drummereef's 180g in-wall build

After putting that much work into it and making it look THAT good, it is a little sad that it will be "just" a refugium. How long do you think it will take before the chaeto is relegated to one side and a super fancy (and clean) egg crate rack is in place on the other side for a full fledged frag grow out section?

Ha! I'm thinking in a month or two I'll have a better idea of what rock I want to go with. With it being so hot here in the midwest I think it's best to wait until the weather cooperates since shipping rock this time a year would ensure quite a bit of die-off, which is what I'm trying to avoid.

I wanted to get everyone's opinion on TBS or Gulfview rock etc? What's your thoughts on using aquacultured live rock for the new fuge?
Why not go with some base rock.. too paranoid these days with parasites, etc. If I had to choose between the two, I'd probably go with well honestly they're both pretty similar. I know of TBS more so than gulfview, they get pretty favorable reviews.. Yep, I am not helpful.
Well, we've all seen Dennis's tank which is probably the most glowing review for TBS rocks that anyone could give. If you are worried about hitchhikers, I suppose you could always buy 50% base rock and fill in the other 50% with carefully selected rock from a reputable LFS, or maybe even a friendly local reefer. You could even offer to give the local reefer back some extra base rock once it has been seeded by whatever he gave you.
Ha! I'm thinking in a month or two I'll have a better idea of what rock I want to go with. With it being so hot here in the midwest I think it's best to wait until the weather cooperates since shipping rock this time a year would ensure quite a bit of die-off, which is what I'm trying to avoid.

I wanted to get everyone's opinion on TBS or Gulfview rock etc? What's your thoughts on using aquacultured live rock for the new fuge?

Order up dryrock (avoid any pests or issues)
then add your macro's that you like,

start your pods with:

don't remember which ones are ideal for us, but read up!

I think i stocked my "3gal" fudge (hahaha) but seems to have helped with

I have been succesfully keeping like 6 wrasses, and a mandarain so it must be helping. Had troubles with the mandarain for sure prior to this.
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I wouldn't touch live rock from anyone either. Better off getting the base rock and seeding with what you want.

I can't imagine going through all the work you have up to this point just to try to get some bio-diversity, to end up with pests.

Just do dry rock and put a few bottles of pods in there, some filter feeders and call it a day.
Why not go with some base rock.. too paranoid these days with parasites, etc. If I had to choose between the two, I'd probably go with well honestly they're both pretty similar. I know of TBS more so than gulfview, they get pretty favorable reviews.. Yep, I am not helpful.

Haha. Thanks Electrobes. :)

Well, we've all seen Dennis's tank which is probably the most glowing review for TBS rocks that anyone could give. If you are worried about hitchhikers, I suppose you could always buy 50% base rock and fill in the other 50% with carefully selected rock from a reputable LFS, or maybe even a friendly local reefer. You could even offer to give the local reefer back some extra base rock once it has been seeded by whatever he gave you.

Good ideas Alex. I'm a little concerned about hitchhikers but considering it's a separate tank I'm not sure it would be a significant issue. I'm planning on running the fuge, rock and all, for a few weeks before putting it online anyway just to give me a little time to catch any issues. Hmmm. :hmm3:

Order up dryrock (avoid any pests or issues)
then add your macro's that you like,

start your pods with:

don't remember which ones are ideal for us, but read up!

I think i stocked my "3gal" fudge (hahaha) but seems to have helped with

I have been succesfully keeping like 6 wrasses, and a mandarain so it must be helping. Had troubles with the mandarain for sure prior to this.

Oh...Full Under Tank Sump shot now please!!

Well, that's what I started the tank with as you know... That's why I was a little more interested in real live rock this time. I still think there's something missing in the bio diversity of my tank. Nothing scientific but just more of a feeling... Just to have a decent colony of filter feeders and sponges would be nice, which my display is basically devoid of - except for some tube worms that are still sticking around. :spin2:

Is there something specific in the sump you want to see or just a full sump shot? :)

Ya, big fan of TBS here. Two more weeks! :D

Your build is making it that much more tempting! I'm counting down the days to when your rock comes in. :D

Amazingly Clean build

Thanks hackney. :)

I wouldn't touch live rock from anyone either. Better off getting the base rock and seeding with what you want.

