drummereef's 180g in-wall build

I agree with you as far as the use of fish for cycling thats why I'm watching them and am prepared to put them in my QT if they start to show ill effects of the tank cycle. For some reason I'm kinda freakin' out about starting this tank. Maybe it's the countless hours and my first child's college fund I've spent to get it ready. I don't know!
great bubble killer brett! makes me want a different sump just so i can make those ha ha or maybe i will just make em and save em for later lol!
Great build!!!! I sat here for almost 5 hours and read everything. I want to start my 110g over now...LMAO. Keep up the great work, looking forward to more progress.

Haha, I'm not responsible for a rebuild. :D Thanks Schreff. :)

I agree with you as far as the use of fish for cycling thats why I'm watching them and am prepared to put them in my QT if they start to show ill effects of the tank cycle. For some reason I'm kinda freakin' out about starting this tank. Maybe it's the countless hours and my first child's college fund I've spent to get it ready. I don't know!

Good deal fishreef. I know the feeling about starting up your system, it's nerve racking! :D It will be awesome I'm sure, no worries! :)

great bubble killer brett! makes me want a different sump just so i can make those ha ha or maybe i will just make em and save em for later lol!

Thanks j-dizzle. haha :D
Question... Bought a new 29g tank that I'm going to use for a quarantine system. I just dropped a new sponge in the sump for my Aquaclear HOB that I will use for the bio filter on the quarantine. How long does it typically take for the sponge to populate itself with enough bacteria to support the bio load in a quarantine? How do you know when the sponge is ready for the QT?

Picking up the stand tomorrow so I'll take some pics of the system as I put it together. :)

Got the quarantine system put together. There was a sale at a not-so-popular fish store but I had to take advantage of the $1/gallon tank sale going on. I picked up a 29g (30x12x18) tank for the quarantine with a matching stand. I wanted something portable that I could set up and tear down as needed. So here's what I got.



Putting it together. It's a nice powder coated metal stand. Not the best but it was cheap and easy to put together. It goes together with heavy bolts. They even include an allen wrench for assembly. It also has adjustable leveling feet which worked out nice for my very uneven concrete basement.


Assembled Stand


29g Aqueon tank and stand combo. I already had an Aquaclear 70 HOB that I will use for filtration. Also have a heater in there and will add some PVC pieces for the fishies to hide. I'm also going to add a piece of plywood under the tank just as an insurance policy. It sits fairly flat on the stand but not flat enough for my liking. The plywood should give it a really flat surface and allow me to shim a little if necessary.


The bigger picture... What a mess! :lol: Can't wait for my other EB8 to get here so I can finally take care of the wiring mess. Should be here in a day or so.... cross my fingers. :) The QT is where the refugium tank will be located in the future. Kind of gives me an idea on what size to put there. It will be bigger than a 29g but I do like the 30" width for the space I have available.

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Lucky I wish my local "not-so-popular fish store" had sales like that...
I'm still looking for that mess that your always talking about... have you seen any of my pics... there isn't a picture that doesn't have mess... and the pictures I took hide most of it! Still jealous that you got such a sweet room... everything looks so perfect.
amazing! just went thru every page lol. i love that clean look that you have done with all the wiring and the plumbing. i will definitely being making some of those bubble killers. mounting the computer on a conduit box has given me some ideas to :) will be following along and bookmarked!
Lucky I wish my local "not-so-popular fish store" had sales like that...
I'm still looking for that mess that your always talking about... have you seen any of my pics... there isn't a picture that doesn't have mess... and the pictures I took hide most of it! Still jealous that you got such a sweet room... everything looks so perfect.

Haha, my camera is pretty good about hiding clutter too. :D

amazing! just went thru every page lol. i love that clean look that you have done with all the wiring and the plumbing. i will definitely being making some of those bubble killers. mounting the computer on a conduit box has given me some ideas to :) will be following along and bookmarked!

Thanks for the kind words calamari. :)

nice diy bubble killer. Do you have bubble traps in your sump?

Thanks henrystyle. Yes there is a baffle where the drains enter the sump and also a proper bubble trap before the return section in the sump. The bubble killer is used to control the splashing/bubbling of the drains as water enters the sump. The bubble traps eliminate any remaining bubbles before they get to the return pump. :)
question. Did you do water changes during the cycling process?

