drummereef's 180g in-wall build

Sorry to hear that Brett. Thats tough, our cats were our first kids when me and the wife moved into our first house. 14 years ago, lost one a couple years ago and that was tough.
Sorry to hear about your cat. I have one that looks just like her. What was she sick with? My cat has been acting funny for the past couple weeks, we have a vet appointment on Wednesday. Hopefully it will be nothing.
My condolences, It always sucks to lose a loved one... but on a brighter side is the cat won't be suffering. And think of all the good times you have had with the cat and what a life it had getting to watch all those fish all the time. (I try to look at things on a brighter side)
my sempathey. we lost our golden retriver 2 weeks ago. we had here 3 months before me and my wife got married and moved in together, almost 5 years ago. i know how it feels they are part of the family too.

Sorry to hear about your golden coraltastic. It sure is rough when they go quickly.

sorry to hear about your cat - it's never easy losing apet

Thanks Pete.

Sorry to hear about Emma Jean:(

Thank you Nook.

Sorry to hear about your cat. She was a cutie.

She sure was. Thank you bassplaya.

Sorry to hear that Brett. Thats tough, our cats were our first kids when me and the wife moved into our first house. 14 years ago, lost one a couple years ago and that was tough.

Thanks gradth. Sorry to hear about your little one too. Same with us, we got our cats before we were married and they've moved with us 3 times. Gotta love em.

Sorry to hear about your cat. I have one that looks just like her. What was she sick with? My cat has been acting funny for the past couple weeks, we have a vet appointment on Wednesday. Hopefully it will be nothing.

Thanks aquaph8. She was sick on and off with various things. This time they think she had cancer. She had a pancreatitis which was causing severe labored breathing. Lots of fluid in her lungs. The vet said she went quickly so that's good to know. Wish I could have been there with her in those last moments, that's what's tough right now. Getting better though...

My condolences, It always sucks to lose a loved one... but on a brighter side is the cat won't be suffering. And think of all the good times you have had with the cat and what a life it had getting to watch all those fish all the time. (I try to look at things on a brighter side)

Very true Green and thanks. I have a folder of pictures I've been looking through at all the funny things she used to do. Definitely brightens the spirit.

_____________ _ _ _

Thanks again everyone for posting. I really appreciate the kind words, definitely helped lift our spirits. It's been a tough week but we are getting through this. It's amazing how close you can be to a pet. Here's one more pic, probably the best pic I took of Emma. (and then back to fish talk :))

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In other news... the algae bloom continues to flourish. The diatoms are starting to really take hold now along with the brown hair algae. I'll snap a couple pics for you to check out when the lights come on. ;)
In other news... the algae bloom continues to flourish. The diatoms are starting to really take hold now along with the brown hair algae. I'll snap a couple pics for you to check out when the lights come on. ;)

I'm sitting in front of my computer waiting for the lights to come on... :bounce3: and since I can't sit still I'm bouncing around... what time do your lights come on?
:lol: I don't want to mess your day up Green. :D The lights come on around 7pm so I won't have pics until I get back from work. Maybe around 9 or 10 CST tonight. :)

As promised, pics of the algae cycle. A little unsightly but not too bad I suppose. I've just never seen hair algae grow in little tufts or spores like this. They are definitely growing daily in numbers and size along with the diatoms. Here's the pics. :)






Luckily the algae outbreak doesn't seem to bother Mr. Tang. :D I just wish he'd develop an appetite for such things. ;)

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Brett, I really think the hair algae is part of the cycle with the marco rocks, both my tanks went through it. once the coraline takes hold it will go away pretty quick.

Good luck and keep us posted.
Next to come is AQUASCAPING!!! :bounce2: I'm cleaning the rocks right now and should be able to start scaping by tomorrow. :)

Hi there from Argentina. I have been a silent follower with this brillant post. Impresive how you take the time to think things through.

I´m building up a 220g tank and just bought 200lbs of marco rocks.
Could you please tell me how you cleaned the rock ? Do i have to cycle it first or just spray high preasure water on them ?
By the way ... do you know how long does it take till coraline covers up the rock ?

All the best
need a fts we are all waiting.

Ha! I'll try and get one tonight. I started cleaning the tank after I took those pics so the tank got hazy. I'll have a better opportunity tonight.

I think the algae looks cool :D the little spores everywhere.

Not so cool if it's in your own tank. :rollface:

Brett, I really think the hair algae is part of the cycle with the marco rocks, both my tanks went through it. once the coraline takes hold it will go away pretty quick.

Good luck and keep us posted.

Agree gradth. I'm just doing water changes and waiting it out. The coralline will be really slow since I haven't incorporated any live rock with the Marco rock. But if I get the energy to move forward with my refugium I will get a couple pieces to put in the system.

Hi there from Argentina. I have been a silent follower with this brillant post. Impresive how you take the time to think things through.

I´m building up a 220g tank and just bought 200lbs of marco rocks.
Could you please tell me how you cleaned the rock ? Do i have to cycle it first or just spray high preasure water on them ?
By the way ... do you know how long does it take till coraline covers up the rock ?

All the best

Thanks for posting Vlado4x4. :) First, did you buy the Key Largo rock like mine? If so, it's REALLY clean. All I did was fill a 5 gallon bucket with RO/DI water and gave each rock a quick bath. Just enough to get the sediment off the rock. I only changed water twice since hardly anything came off the rocks in the process. The old Fiji rock Marco used to sell was filthy dirty. There were lots of problems with phosphates and the like. This new batch of Key Largo is extremely clean. It almost looks bleached white. No worries. ;)
I bought the Key Largo rock, sure is nice ! Very different sizes too. A hole lote of AQUASCAPING planning in the near future. :artist:

How long till coraline starts growing ? anybody ? :confused::confused:
I do have 30lbs of live rock in my tank right now, so i will help a little bit more. I recomend you do the same, just a couple of lbs will help a lot.

By the way ... why don´t you get a bue leg hermit ? Mine is the best algae controller i have ever seen. Can´t stop eating ! :lol2:
Brett, I really think the hair algae is part of the cycle with the marco rocks, both my tanks went through it. once the coraline takes hold it will go away pretty quick.

Good luck and keep us posted.

I saw the same thing, Brett.
It got pretty ugly for a while, with Diatoms first (a nice think brown coating), then followed by green algae (fuzzy, but not long hair), then giving way to red slime cyano (gross). Now all is well, with a beautiful coralline armor. All of this took about 10 weeks...
I bought the Key Largo rock, sure is nice ! Very different sizes too. A hole lote of AQUASCAPING planning in the near future. :artist:

How long till coraline starts growing ? anybody ? :confused::confused:
I do have 30lbs of live rock in my tank right now, so i will help a little bit more. I recomend you do the same, just a couple of lbs will help a lot.

By the way ... why don´t you get a bue leg hermit ? Mine is the best algae controller i have ever seen. Can´t stop eating ! :lol2:

Could be some time, depending on how the water chemistry is in your tank before you see some significant coralline growth. Just keep your Alk, Ca, and Mag in check and it will have no problem taking hold. ;)