I can't imagine going through all the work you have up to this point just to try to get some bio-diversity, to end up with pests.

Just do dry rock and put a few bottles of pods in there, some filter feeders and call it a day.

That's exactly what I did with the display to seed it, along with a tiny amount of live sand from PA. But like I was saying, I think the "system" is still - even after a couple years - somewhat sterile. Now, ideally I'd like to keep the creepy crawlies in the fuge but debating how difficult that would actually be is a tough one. I can't see a lot of stuff making it over the elbow drains I plumbed unless it's in spore form, but I don't know... :hmm3:

After Salali called it out, I bet Brett is waiting to make post #14000 something special.

Hahaha. Nothing new yet. Been working on some other projects and still debating the rock idea. Now that I think about it, I guess I could fill up the fuge tank and at least get a few clumps of macro to grow in there in the mean time... :idea: At least I'd have something to look at instead of an empty plastic box. :lol:
You know, looking back on this thread I've come to realize that you are awesomely OCD in your work, especially the equipment room. I think your room is so clean you feel like there's a lack of life in the tank. In the last ten years of reefing, I've done the same and seeing your thread just reminded me that "sterile" ain't bad.. but it does feel like my tank grows slower because of it.

I really like what the others of suggested here about using base rock and adding pods.. I am just so afraid for you adding in the unknown to hopefully get this life spark you're looking for. I say if the fish and coral look well I would stick with it. We all know what happens when we gamble on a reef with an unknown... Us cursing, the spouses unhappy, and the thunder rolling! :lol:

just looking to see what the sump layout looks like now and how thing flow thru. Nothing major.

Also as far as "extra" bio diversity, you really get "tons" of stuff just appearing over time. They must be in deep hibernation locked in that dry rock and oncethey get revived with water just come to life. Also many different bacteria and what not survive your coral washes and will also help to furthur diversify as you get new frags.

I wouldn't risk getting new LR just to add diversity. If you feel you need to go this route, see if you can get a small piece or two from a local reefer you trust. Or get a few small pieces of dry rock and add to a local reefers system for a few mos and remove later to get some "extra" diversity....

But i think your over analyzing this again. when just adding the extra 70 gal and LR will soon be a hot bed of critters, sponges, pods, mini starfish and what not.....
You know, looking back on this thread I've come to realize that you are awesomely OCD in your work, especially the equipment room. I think your room is so clean you feel like there's a lack of life in the tank. In the last ten years of reefing, I've done the same and seeing your thread just reminded me that "sterile" ain't bad.. but it does feel like my tank grows slower because of it.

I really like what the others of suggested here about using base rock and adding pods.. I am just so afraid for you adding in the unknown to hopefully get this life spark you're looking for. I say if the fish and coral look well I would stick with it. We all know what happens when we gamble on a reef with an unknown... Us cursing, the spouses unhappy, and the thunder rolling! :lol:


just looking to see what the sump layout looks like now and how thing flow thru. Nothing major.

Also as far as "extra" bio diversity, you really get "tons" of stuff just appearing over time. They must be in deep hibernation locked in that dry rock and oncethey get revived with water just come to life. Also many different bacteria and what not survive your coral washes and will also help to furthur diversify as you get new frags.

I wouldn't risk getting new LR just to add diversity. If you feel you need to go this route, see if you can get a small piece or two from a local reefer you trust. Or get a few small pieces of dry rock and add to a local reefers system for a few mos and remove later to get some "extra" diversity....

But i think your over analyzing this again. when just adding the extra 70 gal and LR will soon be a hot bed of critters, sponges, pods, mini starfish and what not.....