Nah. Since I cycled using all Marco rock and dry sand there was no life to preserve. If I had used live rock then I would have definitely. After the cycle finished I waited a few more days and then did my first water change. I've been doing them weekly/biweekly since. :)
nah. Since i cycled using all marco rock and dry sand there was no life to preserve. If i had used live rock then i would have definitely. After the cycle finished i waited a few more days and then did my first water change. I've been doing them weekly/biweekly since. :)

Incredible work, and great photos! I am a huge fan of what you are doing here. Good job. I have been reading this over the past couple of days and have a couple of questions.

Do you remember how large the holes are in your perfecto tank overflows? Are they standard for their corner overflows, or did you have them made a custom size? How long did Perfecto take to get the tank to your local shop where you ordered it?

When you made your opening for the tank in the wall, is the opening exactly 72 x 24 after the sheetrock, or did you make it smaller to hide the tank frame?

I hope you don't mind, but I am replicating much of what you did. Trying to find someone to order the perfecto tank in my area is not easy!
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Incredible work, and great photos! I am a huge fan of what you are doing here. Good job. I have been reading this over the past couple of days and have a couple of questions.

Do you remember how large the holes are in your perfecto tank overflows? Are they standard for their corner overflows, or did you have them made a custom size? How long did Perfecto take to get the tank to your local shop where you ordered it?

When you made your opening for the tank in the wall, is the opening exactly 72 x 24 after the sheetrock, or did you make it smaller to hide the tank frame?

I hope you don't mind, but I am replicating much of what you did. Trying to find someone to order the perfecto tank in my area is not easy!

Hi and thank you cshutchinson. First off, WELCOME to RC! :D

The overflows are the standard Corner-Flo system. Each hole for the drain/return will accomodate a standard 1" bulkhead (not heavy duty). I did however up-size the plumbing on my system to 1.5" drains and returns. The only place I used 1" PVC was in the overflow where the return pipe leads up to the locline. I also used 1" plumbing in the manifold. Everywhere else is 1.5". I did custom order the tank since I went with a starfire front panel. It only took about 3 weeks from the time I ordered it to be shipped to my LFS. The opening where the tank sits is actually larger than the tank. I did this because I plan on trimming the tank in with some kind of molding... one of the many projects I need to finish. :hmm3: It's roughly an inch or two bigger on the sides and top of the tank. Hope this help! :)
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Finally... my other EB8 breakout box came in! I mounted it to the electrical panel but haven't had enough time to finish organizing the wiring. I'm going to hit HD tomorrow for a few wire ties and things to finish that project. It would be perfect if I can get some 3' power cords for the Galaxy ballasts. They are the biggest pain bundling all that extra cord up. Here's what it looks like so far. :)

Still waiting on my request of fish to come in to my LFS. They keep promising anthias and chromis but all I see are gobies and wrasses. Argh... :lol:

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you could just cut the galaxy cords and solder them back together. ;) I'm building a similar electrical panel, but mine will sit 6" off the wall so that I can hide cords behind the panel.
Amazing build Brett!!! With the 5.5 years I spent in St Louis...how is it we never got together?

If I were still there...we would have to have a pizza night. :-)
you could just cut the galaxy cords and solder them back together. ;) I'm building a similar electrical panel, but mine will sit 6" off the wall so that I can hide cords behind the panel.

So true crvz! :D I wonder if standard "computer" power cables would work. These are 13 gauge so I would have to find a similar gauge. I'm guessing computer power supply cables are 16 gauge or something. I thought about putting some spacers behind the panel maybe 2-3" off the wall to hide the cables. That's a great idea crvz. Do you have a link to your electrical panel project?

Amazing build Brett!!! With the 5.5 years I spent in St Louis...how is it we never got together?

If I were still there...we would have to have a pizza night. :-)

Haha, definitely sirreal. :) I've seen you around on the SLASH boards for a long time but I guess we've never formally met. How's everything going in TX? Hot yet? :lol:

It looks good. I can't wait till your LFS finally listens and brings in your fish :D

Me too. You'd think fish like this would be easy to come by but I guess not. I would order them online but I want to use my store credit for something other than dry goods. I have an email sent to them so I'll let you know what's up. :)
Haha, definitely sirreal. :) I've seen you around on the SLASH boards for a long time but I guess we've never formally met. How's everything going in TX? Hot yet? :lol:

San Antonio is awesome...but in comparison to the reefing population in STL...it pales in comparison. It is kind of funny, this place is much larger than STL but the reefing population seems to be significantly less. I know we lack the LFS dedication to reefing.

I miss my old tank, apartment living is rough. I was looking at a DSA NEO 185 yesterday and drooling. 60x30x25 it's hard to pass up, but moving it is not an option. House first, then the tank.

I need to make a trip back to STL and see everyone. Party at Nooks?