drummereef's 180g in-wall build


OK guys here's a little video I did of the tank. It came out kind of dark but you get the idea. ;)

<object width="400" height="300"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="movie" value="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=13663660&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=0&color=&fullscreen=1" /><embed src="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=13663660&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=0&color=&fullscreen=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="400" height="300"></embed></object><p><a href="http://vimeo.com/13663660"></a><a href="/user3881098"></a><a href="</a>.</p>

Video looks awesome and I'm still envious of the entire build but mine is just around the corner. Just bought the tank and starting the stand build.

A few questions;

What sand did you end up going with, it looks great and it isn't sugar fine sand.

With your being built in the wall as with mine, how are you cleaning the front of the glass efficiently since you can't get a magnet around corners. Do you just have someone help you put it on the front or do you leave it there?

When are you going to start putting some more stock/coral in this thing?
tank looks great sump room very clean job.

Thanks coraltastic. :)

The dark backing on your fish tank, what was it made out of and how did you attach it to your tank again?

It's probably just how the video turned out but there's still no background yet. I have an idea of hanging the background from the lighting track so I can easily move it out of the way to see the back of the tank. But, I still haven't moved forward with that project yet. :o


Video looks awesome and I'm still envious of the entire build but mine is just around the corner. Just bought the tank and starting the stand build.

A few questions;

What sand did you end up going with, it looks great and it isn't sugar fine sand.

With your being built in the wall as with mine, how are you cleaning the front of the glass efficiently since you can't get a magnet around corners. Do you just have someone help you put it on the front or do you leave it there?

When are you going to start putting some more stock/coral in this thing?

Thanks cromedogg. :) The sand is Caribsea Seaflorâ„¢Special Grade Reef Sand. I really like it, especially for shallow sand beds like mine. Easy to vacuum and groom.

I'm still able to get my hand over the front of the tank since I haven't finished the trim work. I'm still debating on the best way to finish it but still have a little access to the front for such tasks. Worst case is I've let the magnet float to the front and I catch it with the handle side on the glass. I always use a microfiber cloth on the outside (handle) to lighten the strength of the magnet. The biggest problem I'm seeing is how to clean the 2-3" right in the corner of the side walls, in the front. There's just a tiny bit of clearance between the glass and the wall so I can't fit my magnet in there. I might be able to get a different magnet between there but might just have to scrape that area with a razor blade instead.

Once I get through the algae cycles I'll start coral stocking. The algae is really taking off so I don't want to risk a coral funeral seeing that the brown/green hair algae is on it's way. :)

Got a couple things on their way. Ordered two NextReef MR1 Reactors. One for carbon, one for GFO. Hoping they get here by Friday but looks like I might have to wait the weekend. Argh... But, on Friday I bring home my male Lyretail Anthias! :bounce1: Can't wait!!! I'll post pics of the little guy when I start acclimating. :)
It's probably just how the video turned out but there's still no background yet. I have an idea of hanging the background from the lighting track so I can easily move it out of the way to see the back of the tank. But, I still haven't moved forward with that project yet. :o

Not sure what exactly you're planning to use, but on my 150 I used black coroplast (plastic sign material) and just velcroed it to the tank. I stuck the velcro behind the overflows so that it couldnt be seen, and it worked very well.
Not sure what exactly you're planning to use, but on my 150 I used black coroplast (plastic sign material) and just velcroed it to the tank. I stuck the velcro behind the overflows so that it couldnt be seen, and it worked very well.

Yeah, kind of the same stuff but my local sign shop carries 1/4" pvc board too. It's a lightweight material for sign making as well. I like it because it's a little more flat than the coroplast and has a matte finish. I just haven't gotten down there to pick up a sheet yet.
Ok, my local sign shop also carries rigid PVC sheets, but I was probably going to go with 1/8" thick. Also, that velcro idea sounds perfect, crvz! I was going to use double sided duct tape at the top and bottom, but the velcro sounds like it would make it a lot easier to work with for maintenance.

Brett, did you ever decide between the black and the dark blue backing?
Ok, my local sign shop also carries rigid PVC sheets, but I was probably going to go with 1/8" thick. Also, that velcro idea sounds perfect, crvz! I was going to use double sided duct tape at the top and bottom, but the velcro sounds like it would make it a lot easier to work with for maintenance.

Brett, did you ever decide between the black and the dark blue backing?

