know. I don't think he's even logged on in a couple months.

Nanook may know by chance?

Not sure, Brett lives a bit west of me and he isn't active in our local club (SLASH). I too hope he is OK and wonder if he just got burnt out after making the perfect setup:D
Hey Guys!!! :D As you can imagine, been super busy the last few months and haven't had time to update you here as much as I would like to. :( I am alive and well haha - and thank you all for your concern! :thumbsup:

The tank is doing OK, still maintaining as I was doing before. I will try and get some updated pics up soon (maybe tonight?). I also did a a couple changes to the tank you might find interesting... I removed 98% of the sand bed, or at least as much as my tubing could get to. This is temporary to see if the sand was contributing to the Dino issue. I plan on adding new dry sand back to the system when I get a chance to do so. I recently put the bio-pellets back online to address the NO3s as well. They were sticking around 20ppm so I figured they wouldn't hurt in the mean time, as well as be more diligent with my water changes. Other than that, PO4 is still 000, maintaining ~9.0dkh with Kalkwasser, and just trying to keep my corals and fish as happy as I can. I did lose one small Chromis a few weeks ago from some type of fugal or bacterial something. But all the other fish seem to be content. A couple of my smallest coral frags succumbed to the Dinos but the larger frags are doing OK.

I will try and update you as much as I can now that I seem to have a little more free time. I apologize I missed some of your earlier questions, so since those might have been answered already, maybe we can start fresh from here...? ;)

I need to add some sand back before I start taking FTS's again - looks so bare right now. I also have been going through a bubble algae breakout, no doubt from the NO3, but I've been pruning it back. Did some more tonight so the tank was a bit messy for pics but here's one from tonight that wasn't too bad. :)

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glad to see everything is all right, you had me worried tha tyou got out of the hobby or something

Me? Never! :rollface: I do admit I was a little disinterested for a while because of the Dino's, bubble algae, etc... but I've got my game face on and am getting through it. Hopefully it will make for a stronger system right...? OR maybe just drive me crazy. LOL :spin2:
Your LB looks chubby, Brett, unless I'm not seeing right. Such characters. You may have some algae issues, but at least you have some good coralline growing on your Marco Rocks. I just have whitish patches where it is trying to grow, but just won't take. Are your corals growing as well as they were, and maintaining color?

I am glad you are keeping some interest going. I truly feel - having done it - that it's very difficult to start a tank with primarily dry rock. I feel that there is a "balance" that is missing that takes some good time establish itself. I am considering adding a little more live rock to my sump (after a serious search for trustworthy stuff), in the hope that more biological diversity will kick my growth into gear. And I, too, need to be a bit more diligent with water changes. 10% each week, perhaps.

I'm really glad you are back on the forum!
Me? Never! :rollface: I do admit I was a little disinterested for a while because of the Dino's, bubble algae, etc... but I've got my game face on and am getting through it. Hopefully it will make for a stronger system right...? OR maybe just drive me crazy. LOL :spin2:


So wierd you are having 110% the exact same problems I had. My tank had never looked worse, I lost all my initial frags, snails were dying left and right. While my problems appear to be worse than yours. I literally fought GHA with cyano covering that and with dino's floating around the tank. I was so mad I about quit :headwalls:




This is what I battled after I was able to get rid of the cyano that was growing on top. Not to mention the dinos that to this day still hang around very minimally. I went through great lengths to get rid of all this algae, and finally beat it. After a good amount of Lanthanum Chloride in combination with GFO and massive amounts of carbon changed every 3 days, it subsided but dino's still show up here and there.

I became so mad that I decided to start DUMPING in hydrogen peroxide and was going through 150+ml a day. It ticked off what coral I had for about a hour each time but they never looked better once the dino's went away.

Now my new shipment of coral is all doing well and growing. Sorry for the rant :D