drummereef's 180g in-wall build

San Antonio is awesome...but in comparison to the reefing population in STL...it pales in comparison. It is kind of funny, this place is much larger than STL but the reefing population seems to be significantly less. I know we lack the LFS dedication to reefing.

I miss my old tank, apartment living is rough. I was looking at a DSA NEO 185 yesterday and drooling. 60x30x25 it's hard to pass up, but moving it is not an option. House first, then the tank.

I need to make a trip back to STL and see everyone. Party at Nooks?

Good to hear. Those DSA tanks are awesome. Even though the LFS might be lacking you are lucky to be in an area that has more options as far as tanks and such go. It's hard to get anything custom done up here that's not acrylic. Is there ever NOT a party at Nooks? Hehe. :D
CRVZ- thats a great idea with the raised power panels, I might copy that myself.

Drummereef- We saw what you did with the wiring in all the conduits, if you are unhappy with the ballast connectors why don't you just steal the end pieces and make your own chord? ;)

Very nice work, everything is so nicely laid out and accessible in your fish room. I have much less space then you to work with, but I've been going back through the previous pages of this build trying to glean some pointers on the best way to lay everything out.
CRVZ- thats a great idea with the raised power panels, I might copy that myself.

Drummereef- We saw what you did with the wiring in all the conduits, if you are unhappy with the ballast connectors why don't you just steal the end pieces and make your own chord? ;)

Very nice work, everything is so nicely laid out and accessible in your fish room. I have much less space then you to work with, but I've been going back through the previous pages of this build trying to glean some pointers on the best way to lay everything out.

Thanks Alex. I really like the idea of raising the panel and hiding the wiring behind it. That way I wouldn't have to augment the cables. The only issue is finding enough room to pull the wires through but I have some ideas. I'm just a little scared of my soldering skill that's why I'm leaning towards this other plan. :)
Thanks Alex. I really like the idea of raising the panel and hiding the wiring behind it. That way I wouldn't have to augment the cables. The only issue is finding enough room to pull the wires through but I have some ideas. I'm just a little scared of my soldering skill that's why I'm leaning towards this other plan. :)

No mater how you do it... It will look like it was professionally done.
You have enough DIY skills that I'm confident you could handle a little soldering... But you know your skills better then I do, good luck with whatever you decide. I'll still be tagging along.
No mater how you do it... It will look like it was professionally done.
You have enough DIY skills that I'm confident you could handle a little soldering... But you know your skills better then I do, good luck with whatever you decide. I'll still be tagging along.

Ha, thanks Green. I'll do my best. :)

I found some wire ties so I did a little organizing. Not totally finished of course but at least I can look at it now. :D


Some little things have been popping up in the tank like scypha sponges and the like but I'm a little perplexed as to what these are? Any ideas?

Honestly I'm a little surprised to see any "macro" organisms since they must have come from the 2 cups of live sand I added during the cycle. I didn't see anything in the bag of live sand but... sand. Crazy!

What is it? I've been finding these popping up in the sand. Almost clear in color and tube like. Any ideas?


Also these are almost clear but more stringy than tube like, but growing in a small clump.

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So true crvz! :D I wonder if standard "computer" power cables would work. These are 13 gauge so I would have to find a similar gauge. I'm guessing computer power supply cables are 16 gauge or something. I thought about putting some spacers behind the panel maybe 2-3" off the wall to hide the cables. That's a great idea crvz. Do you have a link to your electrical panel project?

Not yet. I just started building it, so maybe later this week I'll nab a few pictures. the first part is simply a 2'x4' piece of 1/4" birch plywood, but I'll mount some 2x6's on the wall long ways such that they stand about 6" off the wall. then I'll attach the plywood to one of the 2x6's with a hinge so I can access the back easily enough, and then screw it in on the other end to secure it (I could use a latch of some sort, but I don't expect to need access regularly). By the time it's all done, though, it will have 23 controlled outlets (16 on a pair of DC8s and 7 X-10 outlets) and 16 switches on 3 different 20A circuits. All those will distribute throughout the room depending on where they're needed.
That's one of the funnest parts of setting up a system is seeing all the new life "appear" out of nowhere.

Very true Green. :)

Not yet. I just started building it, so maybe later this week I'll nab a few pictures. the first part is simply a 2'x4' piece of 1/4" birch plywood, but I'll mount some 2x6's on the wall long ways such that they stand about 6" off the wall. then I'll attach the plywood to one of the 2x6's with a hinge so I can access the back easily enough, and then screw it in on the other end to secure it (I could use a latch of some sort, but I don't expect to need access regularly). By the time it's all done, though, it will have 23 controlled outlets (16 on a pair of DC8s and 7 X-10 outlets) and 16 switches on 3 different 20A circuits. All those will distribute throughout the room depending on where they're needed.

Sounds awesome crvz. Can't wait to see it put together. :)

Looking good, Brett.
How have you distributed your load across your energy bars?

Hi prop, here's the layout. At full load EB8-1 draws 4.6 Amps. EB8-2 at full load draws 8.5 Amps. These numbers fluctuate as equipment turns on and off but it gives you an idea of max amp draw. Each EB8 is on it's own dedicated 20 amp circuit.

EB8 - 1
Vortech 1
Vortech 2
Tunze 1
Tunze 2
Heater 1
Heater 2

EB8 - 2
Metal Halide Left
Metal Halide Center
Metal Halide Right
Return Pump

So I was doing some research on the things popping up in the tank and it looks like the above pics are sponges, so that's good! :) But... There's been a recent infestation of what looks like spores of brown hair algae. I originally thought they were hydroids, which I was feeling sick about, but there is no tube or skeleton from which they grow. So I don't think it's hydroids thank goodness! I tried to scrape them off the overflows but they are very difficult to remove.

They are everywhere! :uzi:

On the rocks


In the sand


And on the glass


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Repeating what everyone has already said you are the master blaster I wish I lived next door so I could help/learn in person,plus borrow some of your cool tools. A trivial question why have you placed a 90 on your return bulkhead in your sump rather than have the H2O get sucked out straight way? Thanks for all the great ideas.
Cool pics nonetheless!:beer:

Thanks 110. Let's hope I'm right about it just being algae.

Wow you have such good details in your pics.

Thanks Green! :)

Repeating what everyone has already said you are the master blaster I wish I lived next door so I could help/learn in person,plus borrow some of your cool tools. A trivial question why have you placed a 90 on your return bulkhead in your sump rather than have the H2O get sucked out straight way? Thanks for all the great ideas.

Thanks canyousee. :) I originally put a 90 inside the sump to pull water from the lowest point as to avoid any bubbles that might make it to the return plumbing. I have since replaced the 90 with a strainer screen fitting instead. I never really had any bubble problems from the return to the display so I decided to switch it out. The only thing to watch with these is make sure they are clean, don't want the return pump to run dry. :)
Hey everybody, just wanted to share one of our cats passed away today. She had been sick off and on the past few months but this time she lost the battle. Losing a fish is hard but this is really tough. :(

Forever our little baby girl... Emma Jean

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my sempathey. we lost our golden retriver 2 weeks ago. we had here 3 months before me and my wife got married and moved in together, almost 5 years ago. i know how it feels they are part of the family too.