Yep, that's the stuff. I can't remember if it was actually 1/4" but probably most likely 1/8" since it's for signs. Same stuff. I'm 99% I'm going to go with the dark blue color. Might even try and get someone to airbrush the top half to fade up in color a bit. We'll see...

Here's a couple more pics for you guys. The algae cycle continues... :hammer:





Thought this was a rather majestic pic of Mr Tang. He always seems to have a smile on his face. :D


Apparently Mr Tang is unaware there's a veritable forest of fresh algae available. Unfortunately he'd rather have Nori. Can't blame him. :lol:


I have a few of these sponges in the tank as well. This one is hanging out on the drain in the overflow.

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I love updates, and you tank fabulous photos... one question, in the first pic of Mr Tang it looks like there are spots on the fin... is that ick or just debris floating in the water?
I love updates, and you tank fabulous photos... one question, in the first pic of Mr Tang it looks like there are spots on the fin... is that ick or just debris floating in the water?

Hey Green, no there's some algae on the glass so all those little dots you see are copepods. They have multiplied like crazy in the last couple weeks. Guess it's time for a wrasse too. :D Mr Tang just happened to be close enough to the glass when I took that shot to catch the copepods in action. ;)
Hey Green, no there's some algae on the glass so all those little dots you see are copepods. They have multiplied like crazy in the last couple weeks. Guess it's time for a wrasse too. :D Mr Tang just happened to be close enough to the glass when I took that shot to catch the copepods in action. ;)

Glad to hear it :D
... instead of a wrasse why not get a mated pair of these? :D
Oooh, if you do get a pair of Mandarins you should try and get the tank bred ones that ORA is selling now. Once I get my tank up and running I'm going to put my money where my mouth is and get a pair just to try and support captive breeding efforts.

They also naturally eat pellet food when they're captive bred as well, just in case you needed more convincing!
Glad to hear it :D
... instead of a wrasse why not get a mated pair of these? :D

Hehe, I might just do that Green. ;) Although I just saw a yellowtail corris wrasse at the LFS that was absolutely gorgeous. :D

Oooh, if you do get a pair of Mandarins you should try and get the tank bred ones that ORA is selling now. Once I get my tank up and running I'm going to put my money where my mouth is and get a pair just to try and support captive breeding efforts.

They also naturally eat pellet food when they're captive bred as well, just in case you needed more convincing!

Good idea Taq. I'm all in favor of captive breed anything in this hobby. :)


Is there any reason you decided to go with a Galaxy dimmable ballast over any other type?


I just wanted the option to be able to run the Radiums HQI or even switch to 400 watters if need be depending on how demanding the corals get.

The Lyretail Anthias is acclimated and in the tank! :) I felt it was OK to go ahead and add him to the display since he's been at the store for a few weeks in hyposalinity and copper. Here's how I acclimated him.

Here's the tools I used.

Drip Acclimator
Coralife Digital Thermometer
Hydor Mini Aquarium Heater
5 gallon bucket
And a couple clamps


Here's how the drip acclimator hooks over the display for siphoning.




The whole setup. The heater works great since the tank is in the basement where the ambient temp tends to really mess with the bag temp. It's made for 1-2 gallon nano tanks and only raises the temp a degree or two. Once the bag was full I transferred the fish and water into the 5 gallon bucket and continued to acclimate. Should have only taken 3 hours but my drip rate was a little slow so it took around 4 hours to get the salinity to match the display.


I'll get a couple pics of the new fish when he looks tolerant enough to turn the lights on. ;)
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I just wanted the option to be able to run the Radiums HQI or even switch to 400 watters if need be depending on how demanding the corals get.

I guess I should have been more specific. Why did you choose the Galaxy Dimmable over any of the other Dimmable ballast? I am looking to get three dimmable ballasts for my 150 but I am stuck between Galaxy, Lumatek, and CoralVue.

Thanks :)
I guess I should have been more specific. Why did you choose the Galaxy Dimmable over any of the other Dimmable ballast? I am looking to get three dimmable ballasts for my 150 but I am stuck between Galaxy, Lumatek, and CoralVue.

Thanks :)

Oh LOL! :lol: Mostly the reputation Sunlight Supply has and the warranty they come with. That and Jeremy at Premium Aquatics gave me a good deal on them. :D I think the Galaxy and Lumateks are essentially the same as far as PAR and general performance goes if that helps. Jeremy claims they even come from the same factory in China, they just get stamped with a different label.