Why kind of Anthias did you try last time?
Dude love this thread, how do you get such good pics of your tank ?
please let me know
Beautiful Wrasse! Ive got 5 Bartletts Anthias and they have done very well, not difficult at all. Add some really nice color to the tank too. You might want to try again.
nice add
and I'm still liking that orange/pink monte
A nice pair of clowns would definetly put some color to the tank !! Allthough i love the B&W ones LOL
When it comes to making a school, go with the chromis, really cheap and extremly hardy. Anthias are great, but they come very big for my liking.
A solitary rock island with a nice carpet anemone would be saaaawwweeeeettttt
I tried 4 lyretail anthias and one male a while back....all got picked on and killed off but the one feamle over a few weeks. I just ordered 2 more females and a male 2 weeks ago and all got along good from day 1?
Chromis are cheap and they do seem to die off over time. From reading seems they need to eat all the time? Maybe that is why they die off too not just from being picked on in the group. But they are cheap. I just added 3 to my mix and doing well.
Also have 2 occy clowns paired up pretty quick. If you get 2 at same time, make sure you get them really small so they are both same sex and then one will become dominate female! I had a pair a while back, make died. Waited about 6 mos and just ordered little guy. They were together in a few days and after a week SHE let him hang in the anemonee at night!
I still think there's something toxic in this form of algae I've been plagued with. I'm considering dosing Ultra Algae X to see if it might get rid of it for good. I dunno... :hmm2:
Personally i would not go that way ... I had in the past a really nasty red algae bloom taking over the tank wich i eliminated using Chemiclean. Maybe you could try it.
Another way you could go (the one i´m right now) is setting up an algae scrubber. Very small and i think it looks cool LOL
I´m using the WAS EC-1.0 (Waterfall Algae Scrubber) model. The guy that makes them is from Mexico, but i know he has been shipping like crazy to the States. Grow your algae where you want it to grow ... not in your DT.
Hope this helps
Good info 110g on the clowns. I will definitely get them paired correctly if I go that route.From your experience are they easy to keep, no issues?
Test/Check your saltwater. Maybe there is something that is in it.
they got along great. and no issues. Cool to see them interact as well
I think you should definitely give Anthias another try. I didn't know you we're still having issues with algae. Do you blame the dry rock? I can't remember, where did the rock come from?
I've tested NO3, PO4 and the TDS of the RO/DI and it comes out OK. I'm going with Pete on this one there is another nutrient in the saltwater that I'm not testing for or can't easily test for that's causing this. :headwally:
Excellent, thanks!
I'm afraid. :lol: Haha. I had a Lyretail early on that died and then more recently the 4 Dispars. I really think it's something in this algae. I have snails mysteriously come up dead occasionally and lost 2 of my 3 Emerald Crabs - presumably to this stuff as well. I'll post a pic in a minute to give you a better look. Literally everything I do, OR DON'T DO, it doesn't matter... the stuff persists.
The rock that is the biggest problem is the Marco Rock I originally purchased, which is 100% (except for 1 small piece) in the display. All the rock in the refugium tank is BRS Pukani, which so far has been OK. I have LEDs over the fuge which obviously will have a different spectrum and PAR than the display so it's not really apples to apples there. I can say without a shadow of a doubt it gets significantly worse when I either top off with saltwater or do a water change. It's like instant fuel for this stuff. :headwallblue:
NO3 is ~2.5
PO4 is 0.03
I recently dosed NaNO3 (sodium nitrate) to get some NO3 in the tank, since my tank never had NO3 from the beginning. This stuff grew with undetectable NO3 as well as trace amounts like I have now so I know it's relatively unrelated. I can say that having a small amount of NO3 has helped the color of my corals and growth has been strong. And I think it's helped drive down the PO4, or made the GFO more effective at removing it.