Thanks for the advice guys. You're not helping my confidence with my master plan. :lol2: Just kidding... :D So I'm thinking about getting 30lbs or so of BRS Pukani dry rock this time along with maybe 25lbs of cured Manado live rock from Premium Aquatics to seed it. I think that would be a decent balance of both worlds and still give the fuge a little kick start as well. Thoughts?
well, my thoughts are your are taking a slight risk by adding the LR to maybe get some "extra" diversity.

You gotta have a local reefer you trust well that you culd either grab some small reef rubble or sand from to seed the fudge.

Add some pods from Algagen, some macro alagaes if you want and call it a day!!! My 2cents...AGAIN
I'm with pretty much everyone else. What is your ultimate goal by doing this? Bio-diversity for what....just because?

It takes one piece of bryopsis or aiptasia, or anything and you fight it forever. To me it's not worth getting a blue clove on a piece of live rock.
well, my thoughts are your are taking a slight risk by adding the LR to maybe get some "extra" diversity.

You gotta have a local reefer you trust well that you culd either grab some small reef rubble or sand from to seed the fudge.

Add some pods from Algagen, some macro alagaes if you want and call it a day!!! My 2cents...AGAIN

I'm with pretty much everyone else. What is your ultimate goal by doing this? Bio-diversity for what....just because?

It takes one piece of bryopsis or aiptasia, or anything and you fight it forever. To me it's not worth getting a blue clove on a piece of live rock.

Ok ok... You guys might be right. :D I guess the live sand I added from the beginning was probably sufficient enough to populate a diverse bacteria population right? I'm sure adding some macros will also help the bio diversity quite a bit as well which I should be able to find locally fairly easily. ;) I just don't want to go through the excess PO4 leaching that I went through before which is why I'm willing to try a different dry rock vendor this time. I know there's also a product (can't remember the name) that people are picking up from local pool supplies which you can drip to release the excess phosphate from the rock before use. Read about it in the Chem forum a while back. People were saying it's very effective at cleaning up the rock prior to use. Might try that as well before putting the rock online.
Couple things I would think about.

How diverse is the bacteria? It's my understanding that essentially one bacteria becomes dominate unless a stronger bacteria comes in and takes over.

Secondly...yes pick up some SeaKlear lathanum chloride (lacl3). Cook your rock with some flow and use that stuff for any leaching you think may happen. I use it in my tank that's running now to help control phosphates. I drip mine in my overflow to a 10 micron sock to help with the precipitate that happens. It's awesome stuff...in my reading and experience it's GREAT at reducing phophates to about a reading of 0.03 but won't go lower than that.
Couple things I would think about.

How diverse is the bacteria? It's my understanding that essentially one bacteria becomes dominate unless a stronger bacteria comes in and takes over.

Secondly...yes pick up some SeaKlear lathanum chloride (lacl3). Cook your rock with some flow and use that stuff for any leaching you think may happen. I use it in my tank that's running now to help control phosphates. I drip mine in my overflow to a 10 micron sock to help with the precipitate that happens. It's awesome stuff...in my reading and experience it's GREAT at reducing phophates to about a reading of 0.03 but won't go lower than that.

cromedogg speaking the truth! haha.

No get the dry rock ordered. I'd get mostly the pukani and some fiji!
Couple things I would think about.

How diverse is the bacteria? It's my understanding that essentially one bacteria becomes dominate unless a stronger bacteria comes in and takes over.

Secondly...yes pick up some SeaKlear lathanum chloride (lacl3). Cook your rock with some flow and use that stuff for any leaching you think may happen. I use it in my tank that's running now to help control phosphates. I drip mine in my overflow to a 10 micron sock to help with the precipitate that happens. It's awesome stuff...in my reading and experience it's GREAT at reducing phophates to about a reading of 0.03 but won't go lower than that.

Yes! That's the stuff - thanks, couldn't remember the exact name but glad to hear you've had good results as well. :thumbsup:

This is one of the cleanest builds I have seen yet. I could waste a few hours going through 158 pages, that is for sure.

Thanks sawcreatives. :)

cromedogg speaking the truth! haha.

No get the dry rock ordered. I'd get mostly the pukani and some fiji!

Ha! Thanks 110. :)