drummereef's 180g in-wall build

Next up was paint...

I used Rustoleum Self Etching Primer to undercoat the frame pieces.


The Self Etching Primer lays flat and bonds to the aluminum very well.


Once dry I used the appropriate frame corners to assemble the frames.


Assembled frame ready for finish paint.


For the top coats I first sprayed a few coats of Matte Black Krylon Fusion paint to build up the color.


Once dry, I buffed with a Scotch-Brite pad to prep for the top coat. I then sprayed a couple coats of Gloss Black Krylon Fusion to finish up the painting.


Finished product.


To be continued... :fish1:
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Next, I gathered the materials to screen the frames. I used 1/4" clear mesh from BRS, .125 gauge black spine, and a spline roller.


First I cut the mesh material to a rough size leaving enough excess to be able to pull the mesh tight while seating the spline.


Starting in one corner, I used the grooved side of the roller to press the spline into the channel on the frame. Moving slowly I made sure to keep a straight line so the mesh would look even when stretched. After seating the spline I used the flat side of the roller to completely seat the spline into the channel.


Once I rolled out the entire length of frame I cut the end of the spline with a utility knife.


I then used a flat head screw driver to seat the end into the corner. The screwdriver also works well to tuck the spline into the corners where the roller can't get to.


Using a flat razor blade, I cut the excess mesh from the frame.


Finished panel.


Here's all 3 panels installed on the tank. All in all, the project was fairly simple but took a few days since I opted to paint the frames. I feel confident I won't have any more jumpers now that the tops are in place. :)

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Your attention to detail is astounding. There is NO WAY I would ever go to that much work painting the non-visible tops of an in-wall tank, but I have to say the finished product looks so clean and professional you might just yet make me a believer.

Will you give as any hints as to the new fish you might be adding?
Thanks for sharing this, Brett. Are there plastic frame alternatives to the aluminum that you are aware of? And are you confident than the aluminum painted will be fine (particularly inside portion where the spline lays which may have not gotten painted)?
Great documentary :thumbsup:

Thanks Pete. :)

A great work no fish jumping after today :)

Indeed! One is more than enough. ;)

Your attention to detail is astounding. There is NO WAY I would ever go to that much work painting the non-visible tops of an in-wall tank, but I have to say the finished product looks so clean and professional you might just yet make me a believer.

Will you give as any hints as to the new fish you might be adding?

Ha! I debated myself to just slap it together but you know me... I couldn't live with myself if I had. :D I'll update everyone on the new arrivals, just want to get them home first. I'll give you a tiny hint though, there are 4 of them. :)

Thanks for sharing this, Brett. Are there plastic frame alternatives to the aluminum that you are aware of? And are you confident than the aluminum painted will be fine (particularly inside portion where the spline lays which may have not gotten painted)?

I couldn't find plastic frames, but didn't spend much time looking. Most people use the pre-painted aluminum frames without issue though. I just took the extra time to hopefully ensure a little more longevity out of them by painting them myself. That way I could spray a little primer inside the ends of each piece and get as much paint into the channel as I could. If you are still worried after assembling the screens, you could always spray some Clear Krylon Fusion over the frames, channel, and spline. That way the whole assembly would be pretty much water proof and since it's clear, wouldn't effect the aesthetics of the clear mesh. ;)

Looking very nice! I love the attention to detail on those.

Thanks eced98lx. :)
I did the same thing for my tank because I ordered a Blue Spot Jawfish. Being that they are known for being jumpers, I thought it best to do this too. Was really easy and effective.
Are you planning to secure them down somehow or is the weight of the mesh doing the work? I have a 180 I'll be building a set for too :)!
Are you planning to secure them down somehow or is the weight of the mesh doing the work? I have a 180 I'll be building a set for too :)!

I haven't seen a need to secure the frames down to the top of the tank thus far. It would take an awfully strong fish to jump out fast enough to push the lids off the tank. I'm actually considering adding some acrylic handles of some kind to make lifting them for feeding easier. ;)

My new fish are home! :dance: This time around I decided to try a Harem of Dispar Anthias. They are very fat and healthy, and are already eating prepared foods which I'm very pleased with. Here's some pics.





I also picked up a new supply of foods to feed the tank, especially the new additions. I know many people suggest feeding Anthias multiple times a day, but what exactly does that mean? How many hours apart does feeding "multiple" times mean? I usually mix up some frozen preparations and/or flake and feed a few times between 9pm and 1am when my lights are on (and I'm home). I figured this would suffice as "multiple" feedings...?

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Gorgeous fish! Yeah, from what I hear those are pretty good jumpers. Glad to hear you're will be staying in the tank. ;)

Indeed! I knew the second I was putting him into the drip container that it was good I had made the covers for my tank. Little bugger was trying to jump out of the 1g container no more than 20 seconds after he went in; and this was after being stressed from being shipped from BlueZooAquatics. Now he is loving his tank and digging burrows all over his little territory. One of the coolest fish I have ever had. So much personality.
Indeed! I knew the second I was putting him into the drip container that it was good I had made the covers for my tank. Little bugger was trying to jump out of the 1g container no more than 20 seconds after he went in; and this was after being stressed from being shipped from BlueZooAquatics. Now he is loving his tank and digging burrows all over his little territory. One of the coolest fish I have ever had. So much personality.

Good to hear! :)

Will be watching to see if they pick each other off, or if they all stay a happy family!

Only nice fish are allowed in Drummer's tank. :lol:

I would just feed once I day personally. Maybe two on the weekends when you are around. I have 7 bartletts that are on once a day. I feel dispar are a bit more heardy than a purple queen that require to eat all day. That's just my opinion though.

I would just feed once I day personally. Maybe two on the weekends when you are around. I have 7 bartletts that are on once a day. I feel dispar are a bit more heardy than a purple queen that require to eat all day. That's just my opinion though.

Gotcha. They seem to really like the Rod's and frozen Cyclop-eeze fwiw. The Mini Mysis might be a bit to large for their size right now but I did see them take a couple bites. What's your feeding regimen like?

stunning pictures Brett

Thanks Pete. I need to go back and review your feeding protocol. ;)